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1、“If one had but a single glance to give the world, one should gaze on Constantinople,” marveled Alphonse de Lamartine, the 19th-century French writer and politician. And Constantinople was the capital city of Byzantium.My presentation will be divided into 6 parts, and my presentation will last about

2、 15 minutes.First, Im going to give a brief introduction of the empire. It was founded in 395AC and declined after 1453AC, and its also called the Eastern Roman Empire. When its in its most prosperous period, its territory covered western Asia, the Mediterranean shore of northern Africa, Italy, Syri

3、a, Palestinian and Egypt. In its a thousand years history, there were 12 dynasties and 93 emperors. Its capital was Constantinople. And its doom came when it was conquered by Ottoman Empire. It was the longest lasted monarchy country in the ancient and middle aged Europe.Secondly, about the history.

4、 The history of Byzantine Empire can be divided into 4 parts. The Founding. The Early History. The Golden Era and The Doom.First, the founding. In 395AC, the Roman Empire split into two parts, the eastern part and the western part. The Eastern part was also called the Byzantine Empire, the name came

5、 from the capital Byzantium which is known as Constantinople nowadays.The Early History. Justinian the 1st and贝利萨流lead the army to its victory and get back the provinces which in nowadays Italy, North Africa and Spain. 查士丁尼rearranged the rules of the ancient Rome, and made the民法大全。And it was quite n

6、oticeable that it was written in Latin, which was very old or to say odd even at that time because many of those who wrote this Law couldnt speak this language. And in 530s, under the charge of 查士丁尼,the architects began to build the worldly well-known Hagia Sophia(which means Saint Sophie) the churc

7、h, which later became the center of Byzantium by both religious life and 东正教。The Golden Era. We can see it in the map that, this is when its in its time, when the emperor Justinian was in charge, and he got back lots of land which once belonged to the Roman Empire. The Doom. In 1940, the once mighty

8、 kingdom had been split into pieces. And its territory gradually shrank as the time faded. Eventually, only Constantinople and the places very close to it admitted that theyre ruled by the Byzantium emperor.330年君士坦丁大帝迁都君士坦丁堡。527年 查士丁尼一世成为皇帝。532年-537年 查士丁尼一世修建“圣索菲亚大教堂”。1054年 教会分裂:君士坦丁堡教会和罗马教廷决裂,成为希腊东

9、正教。1204年 十字军东征:君士坦丁堡被十字军攻陷。1261年 拜占庭皇帝迈克尔八世?帕里奥洛加斯解放君士坦丁堡。1453年奥斯曼突厥攻陷君士坦丁堡,拜占庭帝国灭亡。(ppt上放文化束)The culture of Byzantium is considered by the authorities nowadays as the pearl of the cultures from the middle age, and a significant part of humans culture. It acted as an important role of 承上启下= =。At tha

10、t time, the nomadic were forcing their power on the 农耕民族。and so was their culture. Byzantium culture appeared at that time and to some extent, it protected the ancient Greek and Roman cultures from been ruined.拜占庭文化内容丰富,体系完备,发展水平较高,因此在文化发展缓慢的中古欧洲发挥积极作用,直接促进斯拉夫世界的文明化,加速斯拉夫各民族国家的发展,并形成以东正教为核心的东欧世界。拜占庭






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