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1、课时作业(三十一).1.ambitious2.accessible3.beneficial;benefits4.encouragement5.congratulations.6.To save 7.adapting 8.disabled 9annoyed10.has met.11.meet with 12.make fun of 13.In other words14adapt to 15.out of breath.One possible version:When we go climbing,my mother is faster than me and she is never out

2、 of breath. When asked the secret,she said,“I practise tai chi every day. It is very beneficial to my health.”At first,she could not do it very well and many people made fun of her but it never bothered her. Gradually,she could do it as well as others. She said that one must learn to live happily. O

3、nly by living happily every day can you be healthy.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了身有残疾的体操运动员Jennifer Bricker的成长历程。16B推理判断题。根据第四段中的“My parents didnt treat me differently so I didnt grasp the concept that I was different.”可推知,Jennifer Bricker是被当作正常的孩子抚养长大的。故选B项。17D细节理解题。根据第六段中的“Jennifer loved to watch the womens

4、gymnastics team, and especially adored the 14yearold Dominique Moceanu who competed for the US.When Moceanu and the womens team won gold, Jennifer decided she was going to be a gymnast, too.”可推知,Jennifer决定做一个体操运动员是受了Dominique Moceanu的影响。故选D项。18A推理判断题。根据第六段中的“She took up power tumbling, which involve

5、s performing floor exercises down a runway.But Jennifer did not want any allowances to be made for her disability.”可推知,Jennifer有很强的自尊心。故选A项。19D主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了身有残疾的体操运动员Jennifer Bricker的成长历程。故选D项。.【文章大意】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己戒烟的经历,并由此认识到:改变生活中的一些习惯是很难的,但是每一个不舒服的时刻都是值得的。20A根据本空前的“I had been busy readi

6、ng and learning all about stopping smoking.”可知,想要戒烟的“我”改掉了导致“我”再次吸烟的日常行为(routines),故A项正确。21C上文说想要戒烟的“我”改掉了导致“我”再次吸烟的日常行为,此处是说“我”努力地练习积极的(positive)想法,故C项正确。22D根据上文中的“stopping smoking”可知,“我”把戒(quit)烟当成了工作,故D项正确。23A根据本空后的“it was my first smokefree holiday in 37 years.”可知,圣诞节来临(fall)了,故A项正确。24B根据本空后的“in

7、 shopping, planning, cooking”可知,“我”从事于(engage in)购物、计划和烹饪等活动,故B项正确。25A上文说“我”从事于购物、计划和烹饪等活动,再结合本空后的“the stress, the fatigue(疲乏) of overdoing”可知,前后是转折关系,应该用however表转折,故A项正确。26A根据本空后的“of dealing with my quitting”可知,此处是说身心上的戒烟压力(pressure),故A项正确。27C根据上下文可知,此处是说身心上的戒烟压力在圣诞节那天爆发了(explode),故C项正确。28B根据本空后的“i

8、n my own car”可知,“我”想自己开车(drive)去母亲家,故B项正确。29B根据本空后的“I could smoke and nobody would know.”可知,“我”有了想要吸烟的想法(thought),故B项正确。30C上文说“我”有了想要吸烟的想法,再结合下文内容可知,“我”把车停在了(pull off)出口处,故C项正确。31A根据本空后的“looking for money”可知,“我”翻钱包(purse)找钱买烟,故A项正确。32C根据本空后的“to quit smoking ran through my head.”可知,“我”戒烟的承诺(promise)浮

9、现在脑海里,故C项正确。33A根据本空后的“I am proud to have been strong in selfcontrol.”可知,“我”的信念是“我”戒烟成功的决定性的(decisive)时刻,故A项正确。34D根据本空前的“It was determination that helped”可知,正是决心帮助“我”摆脱(rid)了吸烟的习惯,故D项正确。35A根据本空后的“the confidence to other areas of my life”可知,戒烟的经历让“我”把这种自信延伸(extend)到生活的其他方面,故A项正确。36C根据本空后的“of contrast:

10、 up and down, happy and sad, scared and brave”可知,过去的一年,“我”经历了人生中的各种起伏。 这些都是经历(experience),故C项正确。37D根据本空后的“the most lifechanging year”可知,“我”从生活巨变的一年中挺了过来(survive),故D项正确。38C根据本空后的“something that had been a part of my life for most of my life”可知,改变(change)生活中的一些习惯是很难的,故C项正确。39B上文说改变生活中的一些习惯是很难的,此处是说但每一

11、个不舒服的(uncomfortable)时刻都是值得的,故B项正确。.【文章大意】 本文讲述了作者小时候患抑郁症后得到了校长的关爱而走出阴影的故事。 40a考查冠词。child是可数名词,且第一次在文章中出现,故用不定冠词修饰,表示“一个好孩子”。41Unfortunately考查副词。不幸的是,情况并非如此。根据逗号的提示可知,此处应用所给词的副词形式,修饰整个句子,作状语。再根据句意可知,应填Unfortunately。42confidence考查名词。my是形容词性物主代词,修饰名词,作定语,故用confidence。 43shutting考查现在分词。shut和句子主语I构成逻辑上的主

12、动关系,故用现在分词作状语。44at/by考查介词。be surprised at/by对感到惊讶。45after考查连词。根据语境可知,此处应用连词after,表示“在之后”。46depressed考查形容词。由句子的主语I和该空前的逗号可知,应用形容词depressed作状语。47had noticed考查动词时态。notice的动作发生在said之前,表示过去的过去,故用过去完成时。48hers考查代词。介词后跟名词、代词或动名词作宾语,且由空格前的my hands可知,此处用名词性物主代词hers,表示“她的手”。49who考查定语从句。who引导非限制性定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰

13、先行词the headmaster。课时作业(三十二).1.satisfaction2.assessment3.affection4alarmed5.Theoretically.6.disobeying 7.divorced 8.talented 9.a 10accompanying.11.test out 12.Turn around 13.bound to14set aside15.leave her alone.One possible version:In the digital times,everyone desires to have a robot. It will accom

14、pany you until you want to be left alone when you are alarmed. It obeys your orders and sets down the numbers that ring you up and even deals with some office affairs while you are at work. I believe that if you have such a robot, others are bound to envy you.【文章大意】 随着科技的发展,机器越来越多地被用在工作中,据说人类现在所从事的工

15、作的百分之四十五将来都会由机器完成。所以,人类应该学会和机器共处。16A推理判断题。根据第一段中“Some workers have long feared that machines are coming to take away their jobs.”以及第四段中“machines will someday perform 45 per cent of the jobs humans now do.”可知,据说机器有一天将完成人类现在所从事工作的百分之四十五,于是一些工人担心机器会抢走他们的工作。据此推断,人类现在面临的境地就是机器对人类的影响越来越大。故选A项。17C推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“We have to think about not using technology to replace people.Instead,we can make robots do something that was previously impossible for humans.”可知,有些事情之前对于人类而言是不可能的。据此推断,机器人可以为我们承担一些非常艰巨的任务。故选C项。18B细节理解题。根据文章第四段中“Under the plan, a small mo


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