2019年高考英语二轮专题复习第一部分语法题型突破篇专题五完形填空高考命题夹叙夹议文精选题 word版含答案

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2019年高考英语二轮专题复习第一部分语法题型突破篇专题五完形填空高考命题夹叙夹议文精选题 word版含答案_第1页
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1、夹叙夹议文A(2018浙江卷)We have all heard how time is more valuable than money,but is it _1_ to have too much time?I _2_ back in high school I spent most of my day at school since I also _3_ a team sport. By the time I got home,I only had a few hours to do my homework,and I had to do it _4_.When I got into c

2、ollege,things _5_.I suddenly found myself out of class before noon time.Because of all this _6_ time,there was no sense of _7_ to do my school work immediately.I was performing this action of waiting until it later became a _8_. Once that happened,I just kept _9_ my studying further and further back

3、 in my day.Then I got to the point where I was _10_ really late at night to get my work done.One day I _11_ a former classmate of mine who was _12_ a lot of money running a sideline(副业)Since his regular job was _13_,I asked him why he just didnt do his sideline fulltime.He said without the job,he wo

4、uld _14_ have too much time and would just do what I did back in _15_. He said that if he _16_ the job,he would lose his _17_ to work and succeed.So,try _18_ your time with other work.This is why there is a _19_ that if you want something done,ask a _20_ person to do it.1A.true BfairCstrange Dpossib

5、le2A.remember BadmitCunderstand Dexpect3A.watched BlovedCcoached Dplayed4A.at last Bright awayCof course Das usual5A.happened BrepeatedCchanged Dmattered6A.extra BdifficultCvaluable Dlimited7A.duty BachievementCurgency Ddirection8A.burden BreliefCrisk Dhabit9A.pushing BtakingCsetting Dcalling10A.han

6、ging out Bstaying upCjogging round Dshowing off11A.met BhelpedCtreated Dhired12A.raising BwastingCdemanding Dmaking13A.safe BimportantCboring Drewarding14A.luckily BhardlyChopefully Dsimply15A.childhood BcollegeCtown Dbusiness16A.quit BfoundCaccepted Dkept17A.heart BchanceCdrive Dway18A.saving Bfill

7、ing upCgiving up Dtrading19A.message BstoryCsaying Dfact20A.careful BbusyCreliable Dkind答案:【语篇解读】本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过自己在中学和大学时的经历对比及和老同学的谈话,阐述了对“可能拥有很多的时间吗?”这一问题的感悟,告诉我们时间是“忙”出来的。1D解析:句意:我们都听说过时间比金钱还有价值,但是拥有很多的时间可能(possible)吗?true真的,真实的;fair公平的,公正的;strange奇怪的,奇特的,陌生的。2A解析:句意:我回想(remember)起在高中时,因为我也参加(pla

8、y)了一项集体运动项目,所以我一天中的大部分时间都是在学校度过的。admit允许进入,承认,接纳;understand理解,明白;expect期待,盼望。3D解析:句意见上题解析。watch观看;love喜欢,热爱;coach训练,指导;play参加。4B解析:句意:到我回到家的时候,我只有几个小时去做作业。为此我不得不立即(right away)做作业。at last最后,终于;of course当然;as usual像往常一样。5C解析:句意:当我进入大学后,事情改变(change)了。happen发生;repeat重复;matter有关系,要紧,重要。6A解析:句意:因为所有这些额外的(

9、extra)时间 difficult困难的,艰难的;valuable有价值的,宝贵的;limited有限的。7C解析:句意:因为所有这些额外的时间,就没有了立即做作业的紧张感(urgency)。duty职责,义务;achievement成就;direction方向。8D解析:句意:我总是在等待,直到后来这成了一种习惯(habit)。burden负担;relief安慰;risk冒险行为。9A解析:句意:养成习惯后,我就使自己在那时候不断地把学习往后拖延。push.back推迟,延迟。10B解析:句意:然后我到了一直熬夜(stay up)到很晚才能完成工作的境地。hang out闲逛;jog ro

10、und到处慢跑;show off炫耀。11A解析:句意:有一天我遇到了(meet)我的一位以前的老同学,他经营着副业,挣了很多钱。12D解析:句意见上题解析。make money挣钱。raise筹集;waste浪费;demand要求。13C解析:句意:因为他的固定工作是无聊的(boring),我问他为何不全职做他的副业。safe安全的;important重要的;rewarding报酬高的,值得做的。14D解析:句意:他说没有这份工作,他简直(simply)会有太多的时间,会做我在大学时所做的。luckily幸运地;hardly几乎不;hopefully满怀希望地。15B解析:句意见上题解析。1

11、6A解析:句意:他说,如果他辞去(quit)这份工作,他会失去他工作和成功的干劲。17C解析:句意见上题解析。drive动力,冲劲。18B解析:句意:因此,试着用其他的工作填满(fill up)你的时间。save节省,挽救;give up放弃;trade交易,买卖。19C解析:句意:这就是为什么有一个谚语(saying)说。message信息,讯息;story故事;fact事实。20B解析:句意:如果你想让别人帮你做某件事,找一位忙的(busy)人去做。careful小心的,谨慎的;reliable可靠的;kind善良的。B(2018衡水中学高三五调考试)As everyone grows,t

12、hey realize there will always be someone who is better. I learned this _1_ in the second year in high school. The shock this experience brought was so great that I felt my _2_ was left on the side of the road for dead. That was all it took;one year and one person _3_ everything.Her name is Jenny. Sh

13、e was the girl who _4_ raised her hand and had useful comments about everything. When teachers needed challenging problems answered,they _5_ her. And if students needed _6_, they went looking for her. I didnt _7_ her,but I admit her presence annoyed me. In the first year,as a model student, I was th

14、e person everyone _8_ and all the teachers trusted. Then she came out of _9_! We also had two classes _10_. There I got to see what everybody thought of her. When an exam finished,it became a _11_ that she got the top grade and it didnt _12_ to my classmates whether I was right there, _13_ I also go

15、t excellent grades. They would cross a desert and _14_ her! I was left being denied my presence. _15_,I felt like not trying anymore.I stopped trying to put on a show because no one was _16_ anymore. Later,I volunteered at the graduation ceremony. She was called to make a(n) _17_ and discussed their difficulties.I realized all her hard work got her there,not her des



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