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1、中学生必须每天使用的20句话1. Good morning! How are you today?早上好。今天过得如何?2. Thank you very much.非常感谢。3. My pleasure.不用谢。3. Im sorry. Its my fault.对不起,是我的错。4. Dont worry about it.没关系。别担心。5. Excuse me.劳驾。请让一让。6. Can I help you?需要帮助吗?7. Could you repeat that?请再说一遍,好吗?8. Thats a good idea.那是一个好主意。9. Thats awesome.那太

2、棒了。10. Please teach me more.请多指教。11. Its very nice to meet you.认识你很高兴。12. You look great today!今天你看起来很精神!13. Thank you for your concern.谢谢你的关心。14. Thanks so much for everything.非常感谢您做的一切。15. What do you think of this?你觉得这个怎么样?16. Ive got to get going.我得走了。17. Never waste a single minute!不要浪费一分钟!18.

3、Never let your parents down!永远不要让父母失望!19. Never doubt yourself!永远不要怀疑自己!20. You are the future of China.你就是中华民族的未来。1. Oh, I see.哦,我知道了。1.他是我们的经理,所以这么跋扈。Hes ourmanager, thatswhy hes sobossy.哦,我明白了。我还以为他是个畜生呢。Oh,IseeIthoughthe was abeast.2.他是我的朋友,所以我要帮他。Hes myfriend, thatswhy I want tohelphim.哦,我知道了。我

4、还以为你疯了呢。Oh,Isee.Ithoughtyou had gonecrazy.3.他失业了,所以才来找我帮忙。Hesoutofworknow, thatswhy he comes to me forhelp.哦,我知道了。我还以为他是来看你的呢。OhIsee.Ithoughthe came here toseeyou.注释:Thats why+句子字面意思是:那就是为什么。可以翻译成:所以。 thought 还以为。是think (以为,认为)的过去时态。这个单词非常有用。go crazy: 发疯 had gone crazy 已经疯了2. I quit!我不干了!1.如果你继续用这种口

5、气跟我谈话,我就解雇你。Illfireyou if you keeptalkingto me likethis.好啊。我辞职了。反正我对你也是烦透了。All right.Iquit.I amfed upwith youanyway.2.如果你老是跟他那样讲话,你会让他生气的。Youllmakehimangryif youalways talkto him likethat.那又怎么样?我辞职不干了。这正是他想要的。Sowhat?Iquit. Thatswhat hewants.3.老板对你的工作很不满意。他这会儿在生你的气呢。Thebossisnot satisfiedwith yourwor

6、k.He ismadat you rightnow.哦,好啊。我不干了。反正我也不喜欢这份工作。Oh,thats OK.Iquit. Idont like my job hereanyway.注释:keep talking, 不停地谈话。Keep + 动词ing意思是:不停的做某事,继续做某事。be fed up with: 讨厌,受够了。3. Me too我也是。1.我对运动很感兴趣。Imverymuchinterestedinsports.我也是。我对运动也很感兴趣。Me, too. Im very much interested in sports,too.2.我来自中国的上海。Icom

7、efromShanghai, China.我也是。我也是来自中国的上海。Me,too. Icome from Shanghai, China,too.3.我在这里学英语。Imstudying Englishhere.我也是。我也是在这里学英语的。Me, too. Im studying English here,too.注释:be very much interested in对非常感兴趣“Me too” is a great, all-purpose answer. These two words can help you out in countless conversations.4.

8、My god!天哪!1.她上个星期和约翰逊先生结婚了。She wasmarriedto Mr.Johnson last week.哦,天啊!她跟那个老头结婚了?真是难以置信!Oh,myGod! she marriedthatold guy? Thisisunbelievable!2.约翰上星期走了。你知道吗?John took off last week.Do youknow?哦,天啊!他竟然连再见都没跟我说一声就走了?这真是难以置信!Oh,myGod!Heleft without saying good-byeto me? Thisisunbelievable!3.他上星期被解雇了。He w

9、asfired last week.哦,天啊!他怎么会被解雇呢?他人很不错的。Oh,myGod! Howcould he befired?Hes such anice guy.注释:be married to跟结婚 Do you mean你是说?你的意思是?took off 离开,原形是:take offfire 是“火”的意思,这里用作动词,意思是“解雇”。5. No way!不行!1.他想跟他女朋友住在这里。Hewantstostayhere with hisgirlfriend.没门儿。我不想跟他们住在一起。No way. Idont want to share myroomwith t

10、hem.他们也不跟你一起住啊。他们希望你能在别的地方住一宿。Theydont want to share the room with you,either.Theyhopethat you could stay somewhereelsefor one night.2.莎丽想借你的车。Sallywants toborrowyourcar.没门儿!她上个星期才把我的车撞坏了。No way.Shecrashedmy car onlylastweek.3.约翰想跟你合作。Johnwants to cooperatewith you.没门儿。他是一个非常自私的人。No way.Hessuchaself

11、ishguy.注释:share 是分享的意思,在这里是“同住”的意思。crash 撞坏了Cooperate with与合作 selfish 是 “自私”, selfless是“无私”。6. Come on来吧/赶快/行了1.我不想去参加她的晚会。I dontwantto go to her party.哦,得了吧。他一直盼着想见你呢。Oh, come on.She islooking forwardtoseeingyou.2.我不想跟他去逛。Idont like to goplaceswith him.哦,得了吧。他初来乍到。他不认识路。Oh, come on.Hes astrangerher

12、e. Hedoesnt know hisway around.3.我不想起床。I dontwantto get up.哦,行了。已经十点了。快到午餐时间了。Oh, come on.Itsten already. Itsalmost time forlunch.注释:look forward to后面加动词ing形式,意思是“期待着,盼望着.。He is a stranger here. 字面意思是:他是一个陌生人在这里。翻译成:他对这里很陌生,不熟悉。doesnt know ones way around. 不认识路7. Hold on等一等1.请找一下保老师好吗?Can I speak to

13、 Mr. Bao, please?请稍等。保老师,电话!Hold on, please. Mr. Bao, telephone!2.请找一下车瑞小姐好吗?May I speak to Miss Cherry?好的,请稍等。她在接电话。Yes, hold on a second. Shes on another phone right now.3.请找一下米歇尔好吗?May I speak to Michelle, please?稍等。她来了。Hold on. She is coming.注释:May I speak to? 字面意思是:我可以和某人说话吗?而中文里习惯说,请找一下某某行吗?美国人更喜欢用Can I speak to? 意思是一样的。hold on 多用于打电话的时候,意思是“别挂断,请稍等。”無論什時候打電話,拿起話筒的時候請微笑,因為對方能感覺到!Whenever you pick up a phone, please smile, because the person youre speaking to can feel it.8. I agree我同意。1.约翰想下星期休假,行吗



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