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1、【e800编译】此示例演示在Microsoft Excel 2010工作簿中如何使用迷你图组的各项属性。此代码段是Office 2010的101项VBA代码示例中的一部分。与其它示例一样,这些将可以直接写入您的代码中。每块示例代码包含约5至50行的代码,分别演示了一个独特的功能或功能集,在VBA或VB以及C中(在Visual Studio 2010中创建)。每个示例之中都会包含代码以及相应注释,这样您就可以直接运行获取预期的结果,或者是根据代码注释提示来调整环境,运行示例代码。Microsoft Office 2010提供了你所需要的工具来创建功能强大的应用程序。Microsoft Visua

2、l Basic Application(VBA)代码示例可以帮助你创建自己的应用程序,以执行特定功能或者以此为出发点实现更为复杂的功能。实例代码在Excel 2010中新建工作簿,并将代码复制到Sheet1类模块。将光标放在WorkWithSparklines,按F8开始调试,然后Shift+ F8单步执行。并列放置VBA和Excel窗口,这样你就可以边运行边查看结果。Sub WorkWithSparklines() Make sure you press Shift+F8 to step over this procedure.FillRandomDataDim rng As RangeSe

3、t rng = Range(C2, N11) Add sparklines to the second columnDim slg As SparklineGroupDim slRng As RangeSet slRng = Range(B2, B11)Set slg = slRng.SparklineGroups.Add(XlSparkType.xlSparkLine, rng.Address)slg.Points.Highpoint.Visible = True Settings for the series:With slg.SeriesColor.ThemeColor = 5.Tint

4、AndShade = 0End With Marker settings:With slg.Points.Markers.Visible = TrueWith .Color.ThemeColor = 6.TintAndShade = 0.5End WithEnd With High point settings:With slg.Points.Highpoint.Visible = TrueWith .Color.ThemeColor = 7.TintAndShade = 0.5End WithEnd With Low point settings:With slg.Points.Lowpoi

5、nt.Visible = TrueWith .Color.ThemeColor = 2.TintAndShade = 0.5End WithEnd With Now change the spark line type:slg.Type = xlSparkColumnEnd SubFunction FillRandomData() As Range No need to stop through this procedure.Dim month As IntegerFor month = 1 To 12Cells(1, month + 2).Value = MonthName(month, True)Next month Fill in rows with random data.Dim i As IntegerDim j As IntegerFor i = 1 To 10Cells(i + 1, 1).Value = Sales & iFor j = 1 To 12Cells(i + 1, j + 2) = Round(Rnd * 100)Next jNext iRange(C1).CurrentRegion.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenterRange(B:B).ColumnWidth = 15End Function


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