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1、Unit3 Reading Do you remember what you were doing?学案 Previewing Case 预习案 一 .阅读回答问题 1. Look at the title ,what do you think this passage will talk about ?A. This passage will talk about the future events . B. This passage will talk about the past (过去的)events.C. This passage will talk about the presen

2、t (现在的)events. 1.Dr Martin Luther King was murdered.( )2.Yang Liwei flew around the Earth. ( )3.The World Trade Center was destroyed ( ) in New York.4.Man walked on the moon for the first time ( )A. September 11, 2001 B. April 4, 1968 C. July 20, 1969 D. March 15, 1979E. October 15, 2003二 .二轮阅读找难点 预

3、习建议 在文中勾画出单词和短语,标记好疑难,准备课上质疑探究。(一) 单词 短语1 hear(过去式)_ 2.modern_3.杀死_ 4.murder_ 5.ring(过去式_ 6.playground_7.明亮的_ 8.bell_9.tell (过去式)_ 10.terrorist_11.最近的_ 12.破坏_13.become(过去式)_ 14.meaning _15地球_ 16.hero(复数)_17.fly(过去式)_ 18.fly(名词)_19.die(过去式)_ 20.last_ 短语:1.on this day_ 2 be killed_3.in modern American

4、 history_ 4.hear about _ 5.the most everyday activities_ 6.at the time_7.ask sb to do sth _ 8. in silence _9.take place_ 10.in more recent times_ 11.be destroyed by sb_ 12.have meaning to sb_13.as terrible as this _14.in more recent history_15.in space _ 16.go into space _ 17.national heroes_ 18.fly

5、(flight)around the earth_(二)句型 同学们你们知道这些句子什么意思?Exploring Case 质疑解疑 小组合作探究 1.People often remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events in history. 2. This was one of the most important events in modern American history3.Although some people may not remember who murdered

6、him, they remember what they were doing when they heard about the event4. Even the most everyday activities can seem important.5.We were having fun in the playground when the bell rang. Our teacher asked us to stop 6.School closed for the day, and Robert and his friends walked home together in silen

7、ce.7most Americans remember what they were doing when the WorldTrade Center in New York was destroyed by terrorists.8. Even the date September 11, 2001 has meaning to most Americans.9 .Not all events in history are as terrible as this, of course.10 His flight around the Earth lasted about 22 hours.

8、When he returned, he became a national hero in China, and became famous all over the world. Training Case 课堂评价检测 1. The sentence “ Even the date-September 11, 2001 has meaning to most Americans.” in the text means: ( ) A. Most Americans remember the date well. B. Most Americans dont want to remember

9、 the date. C. The date is not as important as the event itself. D. The date means a lot to most Americans.2.The sentence “Even the most everyday activities can seem important.” in the text means:( ) A. In fact, the most everyday activities are not so important. B. Important events in history are mor

10、e important than everyday activities. C. The most everyday activities became important because the important events happened at that time. D. Its important for people to remember the most everyday activities.3. The sentence “Not all events in history are as terrible as this.” in the text means: ( )

11、A. All the events in history that people remembered well are terrible events. B. There are also great events in history. C. Americans only remember the terrible events in history. D. Terrible events in history are as important as greatevents.运用阅读策略阅读下列短文 Air is all around us since we were born. When

12、 we walk and play, its around us. When we sit down, its around us. When we go to bed, air is also around us. We live in air. All living things need air, living things cant live without air. We can live without food or water for a few days, but we cant live for more than a few minutes without air. We

13、 take in air. When we are working or running, we need more air. When we are asleep, we need less air. We live in air, but we cant see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when its moving. Moving air is called wind. How can you make air move? Here is one way. Hold an open book in your front of you

14、r face. Close it quickly. What can you feel? What you feel is air根据短文内容完成以下任务1. Air is around us _. A. since we were born B. for two years C. in the morning D. only in the day 2.What does the phrase “living things” in paragraph 2 mean? _3. We cant live without _ for more than a few minutes. (根据短文内容填空)4. 翻译划线句子。_5.


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