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1、初中二年级英语集体备课发言稿第十五周 中心发言人:赵紫英、安敏研究范围:仁爱版英语八年级上Unit 4 Topic 2 Section A教学设计Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs.Section A I.学习目标:一知识目标:Teaching aims and demands:1. Learn some useful words and expressions:robot, scientist, appear, take the place of, situation, repair, mend2. Learn how to express certain

2、ty and uncertainty:(1)Im sure robots can do some work faster and better than humans.(2)Are you sure?Yes, quite sure.(3)Do you think you will have a robot in 20 years?Yes, Im sure. /No, Im not sure.3. Talking about popular science and modern technology.二能力目标:1.听:能从所听语言材料中获取信息,补全对话或回答问题。2.说:能在教师的指导下参与

3、角色扮演等活动。3.读:能准确认读本课的生词、短语和准确模仿所听对话的语音语调。4.写:能将所学语言组织起来,写一篇从正反两方面描述机器人的文章。三情感目标:培养学生对当代科技的兴趣,引导他们树立积极向上、勇于探索的精神IIDifficult and important point: Im sure, Im not sure和Are you sure?句型的学习与运用。IIITeaching aids:录音机/黑板/小黑板IVTeaching procedure:Step 1 Review(教师将一个玩具机器人和一个玩具汽车进行比较,复习形容词的比较级并逐渐导入新课。)T: Boys and

4、girls. Look, what are these?Ss: They are toys.T: Which one do you like better, the robot or the car?(教师说时拿着机器人演示,让他们理解robot的意思同时在黑板上写robot,并领学生读。)(板书)robotSs: The robot.T: Very good. OK, read after me.(领读后继续提问。)T: Why do you think so?S1: Because I think the robot is more interesting than the car.S2:

5、 Yes. I agree. I think it is the most interesting of all the toys.T: Yes, I think so. Scientists invented the first robot in 1921.(教师边说边板书scientist。)scientistT:Newton is a scientist. Edison is a famous scientist, too. Most students in our class want to be a scientist. Right?S4:Yes, Im sure.(引导学生用Im

6、sure来回答。)T: Then, where did the first robot appear?(教师边说边写appear在黑板上,用invent提示它的含意。并举例让学生领会该词意思。)(板书)appearThat is to say when the scientists invented the first robot.T: In the past, we dont have a computer. But now, we have. So we say computer appeared. While I was walking down the stairs, I saw a

7、mouse. We can also say a mouse appeared while I was walking down the stairs. Do you understand the meaning of this word?(教师指appear。)Ss: Yes, “出现”.T: Where did the first robot appear?S4: I dont know.S5: Me, either.T: It doesnt matter, you can go to the Science Center to find out the answer.(学生回答什么答案都

8、可以,关键是为了导入appear和the Science Center。)T: Many students seem to like robots. Could you tell me what can robots do for us?(学生的观点各异,教师可把1a的重点句式列在黑板上,让学生在讨论的过程中,既掌握了基本的句型 ,又领会了生词的意思。)T: Please discuss this question with your partner. The expressions on the blackboard can help you. You can do it just like

9、 me.For example:(教师用黑板上的信息举一例子。)(1)Robots can take the place of humans in some work situations.(2)They can also do lots of dangerous work instead of humans.(3)Im sure robots can do some work better than humans.(4)Are you sure? Yes, quite sure. / No, Im not sure(学生明白划线的词或短语后,再举例。)T: Are you sure robo

10、ts can take the place of humans in some work situations?S6:Im sure they can do that.T: Can they do lots of dangerous work instead of humans?S7: Im not sure. Maybe they can do these things.T: Do you think robots can do some work better than humans?S8: Yes, Im quite sure.T: What else can robot do for

11、us?S9: T: Very good, please practice with your partner.(3分钟后,教师要求部分组像例子那样在班上表演,了解是否会用肯定和不肯定作答及对生词的掌握情况。)T: Excellent! Just now you discussed what robots can do for us. Now I want to know some information about robots. Could you help me?Ss: Yes. We will.T: My bike is broken. It doesnt work. I have to

12、 repair it.T: Are you sure robots can repair my bike?(边说边在黑板上写repair,引导学生理解其含意并会读,然后重述上一问题。)(板书)repairS10: Im not sure.S11: Im quite sure they can repair it.T: Im sure you are right. We can also say they can mend it. (在黑板上写下mend和汉语意思。)(板书)mend 修理Step 2 Presentation1. T: Boys and girls, we know robot

13、s are very useful to humans.But when did the scientists invent the first robot?(在黑板上写这个问题。)When did the scientists invent the first robot?T: Now lets listen to the tape and find out the right answer to this question.2.(设置听的任务,听完回答。)In _, something like _ appeared. They can _ the place of humans in s

14、ome work _. They can also do lots of _ work instead of humans. And Im _ robots can do some work _ than humans.(教师可在小黑板上提前设置好这些填空题,然后让学生听后填空,若学生听一次写不完整,可多听两次或更多。教师通过检查答案,了解学生听的效果。)3.(核对答案后,让学生提问题,划出重点词句,解决学生的问题,并将关键词句板书到黑板上。)T: Boys and girls. Please read this passage and underline the key words and

15、sentences.tell me something about robots, the Science Center, invent the first robot, In 1921, something appeared, what robots do, take the place of, situations, do lots of work, Im sure, Are you sure?(教师根据学生情况,对关键词解释、造句等。)T: Stop here.Step 3 Consolidation1. T: Very good, every student is so excellent. Now its time to read this dialog. Please read this dialog by yourselves and then read after the tape to check your pronunciation and intonation.


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