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1、如何英译外国论文标题 论文标题的英译正确与否关系到报刊的专业水平及对外影响的效果。令人遗憾的是,学院学报的一些论文标题译得不够准确,甚至多有错译的现象。笔者现将该刊2003年和2004年共计12期的论文标题英译的一些比较典型的问题按错误类型归类,并略加分析,以期引起同行的注意。本文所选的部分例子同时存在几种问题,这里一般只按所列类型进行分析,其他问题从略。 一、常识性问题 1高老头“恋女情结”解读 (2003.4)原译:Explanation of“Feeling of Longingfor Women”of Old Man Gao简析:不能把“高老头”译成“Old ManGao”,因“高老头

2、”是巴尔扎克的小说高老头的主人公,法语为Le Pere Goriot, 英语为Father Goriot;“恋女情结”之“女”指“女儿”(daughter), 非“女人”(women);“恋女情结”中的“恋”指“依恋”(feeling of attachment),而非“渴望得到”(Longing for)。改译:Expounding on Father Goriots“Daughter Complex” 2周易教育思想初探 (2003.5)原译:First Trial on Education idea of ZhouYi简析:周易应译为The Book of Changes,并做补充解释。

3、改译:On the Educational Thoughts of TheBook of Changes: A Common Source for BothConfucian and Taoist Philosophy 3文化游记散文及其独特的表达手段(2004.1) 原译:On Unique Expression Means FromCulture Travel Proses简析:prose 为不可数名词,不能变复数;游记(travels 或 travel notes)是散文(prose)的一种形式,故应删除“Proses”。改译:Unique Expressions Derived fro

4、mCultural Travels 二、语法问题 1关于基础教育课程改革的几个问题 (2003.1) 原译:Some Problems on Curriculum Reform 简析:problems与with属习惯搭配,with 表 “对于”之意;“Reform”应变为复数 Reforms。改译:Some Problems with Curriculum Reforms 2立足科研和教学实际提高语文教学质量 (2003.1)英文论文 原译:Basing on Science & Research and Teaching, Raising Chinese Teaching Quality 简

5、析:应用based而非“Basing”。 改译:Raising Chinese Teaching Quality Based on Scientific Research and Teaching Reality 3利用心理效应营造良好的教育环境和氛 围 (2003.2) 原译:Making Using of Mentality Effect to Build Better Education Environment & Atmosphere 简析:原译中“Using”应为Use 才符合 make use of结构;“Education”应改为Educational。 改译:Making Us

6、e of Psychological Effects to Build a Better Educational Environment & Atmosphere 4写作个性化教学 (2003.5) 原译:Teaching of Writing & Individualized 简析:原译中“Teaching”和“Individualized” 成并列关系,语法结构不相称,应改为修饰关 系。 改译:Individualized Teaching of Writing 5中国特色政治文明刍议 (2003.6) 原译:A Modest Proposal for the Political Cult

7、ure of Chinese Characteristics 简析:“of”应改为with,表示“带有,具 有”。 改译:On the Political Culture with Chinese Characteristics 6利用发现式教学法培养学生的主动探究 意识 (2004.1) 原译:On Training Students Studying Active by Discovering Teaching 简析:“Studying Active”搭配不当。 改译:How to Train Students Active Inquiry Awareness Through Discov

8、ery Teaching Method 7. 基于协作学习理论的师范生现代教育技 术能力的培养(2004.1) 原译:Development of Abilities to Teachers College Students in Modern Education Technology Base on Cooperation Theory 简析:“Base”应改为Based;“Cooperation Theory”前加定冠词the表特指。 改译:Training Teachers College Students in Modern Educational Technology Based o

9、n the Cooperation Theory 三、用词欠妥 1. 浅谈地方高师院校教师绩效评价(2003.1) 原译:Brief on Evaluation of Teachers Achievement & Effect in Local Higher Teachers College 简析:“绩效评价”通常译作:job performance appraisals。 改译:On the Job Performance Appraisals of the Teaching Staff in Local Teachers Colleges and Universities 2. 略论唐人绝

10、句的美学特征 (20033) 原译:Expounding the Aesthetics Characteristics of Tang Jueju 简析:“美学”此处应使用形容词aesthetic; “唐人绝句”应译作quatrains by the Tang poets。 改译:On the Aesthetic Characteristics of Quatrains by the Tang Poets 3. 同是悼妻思绵绵 境异心别情不同 苏轼、贺铸悼亡词比较 (20035) 原译:Mourning Wives With Deep Grief Similarly, Feeling diff

11、erent Owing to Situation Not AlikeComparison Between Memorial Speech by Su Shi & He Zhu 简析:“悼亡词”中的“词”是Ci(一种韵 文形式),非悼词(辞):“Memorial Speech”。 改译:Mourning Wives with Deep Grief Similarly, Expressing Differently Owing to Situations Not Alike: A Comparison Between Memorial Cipoems by Su Shi & He Zhu , Po

12、ets of Northern Song Dynasty 4. 确立美术教育的新观念 (20035) 原译:Forming New Sense in Art Education 简析:“确立”应译为establishing;“美术” 应译为fine arts;“新观念”应译为new concept。 改译:Establishing the New Concept of Fine Arts Education 5. 地理课程标准特点摭谈 (20036) 原译:Talk on the Curriculum Reform of Geography 简析: “地理课程标准” 应译作: t h e Cu

13、rriculum Criterion of Geography,(“课程标准” 译作curriculum criterion,来自中国大百科全 书)。 改译:On the Characteristics of the Curriculum Criteria of Geography 6. 小学语文朗读教学和语感培养初探(2004. 1) 原译:First Trial on Chinese Reading Aloud Teaching & Training of language Feeling 简析:语感:Instinctive Feel for the Language (现代汉语词典汉英双

14、语(2002年增补 本)第2345页) 或a sense of language (中国翻译 2005年第2期第55页)。 改译:On the Relationship Between Reading Chinese Aloud and Training Instinctive Feel for the Language in Primary Schools 7.拔草寻蛇古诗词欣赏方法之二(2004.2) 原译:Pulling Up Weeds to Seek Snakes Second Way to Enjoy Ancient Poetry 简析:该成语应为:拨草寻蛇,原译者按错 字“拔”译

15、成了:“Pulling Up Weeds”, 应改译 为Fiddling with Weeds;enjoy 意为“喜欢,享受 某种乐趣”,此处的“欣赏”指“鉴赏、分 析”,因此应改为appreciate。 改译:Fiddling with Weeds to Seek Snakes: A Second Way to Appreciate Ancient Chinese Poetry 8. 试谈新课程理念下语文教育教学的文化 整合 (2004.2) 原译:Trial on Culture Conformity of Chinese Education & Teaching Under Theory of New Curriculum 简析:conformity 强调“顺从、一致”; integration强调“融合、整合”,故取后者。 改译:On Cultural Integration in Chinese Education under the Idea of the New Curriculum 9. 浅谈日语的词汇教学 (2004.2) 原译:Br


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