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1、神木县第八中学九年级英语导学案 Class: Name: No:科目English 课题Unit 1 How do you study for a test ?SectionA(3a-4Pairwork)课型New知识导航总结归纳1.the best ways to do sth=the best ways of doing sth:干某事的最好方法eg. Reading aloud is the best way to practice pronunciation.= Reading aloud is the best way of practicing pronunciation.(大声朗

2、读是练习发音的最好方法)2. differently:不同地,是副词修饰行为动词,形容词为different,名词为difference. eg. He always solves the problem differently.(他解题的方式总是与众不同)3. frustrate:使沮丧,是个动词;frustrating:令人沮丧的,是形容词,说明事物本身;frustrated: 感到沮丧的,形容词,强调人的感受。4. beget excited about sth doing sth ; be excited to do sth. 对感兴奋5.quickly: 快速地,是副词修饰行为动词,

3、其形容词为quick。6. memorize:记住,是动词,名词为:memory;同义词相当于learnby heart.设计人Li Xiaoli审核人Bai Zigang授课时间2013.8.22课时2四维目标1. 学习交流如何学好英语的方法。2. 熟练掌握本课单词和短语及句型。(1)重点单词:specific , memorize , grammar , differently , frustrate, frustrating , quickly , add . (2)重点词组:the best ways to do sth of doing sth, specific suggestio

4、ns feel differently, study grammar, memorize the words, get excited about keep an English notebook, read English magazines.(3)重点句型:1.He thinks studying grammar is a great way to learn a language.2.He finds watching movies frustrating because people speak too quickly.3.We get excited about something

5、and end up speaking in Chinese .学习与交流一翻译官。1.speak too quickly_2. end up doing sth_3. get lots of practice _4. be helpful_5. write vocabulary lists _6.ask sb about sth_7. 干某事的最好方法_8.记英语笔记_9.做关于某事的调查_10.有更多具体的建议_11.记住许多英语单词_12.有不同的感受_自学展示指导1. 学科长早读时引导学生读“四维目标”中的单词和短语及句型,并翻译。2. 学生独立预习完成3a读熟并翻译和3b。3. 小组

6、探究并记忆“知识导航”中的内容,小组合作完成“学习与交流的”的内容。4. 调查完成4pairwork,根据调查内容完成写作。基础过关【每天一练】1.时间:15分2.训练方式:独立完成二精挑细选( )1. Dont speak so _ that we cant follow you. A. quick B. quickly C. loudly D. aloud( )2. He said_ the words of pop songs also helped to _ the English words and learn English well. A. memorize; memorize

7、B. memorizing; memorize C. memorizing; memorized D. memorize; memorizing ( )3.- _ do you improve your spoken English? -By_as much as possible.A. How; practiceB. How; practicing C. What ;practiceD. What ;practicing( )4. Some students get_when they find watching English movies_. A. frustrating; frustr

8、ated B. frustrated; frustrated C. frustrated; frustrating D. frustrating; frustrating( ) 5.He thinks the best way to learn English is _English magazines.A. read B. by reading C. seeing D. by watching( ) 6. Last year my sister tried to lose weight , but_ putting weight back on. A. cut up B. looked up

9、 C. made up D. ended up( ) 7. We got _about the_news. A. excited ; exciting B. exciting ; exciting C. excited ; excited D. exciting ; excited( ) 8.Every day students do a lot of_ in learning English . A. practices B. practice C. practicing D. practiced( )9.The students practice_ every evening. A. to play soccer B. play soccer C. plays soccer D. playing soccer能力提升教师寄语: Do one thing at a time, and do well!(一次只做一件事,做到最好!)三大显身手根据4Pairwork的调查内容,写一写你和你的同伴是如何学习英语的,你们认为学英语最好的办法是什么。(7080词)今日收获今天收获:今日不足:


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