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1、福州市“导学自悟”新课程模式推广实验课题实验研讨课教案授课学校: 音西中学 授课教师: 林 蒨授课班级: 七年8班 授课时间: 2008年10月14日授课地点:多媒体教室教 材: 仁爱版英语七年级上册 Unit2Topic 2 Section A 一、教材分析: 这一话题进一步谈论人的相貌特征,从谈论头发、眼睛的色彩,到服装的色彩进而谈到各种色彩。而本Section主要让学生了解并掌握12种不同的颜色,会用What color is? / What color are ? 这一句型和同伴进行交谈,能谈论头发、眼睛的色彩。二、教学目标:语言知识目标:1.(1) Learn some words

2、about the colors:black, blue, brown, pink, white, purple, red, green, yellow.(2) Learn some other useful words and expressions:look the same, both, color, their.2. (1) Continue to talk about the peoples appearances: We both have black hair and black eyes. I have blond hair and blue eyes. short black

3、 hair, long blond hair.(2) Talk about the colors: What color is it? It is pink. What color is his hair? It is black. What color are his eyes? They are brown.语言技能目标: 能听懂并识别各种不同的颜色,并能用英语描述各种颜色。 情感态度目标: 通过学习不同的色彩,培养学生热爱生活、热爱美的情感,并培养他们的观察能力和概括能力。 学习策略目标: 本Section主要谈论色彩,在教学时联系学生的实际,利用他们身边的实物等进行描述。从而让学生形成

4、把学习和生活实际联系起来的学习习惯,培养任务型学习方法与技巧。三、教学重、难点: 1a and 3四、教学方法:任务型教学法、自主探究法、小组讨论法。体现“导学自悟”新课程教学模式的套路和特色。五、课时安排:1课时六、教具准备:录音机、课件、实物、图片七、教学过程:第一步:营造课堂氛围,激发学生学习兴趣。1. Sing the song with motions: Head and Shoulders, legs and Feet.2. Greetings between the students and me.第二步:复习(幻灯片3、4)1. Review some new words wi

5、th cards.(单词竞赛)2. (One by one练习,对Does she/he have?句型进行复习) Example:T: Does she have long hair?S1: Yes, she does. Does he have short hair?S2: No, he doesnt. Does she have a big nose? Etc.3. (1)(拿出彩笔,通过师生互动来学习新句型。)T: OK. Now look here, I bring some pens today. They have different colors.(呈现出一支白色的笔)T: W

6、hat color is it? (学生第一次不懂,马上用汉语解释,学生此时也会用汉语回答:白色。然后我再用英语重复。) T: Yes. Its white. (再次对同样的笔重复提问。)T: What color is it? Ss: Its white.(然后呈现不同颜色的彩笔。)T: Good. What color is it? Ss: 红色。T: Yes. Its red. What color is it? Ss: Its red.(板书新句型和新单词。领读,并让学生熟读。)What color is it? Its white/ black / blue / brown / g

7、ray / pink / purple / red / green / yellow / orange. (2) (句型与单词读完后,把全班分成男女两大组,根据我所指的图片进行问答。)(幻灯片5、6) T: Boys and girls, listen carefully. Boys ask and girls answer. Example: Boys: What color is it? Girls: Its black. T: Change please. Girls ask and boys answer this time. Girls: What color is it? Boys

8、: Its red. 4. Let students look at the picture. Ask and answer in pairs. (幻灯片7)第三步:操练用幻灯片展示各国国旗,学生看着国旗进行四人小组活动:讨论各国旗的颜色及所属国家。巩固 What color is ? It is .这一句型及对颜色的识别。(完成4a)(幻灯片8)第四步:呈现1. (挂出1a的图片进行问答。)T: Now look here. Who is this boy? Ss: He is Michael.T:Does he have long hair? Ss: No, he doesnt.T:Wha

9、t colcor is it? Ss: Its yellow.T:Yes, he has yellow hair. What colcor are his eyes? Ss: They are blue.2. T:Good. Now please look, listen and answer my questions. (幻灯片9、10)T:Who is that boy? Ss:He is Yukio.T:Where is he from? Ss:He is from Japan.T:Does he have black hair and blue eyes? Ss:No, he does

10、nt. He has black hair and black eyes. T:Well done! Now look at the blackboard and pay attention to the sentences.Thats right.We both have black hair and black eyes.We have different looks.3. Read 1a. Find out the difficult points.Explain and stress: look the same, both.第五步:巩固 1. T: Listen to 1a and

11、repeat, then act it out in pairs.2. T: Work alone: Finish 1b according to 1a.(师生互动问答,巩固新句型和新单词。)T: Where is Yukio from? Ss: Hes from Japan.T: What color is his hair? Ss: Its black.T: What color are his eyes? Ss: They are black.3. T: Finish 2. Draw pictures and then color them. Then look at the pictu

12、res in 2 and talk about them. Example: What color is his hair? Its black. What color are his eyes? They are brown. (幻灯片11)第六步:练习 (幻灯片11)1. T:Now look at the pictures in 4b. Here are some people. They have different looks. Lets talk about them together. Lets begin with Picture 1. T: What color is his

13、 hair? Ss:Its black.T:What color are his eyes? Ss:They are brown.T:Very good. (以同样的方式练习Picture 2, Picture 3和Picture 4。)2. (把全班同学分成两大组,进行问答操练。)T: Now Group 1 and Group 2 ask, Group 3 and Group 4 answer. Then exchange the roles. G1、2: What color is his hair? G3、4: It is black. Etc.3. T: Let me check y

14、our homework.(检查学生“预习导纲”完成情况,给任务完成好的小组加分。)第七步:综合探究活动1. 让学生在纸上分别画一幅人物头部画,然后根据我的描述给画中的人头涂颜色。Example:Color his / her nose red. Color his / her eyes blue. Color his / her ears yellow. Etc.2. 让学生用本节课所学知识将自己手中涂好颜色的人物头部画介绍给同学。(两人小组活动)Example:This is my friend. His/ Her name is .His / Her nose is . His / Her eyes are Etc.3. Sum up(1) The key points in this lesson.(2) The competition result.4. Homework:



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