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1、记者和股票分析师的对话小明 Which stock do you think will be the best one to invest this year?你认为今年投资哪只股票最好呢?小琳 Definitely, the stock market is uncertain. But according to this years quotation ,the stock condition of Baidu is very good .The value of the stock will promote. 从定义上而言,股市本来就是不可预测的。根据今年的行情,百度的股票走势很好,它的股

2、票价值会有提升。小明 Really . Then we also have a novel clue .真的吗?那我们又有新的线索了。小琳 My advice is to find companies you believe for a long term and holdonto them. High-flying stocks that go up 200 or 300 percent in a day can decline quickly as well. 我的建议是,找几家你认为稳妥的上市公司,长线持股。那些一天之内飞涨两、三百个点的高价股,一旦急跌起来,跌得一样快。小明This i

3、s precious words.这才是金玉良言啊小琳 As the old saying goes the stock market is uncertain.还是那句老话,从定义上而言,股市本来就是不可预测的小明 Yes , I agree with you ,thank you very much .What have you done recently? 最近忙什么呢? 小红Well, I want to buy some stocks to make a quick buck. 我想炒股,赚点儿钱花。 小丽Really? Im trading too. So which one do

4、 you want?是吗?我也一直炒股呢。那你打算买什么股? 小红 Baidu is promising, so I m going to put all my money in it and wish to make abig profit. 我看好百度,打算把钱都放在上面,大赚一笔。 小丽What? All your money? Dont put all your eggs in one basket. Whats more,not all the words said by the stock analysts are absolutely right. 什么?都投在上面。千万不要孤注

5、一掷. 况且股票分析师说的也不一定对小红 Yes , I get it. Thank you very much 一个股民和他妻子的对话(买股票赔本以后。)女 :Where is your wage ?你的工资呢?男 :oh , my dear wife . its fall through哦,亲爱的妻子,它全化为泡影了女: Why ? What have you done for them ?为什么?你做了什么?它去哪里了?男 :Sorry , I failed completely by the stock I bought.对不起,我买股票失利了女 琪凤: Im very angry a

6、bout . Which companys stock have you bought? 我太生气了,你买的哪个公司的股票?男 :Baidu百度女 :Dont you know that the CEO of Baidu called Liyanhongis the man I hate most!?难道你不知道那个百度那个李彦宏是我最讨厌的人吗?男 :Im Sorry , I have forgotten it when I am in the StockExchange 对不起,当我在股票交易所的时候我忘了这个事女 :Well, tell me the true, How much money have you cost? 那你赔了多少钱?男 :en nearly 10000 yuan呃.差不多一万女 : You disappoint me so much!你真是太让我失望了额男 :Forgive me , please ,my dear wife 原谅我吧女 :No way, unless all the housework this month is for you!不可能!除非这个月的家务你包了!男 :Yes,madam!



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