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1、2008前瞻生物醫學科學新知研討會暨第七屆海峽兩岸生物醫學會議議 程日期時間主持人內容及演講人地點6月27日 08:00-08:30 08:30-08:50 08:50-09:10 09:10-09:30 09:30-09:50 09:50-10:10 10:10-10:30 10:30-10:50 10:50-11:10 11:10-11:30 11:30-12:00 12:00-14:00余幸司 校長林榮耀 院士林榮耀 院士楊泮池 院士RegistrationOpening CeremonyLecture 1 SUV3 helicase: Linking mitochondria RNA

2、degradation to ageing and cancer (李文華院士)Lecture 2 Chronic Viral Hepatitis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Molecular and Genomic Epidemiological Approach (陳建仁院士)Lecture 3 Autophagy and Apoptosisa novel way to stress prostate cancer cells to death (龔行健院士)DiscussionBreakLecture 4 Akt, IKK and Erk, three

3、Oncogenic Kinases and Cancers (洪明奇院士)Lecture 5 Recent Progress in the Discovery, Development, and Target Identification of New Therapeutic Agents Derived from Plant Anticancer and Anti-HIV Compounds (李國雄院士)Lecture 6 New Insight into Tumorigenesis and Drug Resistance:Two Decades of Studies with Campt

4、othecins (劉昉院士)DiscussionLunch and Poster Discussion高醫大演藝廳6月27日 14:00-14:20 14:20-14:40 14:40-15:00 15:00-15:20 15:20-15:50 15:50-16:10 16:10-16:30 16:30-16:50 16:50-17:10 17:10-18:00 18:00吳妍華 院士張文昌 院士Lecture 7 Networking repair, checkpoint and centrosomal protein:a tale of Cep 164(潘玉華院士)Lecture 8 C

5、ritical Roles of Interferon Regulatory Factor 4 in Thymocyte CD4/CD8 Lineage Differentiation and Maturation(劉小龍教授)Lecture 9 The Cholesterol Absorption Inhibitor Ezetimibe Acts by Blocking the Sterol-Induced Internalization of NPC1L1 (宋保亮教授)DiscussionBreakLecture10 Emploring the mechanism of modulati

6、ng the transcriptional complex in the downstream of Wnt signaling pathway (李林教授)Lecture11 Cellular signal transduction in response to virus infection (王琛教授)Lecture12 Systems Biology And Complex Disease (吳家睿教授)DiscussionPoster Presentation and Panel DiscussionDinner高醫大演藝廳6月28日 08:30-08:50 08:50-09:10

7、 09:10-09:30 09:30-09:50 09:50-10:10 10:10-10:30 10:30-10:50 10:50-11:10 11:10-11:30 11:30-11:50 11:50-12:00何英剛 院士陳培哲 院士余幸司 校長Lecture13 Function and Regulation of Steroids(鍾邦柱教授)Lecture 14 Betel related cancer and health effects (葛應欽教授)Lecture 15 Fine-mapping ACE activity a quantitative trait and an

8、 endophenotype of hypertension(潘文涵教授)DiscussionBreakLecture 16 Possibility of Receptor Engineering in Pain Therapy (羅浩院士)Lecture 17 Pharmacogenomics of Adverse Drug Reactions: Toward Personalized Medicine (陳垣崇院士)Lecture 18 Screening the drugs for modulation of alternative splicing (張建國教授)DiscussionAward CeremonyClosing Ceremony高醫大演藝廳


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