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1、假如你是光明中学的学生会主席,你校最近成立了一个英语演讲社团,打算面向全校招募会员请你以学生会的名义根据以下内容用英语写一则招募启事内容包括: 1. 招募条件:热爱演讲,年级不限 2简要说明加入社团的好处并呼吁大家参加 3报名方式:扫描二维码并填写表格 参考词汇:招募recruit 扫描二维码scan the QR code,本文是一篇招募启事应用文写作。写作时要注意以下几点: 一、注意格式及用语;内容要点要齐全 二、时态:主要用一般现在时; 三、文章要分段,使文章结构层次清晰,要有主题句,使用恰当的高级词汇、短语或句型,用词要准确达意,避免汉式英语; 四、适当使用一些连接词和插入语,使文章表

2、达自然、流畅。,Beginning: 开门见山,点明目的,Body: 具体情况介绍,End:招募条件及报名方式,文章结构,(英语演讲社团招募新成员),提高交际能力,交到更多朋友,增强自信, 提高口语水平,加入社团的 好处,展现自己,1. 英语演讲社团 2.招募成员 3.对.热爱,喜爱感兴趣 4. 参加参与,an English speech association,recruit members,be enthusiastic about sth.,take an interest in sth.,be fond of sth be interested in.,take part in pa

3、rticipate in,5. 从中受益收获很多 6. 培养,提高交际能力 7. 学到,获得许多演讲技巧 提高口语,benefit a lot from. harvest a lot,develop promote improve good communication ability,acquire many speech skills,have a good knowledge of,improve spoken English,8. 提供一个平台来展现 9.欢迎期盼大家参加,Sb be welcome to take part in,Sb be expected to participat

4、e in.,1) provide a good platformstage to show the best of you .,2) It is a good chance for you to gain self-confidence as well as promote your communication skills,10. 报名参加 11. 欢迎所有年级的学生 12. 如想参加,请扫二维码并填表,Students of all grades are welcome,Those who are interested in the activity are expected to sca

5、n the QR code and fill in the application form.,sign up for ,连接词和多样句式,1.first of all; most importantly 2. whats more; besides; in addition; moreover 3. meanwhile ; as well as 1. 定语从句 2. 名词性从句 3. 倒装句式 4. 强调句式,书面表达,1.仔细审题,尤其要注意时态、人称. 重视中英文提示,若中文的提示不是完整的句子时,一定要用完整的英语句子来表达。 2. 先打草稿;誊写后要检查是否有笔误。 3.写好第一句,

6、第一段。 4.避免常见错误,尤其是there be结构 用自己最有把握的表达形式。表达要自然,流畅,无错误。在此基础上再考虑用较高级的表达形式。 6.书写一定要美观 7.写完后一定要认真检查,Members Wanted An English speech association has been set up in our schoolNow,we are recruiting membersIf you are enthusiastic about English speech,please join us By participating in our well-organized ac

7、tivities,you will harvest a lotTo begin with,you can develop good communication skills and make a lot of friends here,Whats more,not only can you acquire many speech skills and become a persuasive speaker but also you can improve your spoken EnglishSo join us and show the best of you to the world wi

8、th your voice Students of all grades are welcomeIf you are interested in it,please scan the QR code and fill in the application formDont hesitate to take part in it! the Student Union,Members Wanted An English _建立_in our schoolNow,we _招募成员_If you _对此有热情_,please join us By _参加活动_,you will _To begin with,you can _and make a lot of friends here,书面表达,1.仔细审题,尤其要注意时态、人称. 重视中英文提示,若中文的提示不是完整的句子时,一定要用完整的英语句子来表达。 2. 先打草稿;誊写后要检查是否有笔误。 3.写好第一句,第一段。 4.避免常见错误,尤其是there be结构 用自己最有把握的表达形式。表达要自然,流畅,无错误。在此基础上再考虑用较高级的表达形式。 6.书写一定要美观 7.写完后一定要认真检查,


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