from homeless to harvard女儿当自强——走进哈佛的穷孩子

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1、From Homeless to Harvard萝拉莉萨默 1998年从哈佛大学毕业,主修儿童研究,后又获得伯克利大学的教育学硕士学位。但谁会想到,她曾经是一名落魄的街头流浪儿。萝拉莉根据自身经历撰写的流浪到哈佛(Learning Joy From Dogs Without Collars)成为当年的畅销书,并受到哈佛大学著名心理分析与医学人文教授、普利策奖得主罗伯特科尔斯博士诚意推荐。“萝拉莉萨默旋风”曾经狂扫美国各大平面与电子媒体,“萝拉莉萨默”也因此成为美国无人不知、无人不晓的名字,成为“美国梦”的象征。From Place to Place On a sunny morning Jun

2、e 1998, twenty-one-year-old Lauralee Summer waited for the start of her graduation ceremony at Harvard University nervously, praying that this time her mother would not be late as usual. However her mother didnt show up even after the ceremony ended. Holding her certificate, she couldnt help recalli

3、ng those disappointing moments: unable to catch bus on time, late for dinner and so on. Suddenly, she heard someone calling her name. She turned around and found her mother standing behind her, beaming with smile.That Lauralee Summers mother loves her is not in question, never has been. But the moth

4、er was unable to do what most children take for granted in Lauralees childhood: set a schedule, make sure she went to school, get meals on the table, and make a stable home. For much of Summers childhood, mother and daughter moved from shelter to welfare hotel to temporary room to a relatives house.

5、 By the time she was 12, they had already moved 12 times.A Fresh Start In 1989, they headed east. Summer says her mother told her that Boston “had good schools and was rich with cultural history.” Thus began a stay at shelters, welfare hotels, and rented rooms throughout the Boston area. For the fir

6、st time in her life, there were rules, regular meals, and order. There Lauralee enrolled in Quincy High School. Lauralee would take her second-hand skateboard all over Quincy: It was free transportation. To give her room to do homework, her mother slept on the couch for the next four years. Thanks t

7、o her teacher, Charles Maclaughlin, Lauralee made decent grades, joined the boys wrestling team and found a place at Harvard. She wasnt the top student in her high school class (twentieth in a class of 300), and her SATs werent perfect (1,450 out of 1,600). But her admissions essay set her apart fro

8、m the multitudes of privileged Harvard kids. “I wrote about my mom mostly, and a little about being homeless,” she says. “I wrote about wanting to help other homeless kids.” “Shes special, and someday shell do something incredible; I really believe that,” says Maclaughlin, “Her mother gave her thing

9、s that are pricelessa lot of love, and a love of reading.”For a long time, she felt more comfortable around homeless people than her classmates. “I was with all these students who came from stable families,” she says. “They were brilliant and driven. I thought, I am going to be washed out.” She was

10、on scholarship and grants, working two jobs to pay the bills. Books were too expensive, so Lauralee borrowed them from the library or photocopied chapters. On Parents Weekend, Summers mother took the train, hauling her belongings in several bags through Harvard Square. “From the moment I met her at

11、the T station, where she emerged laden down with her bags and layers of clothes, I knew that my Parents Weekend would be different from anyone elses,” writes Lauralee. While the other students were dining or shopping with parents, her mum left because she had to check in at the shelter by 6:30 pm. F

12、orgive and Understand Toward both her parents, Summer shows an extraordinary ability not only to forgive but to understand. “I wanted to know where the other half of my genes came from,” she says. “Meeting my dad was like being reborn at 19. I can imagine what a hard time he went through when he div

13、orced.” She wrote him a letter when she was a sophomore in college. Her father wrote back right away, and the two have become close. Both father and daughter were surprised at the depth of feeling they discovered for each other, and what they have in common; both are athletic, driven and emotional.

14、He came to her Harvard graduation and made a 14-day cross-country trip with her when she moved to Berkeley. “I learned to look at the world in different ways and still find joy,” when she talks about her life. “Honestly, I think my life has been so lucky in so many ways.”女儿当自强走进哈佛的穷孩子四处飘零1998年6月,一个阳

15、光明媚的早晨,21岁萝拉莉萨默忐忑不安地等待着哈佛大学毕业典礼的开始。她在祈祷着,希望母亲这次不会像往常一样迟到。然而直到典礼结束,她的母亲还是没有出现。手里拿着毕业证书,她不由回想起过去那些令人失望的片刻:不能按时赶上公共汽车,晚餐迟到等等。突然,她听到有人喊她的名字。转过身去,发现母亲就站在她后面,笑逐颜开。她妈妈一直都很爱她,这是毋庸置疑的。但是,小时候,妈妈却无法给予她大多数孩子理应得到的那种待遇生活有规律,可以上学,三餐无忧,有一个稳定的家。童年时代,母女俩居无定所,从收容所到福利旅馆,到临时住所,到亲戚家,搬来迁去。到她十二岁时,她们就已经搬了十二次家了。 新的开始1989年,她们



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