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1、Unit 1 Text B The future of English I. Reading comprehension 1-8 DBDC ACCD II. Learning about words A. 1. scarcely 2. indefinitely 3. equivalent 4. extinct 5. outnumber 6. readily 7. disposable 8. cater for 9. justification 10. curriculum B. BBCB AAAC III. Translation 1. 用不了多久世界上就很难找到孩子们不学英语的地区了,因为多

2、项国家政策的推出,加上父母们的期望,以及个人的发展志向都表明,他们都相信英语是未来最重要的语言。 2. 眼下东南亚地区正遭受的经济动荡着实严重,但这很可能不过是世界总体往前发展的大势中的一个小波折。 3. 我们正逐渐摒弃那种欧洲复兴时期所倡导的独一或者统一语种的理念。现在,我们认为大家都应该能用多种语言跟其他能使用多种语言的人进行各方面的交流。 4. 在亚洲,大家对年轻人使用语言的期望正在发生一场变革,而且正开始由静悄悄变得愈为明显,这一点通过他们在卫星直播中开始更多使用本国语言就可以得知,那就是他们不再像以往那样侧重推广英语,而更加倡导使用本国语言。MTV就是很好的例子,为了吸引年轻歌迷,它

3、的预告片,专辑介绍,字幕,歌词和节目制作都使用本国语言。 5. 如若整个世界都只说英语,我们可以假想一个语言学习课程表,课程涵盖的是英语的几种方言的特点。或者把这些不同的方言都直接列给学生们,他们可以选一种方言作为日常使用,其他的用来学习。 IV. Paraphrasing 1. This century is ending; its about time to think again, about whether we have misunderstood the importance of English. 2. There have been more and more people w

4、ho choose Chinese as a second or foreign language. 3. Being able to use more languages, in the future, the youth will have a stronger sense of global awareness than their ancestors. V. Building your vocabulary A. 1. megaphone 2. megacycle 3. omnipresent 4. multiply 5. megalomania 6. omniscient 7. me

5、gaton 8. multimillionaire 9. multitude B. a. break ones heart 5 b. change of heart 4 c. have a heart 6 d. set ones heart on 2 e. by heart 1 f. to ones hearts content 3 g. eat ones heart out 9h. with half a heart8 i. from the heart11 j. heart in mouth7 k. near ones heart10 Text C The roles of English

6、 I. Reading comprehension 18 T F F T F T T T II. Cloze 1. Broadly 2. definition 3. since 4. rather than 5. grasp 6. sense 7. intrinsic 8. quotation 9. numerous 10. convention 11. employ 12. what 13. medium 14. writing 15. necessarily III. Jumbled sentences 3 6 2 1 5 4 IV. Building your vocabulary A.

7、1. omnivorous 2. multiparous 3. carbonaceous 4. hebivorous 5. coniferous 6. viviparous 7. herbaceous 8. odoriferous 9. carnivorous 10. carboniferous B. 1. put up 2. put up with 3. put down 4. put across 5. put off 6. put forth 7. put on 8. put in 9. put upon Unit 2Text B Secret Wealth vs. “for Riche

8、r, for Poorer” BDCDA BBA 1. divulge 2. earmark 3. destabilize 4. asset 5. prenuptial 6. attorney 7. offspring 8. amass 9. petition 10. squabble B. A word may have more than one meaning. Its meaning depends on the way it is used. Directions: Decide which meaning fits the word as it is used in the par

9、agraph given in the brackets. Circle the letter that stands before the meaning you choose. 1-5 BACCA 6-8 BAC III. Translation 1. 但在离婚再婚已经成为司空见惯的年代,许多妇女步入婚姻时,就能赚取丰厚的收入并且这部分收入已日益成为家庭财富的一部分了。并不像百万富翁Ronald Perelman, Revlon总裁和Donald Trump那样只是关注保护的是他的财产,他妻子的财产和他们共同的财产。 2. 虽然婚前协议,甚至婚后的协议越来越多地被用来设置(财产分割的)界限

10、,最终谁能得到财产还是取决于司法,健全的财务规划,民族传统和婚姻的心理状态。 3. 总之,金融危机可能会迫使一对夫妇齐心协力,也可能会因为有了财富使以前从来不争吵的夫妻争吵不休。分歧会导致分居,有时甚至离婚。 IV. Paraphrasing 1. The promises of the traditional marriage may support the vows the couple made on the wedding ceremony, but keeping the financial secrets from a spouse is not a new scheme. 2.

11、When couples think about how much money or assets they will leave to their children, it is usually will cause the irregular and violent instability in the family. It is especially true if the children are from remarried family, where the wife brings many assets into the family.3. Blanche Lark Christ

12、erson, a managing director at Deutsche Bank Private Wealth Management in New York said, “For people, the important method or the basic issue is how much assets they will leave to the children.” V. Building your vocabulary A. 1. microscopic 2. magnificent 3. microbe 4. macrocosm 5. macroscopic 6. mag

13、nanimous 7. micrometer 8. magnitude 9. macrophysics B. a. made up 6 b. put up with 7 c. up in arms 1 d. up for 8 e. up on 3 f. up to 4 g. up and doing 5 h. up against 2 Text C Feminine and Masculine Communication Cultures I . Comprehension 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. T 5. F 6. F 7. F 8. F 9. T 10. T II. Close

14、 1. Is 2. single 3. desirable 4. woman 5.females 6. insulted 7. male 8. men 9.fact 10. pillar 11. means 12. shoulder 13.prepared 14. Therefore 15. reflect III. 1 3 2 4 6 5 7 9 8 IV. A. 1. photophobia 2. neuritis 3. monomania 4. appendicitis 5. egomania 6.laryngitis 7. nostalgia 8. phobophobia 9. neu

15、ralgia 10. claustrophobia B. 1. open-and-shut 2. open letter 3. open air 4. open up 5. open to 6. open mind 7. This is open season 8. We always keep open house 9. open-door Unit 3 Text B Your Next Computer I. Reading comprehension CDCA DABB II. Learning about words A. 1. ubiquity 2. proliferation 3. eclipse 4. sluggishly 5. serve up 6. dismissively 7. outrage 8. prophecy 9. providing 10. zigzags B. 1-4 ABBC 5-8 ABAC III. Translation 1科技革命


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