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1、选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库选校网 高考频道 专业大全 历年分数线 上万张大学图片 大学视频 院校库 专题四:高考英语短文改错【命题趋向】短文改错是高考试题中的一个重要题型。英语考试说明中对短文改错题型做了如下描述:“本题给出一篇约100个单词的短文,其中10行每行右边标有题号,要求考生判断是否有错,如有错将其改正。错误类型包括词法、句法、行文逻辑等。” 由此可以看出,短文改错题是知识和能力的综合性试题,它覆盖面广,设题灵活;不仅能准确地测试学生的语言 知识水平,而且能客观的反映学生综合运用语言的能力;不仅要求学生系统掌握所学的语法、词汇知识,而


3、意将该介词 漏掉,此时需要我们进行判断,该动词是及物动词直接接宾语,还是不及物动词,需要与介词 搭配才能接宾语,同时要根据句子含义判断用什么介词构成短语。因为同一个动词,与不同的介词搭配其含义不一样。3)两个动词连用时,中间缺少不定式的符号to。英语中两个动词连用时,除了个别动词如come、go、help之外,其他的动词都应该接不定式(此时要加to)或动名词做宾语。试题的设计有时候有意使用动词原形,此时就要判断该用不定式还是动名词做宾语。若是前者,就要在第二个动词前加to;后者则要将第二个动词改成v.-ing形式。4)单数名词表泛指时缺少不定冠词a/an,或表示特指时没有定冠词the。英语中,

4、只要是单数可数名词,在使用时都应该加上冠词,表示定指加the,没有具体所指要加a/an。对这一知识点的考查在高考短文改错中出现的比较频繁。对于单数可数名词要注意其前面有没有加冠词,表示特指还是泛指。另外,如果该名词前有小品词如this、that、these、those、such等词修饰时,名词前不加冠词。 5)受汉语的影响,将某些形容词或表示动作含义的介词短语当作动词使用,导致句中缺少连系动词。此时要注意分析句子结构,看是否缺少谓语,因为谓语是句子的饿核心,没有谓语动词的句子是不完整的。要注意克服汉语思维的干扰。6)被动语态或完成时中缺少助动词。 这样的试题设计主要是某些动词的过去分词和过去式

5、的形式相同,因此这样的错误设置得往往比较隐蔽,考生就要根据语境的提示判断该用主动语态还是被动语态, 应该用一般过去时还是过去完成时,或者现在完成时。7)缺少连词,或者连词词组中缺少某些小词。出题人故意将属于两个层次的句子简单地罗列在一起,考查考生在理解语境的基础上正确判断句子结构和层次,在适当的地方加上连词引导定语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句或加and/but引导并列句等。8)有时,出题人故意将一个完整的短语中某个小词遗漏,此时要注意判断短语的完整性。【例题解析】(2008陕西高考) John Brown is London taxi driver who love going to the76

6、 lovesTheatre Last week his mother gave him two tickets for a play77 The tickets were on Sunday evening Then John read some 78 forReviews of the play, which all said it was a terribly one! He 79 terrible Wouldnt go to see a play that no one liked it, So two hours 80 去掉h Before the play started, he l

7、eft the ticket on the back seat of 81 tickets His taxi, Perhaps someone who wanted see the play would take them82 to However, while John went back home, the tickets were 83 whenStill there In the fact ,there were four tickets on the seat 84 去掉the Someone has placed another pair of tickets on top of

8、them! 85 had 【解析】76主语driver为单数第三人称。78“某一天”的票,应用 for 表用途。又如:The big desk is for the teacher.79修饰名词或代词,要用形容词。80that no one liked是定语从句修饰a play,it与that 意义重复,为多余,应去掉。81是两张票,应用复数形式tickets82want 后接带to的动词不定式作宾语。83while要与持续性动词连用。went back home应与表点时间的when连用。84in fact为固定用法,不用冠词。85另一个人放票发生在他查看之前。应用过去完成时。【专题训练与高

9、考预测】 1Last Sunday, our class organized some volunteers 1_activities, in which all of us took active part 2_We divided into three groups Group 1 went to the 3_Peoples Park, which they planted trees, watered 4_flowers and cleaned the grasslands to make them 5_more beautiful Group 2 made their greatest

10、 effort 6_to give the bus station a thorough cleaning After 7_being cleaned, and the station took on a new look 8_Group3 go to the old peoples home to present 9_wonderful performances to make the aging there 10_happier What a meaningful day! 2I think a good student may has a lot of qualities, 1_and

11、the following three are the basic ones They 2_are diligence, intelligence and confidence Take 3_Tom for an example, he is one of the best students 4_in class and serves as our monitor Although 5_he is clever and learn fast, he is not lazy Unlike 6_some other student who study well in the same 7_clas

12、s, he reads a great many of science books 8_These students are as hardworking as Tom 9_and they dont have an equal rich knowledge 10_ 3I have some problems with reading in English 1_When I read in English, I always want understand 2_every word, so I spend a lot of time look up words in 3_my dictionary This makes reading rather difficultly 4_for me I like reading short stories in English, and 5_theres one thing I find it ver


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