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1、15七年级上册词汇和重点句型 1. come from =be from 来自 Where are you from?2. Excuse me? 打扰了,请问 (常用于提出问题、打扰了别人的情况)3. my/your/her favorite movie star 这里划线部分注意不能用I/ you/ she.4. guess again 再猜一猜5. in the same school 在同一所学校 (“同一所”,只有一所,所以school用单数)6. in different grades 在不同年级 (“不同年级”就意味着两个以上的年级,所以grade用复数)7. look the s

2、ame 看起来很像 look different =have different looks 看起来不一样 look like 看起来像(什么) look at 看着 look for 寻找 look after 照顾 look up 查找8. give sth. to sb. = give sb. sth把某物给某人 give this letter to Maria 把这封信给Maria9. in yellow 穿着黄色的衣服 in+颜色 表示穿或戴着颜色的服装鞋帽等 in a purple T-shirt 穿着一件紫色的T恤10. short brown hair big black h

3、air 大小/长短放在颜色的前面11. help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事 help sb. with sth. 在某事上帮助某人 e.g. help us find him 帮助我们找到他12. speak+某种语言 e.g. speak English/Chinese/Japanese (说英语/中文/日语)13. very much= a lot 很;非常 e.g. I like English very much/a lot. 我非常喜欢英语。 likevery much/a lot 非常喜欢 Likea little 有点喜欢 Dont/doesnt like

4、 at all 一点也不喜欢14. after class 课后 after school 放学后15. no problem 没问题 e.g. -Could you help me with my English? -No problem. 你能帮我学英语吗?没问题。16. live in 住在 e.g. Kangkang lives in Beijing. 康康住在北京。 Live with 和住在一起 e.g. Jane lives with her parents. 简和她的父母住在一起。17. at home 在家 at school = in the/a school 在学校18.

5、 each other 互相 e.g. They often help each other. 他们经常互相帮助。19. want to do =would like to do =feel like doing 想要做某事 e.g. He wants to visit the Great Wall. 他想要参观长城。20. be home 到家 e.g. He is home. 他到家了。 be at home 在家 He is at home. 他在家。21. have a seat=take a seat 坐下。22. in a hospital在医院; in an office 在办公

6、室; on a farm 在农场;in a school 在学校(注意划线的词)23. a photo of my family 一张我家的全家福24. on the sofa 在沙发上 e.g. The cat is one the sofa. 猫在沙发上。25. look after 照顾 Her mother lives with her and looks after her. 她妈妈和她住在一起照顾她。26. Help oneself (to+食物) 请随便吃点。27. all right=OK 好吧。28. a glass of apple juice/ water/ milk 一

7、杯苹果汁/水/牛奶29. good idea 好主意。30. take ones order 记下(顾客)点的菜31. wait a moment 请稍等32. eat out 在外面吃33. have dinner (with sb.) (和某人)一起吃饭34. be kind/friendly to sb. 对某人友善/友好35. something to drink/ eat 一些喝的/吃的东西36. such as 例如 (用于列举事物,后加短语通常列举的数目不只一个) for example/ instance 例如(可位于所举例的句子句首句中句末)37. be glad/happy

8、 to do sth. 乐意于做某事 e.g. Im very glad/happy to be here.(在这儿)38. buy sth. for sb. =buy sb. sth. 买某物给某人 e.g. buy some books for my mom = buy my mom some books39. try on 试穿 注意:try on 与it, them搭配时,it, them只能放中间 e.g. try it on try them on40. It looks very nice on you. 你穿上它看起来很漂亮。 1)look + adj. 看起来(怎样) 2)衣

9、服穿在某人身上用介词“on”,表示某人穿着什么衣服用“in”(主语不同)41. all right=OK 好吧42. think about = think of 考虑 e.g. Ill think about it. 我会考虑一下。 另:think of 还有“想起,认为”的意思 think over 再三考虑43. do some shopping=go shopping 购物44. 名词的计量:数词+量词+of+名词 three bags of salt 三袋盐 two kilos of eggs两公斤鸡蛋 45. be free 有空/空闲46. go to+地点 去某地 go (to

10、 +地点) for a picnic 去()野餐 go out 出去,出外 go+ V-ing e.g. go fishing/ shopping 去钓鱼/购物 go for a picnic=have a picnic 去野餐47. sing a song/ sing some songs 唱一首歌/唱几首歌。48. have to do 不得不/必须 (强调客观原因) must 必须(强调主观原因)49. fly a kite 放风筝50. speak to 和说话 e.g. May I speak to Jane?51. ask/ tell sb. to do sth. 叫某人做某事52

11、. cal sb. back 给某人回电话 call/ ring sb. (up)打电话给某人 53. forget to do 忘记去做某事(还没做的事) forget doing 忘记做过某事 类似用法:remember to do/ doing 54. from . to .从到 e.g. We have English classes from 8:00 to 9:00. 55. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做某事 e.g. He teaches me to play the piano. 七年级下册U5-U6重点词组1. sports star 体育明星 (注意s

12、port加s)2. know about 知道,了解3. be born in +年/ 月/ 季节 出生于 be born on + 日期/ 星期4. next Thursday 下周四 last Thursday 上周四5. plan to do 计划做某事 I plan to go shopping this weekend.6. have a birthday party (for sb.) (为某人)举办生日聚会 at the birthday party 在生日晚会上(介词用at)7. cook a special/ big dinner 煮一顿特别的晚餐/大餐8. buy sth.

13、 for sb. = buy sb. sth. 买某物给某人(buy的过去式:bought)9. use sth. to do = use sth. for doing 用某物来做某事 be used to do = be used for doing 被用来做某事10. light blue 浅蓝色11. give sb. a surprise 给某人一个惊喜to ones surprise 让某人惊奇/惊讶的是, be surprised at .对感到惊奇 surprised adj (人)惊讶的其他的类似的词形容人:excited, tired, bored, pleased, int

14、erested, disappointed形容物:exciting, tiring, boring, pleasing, interesting, moving, surprising, disappointing12. do some cleaning 大扫除12. play the piano/guitar 弹钢琴/吉他13. sing some songs 唱一些歌 14. can only +V原 只会 can also+V原 还会15. What else 别的什么 e.g. What else can you do? 你会做别的什么?16. dance to disco=dance the disco 跳迪斯科 17. perform ballet 表演芭蕾舞 perform Chinese Kungfu 表演中国功夫 perform magic tricks 表演魔术18. have a good/great/wonderful time= enjoy oneself =have fun 玩的愉快,过得开心 hurt oneself 伤到某人自己 在此oneself意思是“某人自己”,是一个反身代词 myself我



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