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1、镇(街): 学校: 班级: 姓名: 学号:广州市小学英语六年级智力竞赛模拟试卷注意:1. 全部题目在一小时内完成,听力部分占50分,笔试部分占50分。2. 第1 至50小题为听力部分。3. 第51 至100小题为笔试部分。听力部分(50%)一、根据听到的情景,选择意义相同或相近的选项。5%( )1.A . I have many pieces B. I have much C. Im full D. I have eaten much( )2.A. to swim B. to have swimming C. to have a wim D. to go to swim( )3.A. were

2、 busy B. were empty C. had time D. had a time( )4.A. to good friends B. twins C. in the same country D. in defferent countries( )5.A.is bad at B. is slow C. do well D. does well in 二、听读含有所给单词的句子一次,请你猜出该单词在句子中的意思,把它的英文大写字母编号填在相应的答题卡上。5%( )6. light: A. 显著的人物 B. 星 C. 轻的 D. 浅色的 ( )7. grey: A. 桃红色 B. 灰色

3、C. 紫色 D. 浅蓝色 ( )8. primary: A. 基本的 B. 初级的 C. 小的 D. 少的 ( )9. second: A. 第二 B. 分钟 C. 时间 D. 秒钟 ( )10. country: A. 国家 B. 全国人民 C. 田野 D. 乡下三、听对话及问题一次,根据对话选择问题的正确答案。(10%)( )(11)A.The first term. B.The second term C.The third term D.The fourth term( )(12)A.Bread B.Rice C.Medicine D.Soup( )(13)A.Rice B.Bread

4、 C.Nodles DPasta.( )(14)A.Chinese B.Maths C.History D.English( )(15)A.Rice B.Water C.Milk DJuice( )(16)A.Yes,he does. B.Yes,he is. C.No,he doesnt . D.No,he isnt.( )(17)A.Yes,it does. B.Yes,it is. C.No,it doesnt. D.No,it isnt.( )(18)A.Janes is bigger. B.Kates is bigger C.Carls is bigger. D.Janets is

5、bigger.( )(19)A.She wants to buy some pencils. B.He wants to buy some pens. C.She wants to buy some balls. D.She wants to buy some presents.( )(20)A.Cheetahs B.Pandas C.Elephants D.Giraffes四、听音,根据短文内容,完成下面表格。Day21 Placeon the 22 Weathersunny and 23 ActivitiesJohn is reading a 24 Jack is studying in

6、25 . 五、你将听到一篇短文,请根据短文内容完成下面表格中的内容。短文读两遍。(答案写在答六、听短文一次,根据短文的内容问题的正确答案。(5%)( )(31)What can sports help people? A.They can help people to keep healthy. B.They can make people happy. C.They can help people to live longer. D.A,Band C.( )(32)Do people have sports in different seasons? A.No,they only have

7、them in summer. B.No,they only have them in autumn C.I dont think so. D.Yes,they do.( )(33)What sport is good in summer? A.Skating B.Skiing C.swimming D.All sport( )(34)What do people sometimes use in the sports? A.Animals B.Pencils C.Glasses D.Rulers( )(35)Which of these sports isnt old? A.Jumping

8、B.Skiing C.Running D.Football七、听短文一次,根据短文内容选择问题的正确答案,把答案写在括号里。(5分)( ) 36. Elephants are _.A. the tallest land animalsB. the heaviest land animalsC. the tallest animals in the worldD. the heaviest animals in the world( ) 37. There are _ species of elephants. A. two B. three C. four D. five( ) 38. Asi

9、an elephants are _ than African elephants. A. smaller B. bigger C. heavier D. blacker( ) 39. Elephants can be _ years old. A. sixty B. fifty C . seventy D. eighty ( ) 40. Asian elephants can _.A. help people dance B. help people read C. help people carry babiesD. help people carry heavy things 八、听故事

10、及问题一次,根据故事的内容选择问题的正确答案(分)( ) 41. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. ( ) 42. A. The eldest son. B. The second son. C. The youngest son. ( ) 43. A. Straw. B. Sand. C. Candle. ( ) 44. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he didnt. C. No, he cant.( ) 45. A. The eldest son. B. The second son. C. The youngest son. 九、听故事一次,根据故事内

11、容选择问题的正确答案。(5%)( )46. A. He was from Russia. B. He was from America. C. He was from Britain. D. He was from Russia and Britain.( )47. A. No. Its raining. B. No. Its sunny. D. Yes, it is. D. No, its cold.( )48. A. He wrote some letters. B. He drew a plate of mushroom. C. He drew an umbrella. D. He dr

12、ew a mushroom.( )49. A. Yes, he did. B. No, he asked the man to draw again. C. No, he didnt. D. Yes, the meaning was that:“Gave me an umbrella”.( )50. A. The waiter brought him a plate of mushroom. B. The waiter brought him a mushroom. C. The waiter brought him the manager.D. The waiter brought him an umbrella.笔试部分(50%)一、阅读短文,选出正确的答案 5%One day an old woman wants to go to London to see her son. She gets up early and gets to the small station at nine oclock in the morning. Because this is her first trip to London, she doesnt know the train time. She is very worried. Just t


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