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1、Unit 6 I like sweets.这一单元创设了一个整体情境:Lingling明天过生日准备开一个生日party.三个课时分别设计生日前一天Lingling妈妈带Lingling去商场买衣服和生日礼物,第二天在Lingling家里开party和第三天Lingling写日记记录自己的生日。Period 1执教人:红卫小学 周蓉授课年级:五年级课型:听说课一、教学目标1、学生听懂、会说新单词a box of sweets, soft jelly, hard nuts.2、学生听懂、会说本课对话;3、运用“which one do you like, a one or a one?”询问他人

2、想要的东西,并用“I like ones” 对该询问做出回应。二、教学重点及难点1、教学重点:掌握新单词;2、教学难点:运用which one do you like, a one or a one?”询问他人想要的东西,并用“I like ones” 对该询问做出回应。三、教学准备糖果,巧克力等食品,教学课件四、教学步骤Step 1 Warming up1、T: Hello, Boys and girls. How are you?Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine , too. Thanks! Well, lets sing a song.2、

3、表演唱英语歌曲“Edelweiss”Step 2 Presentation and drill1、T: Tomorrow is Linglings birthday, so she goes to a shop to buy her new dress and birthday gift with her mum. In this shop, Lingling sees many many beautiful dresses. There are .(出示服饰的图片PPT)Ss:raincoat ,T-shirt, coat, skirt,.T: If you were lingling, w

4、hich one do you want, please tell us the reason.Ss: I want.T: You are so clever, let me tell you which one Lingling chooses. She chooses a thin T-shirt, because its cheap and nice.T: after buying new dress, Linglings mum wants to buy a gift for Linglings birthday. They go to a candy shop and there a

5、re all kinds of sweets because Lingling likes sweets. So she wants a box of sweets.Do you like sweets? I like sweets. (follow me, 提醒学生模仿跟读I like sweets. I like sweets. I like sweets.)Ss: I like sweets. I like sweets. I like sweets.T: How many sweets do you want?Ss: a lot.T: a box of sweets. (follow

6、me, 提醒学生模仿跟读a box of sweets) And there are many other food, like soft jelly, hard nuts. (同时拿出食品实物帮孩子理解单词意思)板书并教学操练单词soft jelly, hard nuts2、出示一个超市的图片,请你当超市小主人。T:2students one team, one is an owner of this market and the other goes shopping. Please remember you should use this sentence “which one do y

7、ou like, a one or a one.”(出示食物图片,特别标明软或硬) Ss:Step 3 Practice1、Game-guess( 根据描述请同学猜PPT上的食物)T:one student come here, please guess what it is according to description.S: soft one or hard one , big one or small one.(一个学生上台猜)Ss: soft one.(其他同学回答描述)Step 4 Consolidation1、 课文A部分(page 21) Listen and say先听,在跟

8、着CD朗读,最后跟老师朗读。2、 拓展:Go shopping(购物)把讲台布置成一个小型食品,请三组同学,每组三人上讲台表演。(反复操练新句型和新词汇)T:Three students one team, and I need three teams.T: OK, you are NO.1 and you are No.2 and you are NO.3, clear?Ss: Yes!3.评价,苹果树T: Today you are really great. Lets count apples家庭作业:1、 听读第10单元A、B部分15分钟.2、 每个同学举例三种食品的属性课后反思:本课教授的which one do you like, a one or a one句型学生能听懂,能运用I like 作出相应的回答。在巩固部分时候得到很好的效果,即在教授知识的层面上得到不错的效果也在拓宽孩子的课外知识。一堂有效地英语课很重要的就是环环相扣,即学了又练了又用了才是有效率的英语课堂,还要注意增加孩子对英语的兴趣。在这方面还需加强学生用英语的能力。


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