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1、四年级下册 英语 导学案Module 1 Unit 1(page2-4)学习目标(Learning aims)知识目标:掌握修饰人的一些形容词:nice shy clever naughty 能力目标:学会用英语介绍(introduce)并描述(describe)他人。情感目标:培养学生团结互助的品质(to be united and polite)。重点关键:nice shy clever naughty bad , answer the call学习过程 (Learning procedure)课前表演 :short conversation(小对话)Warming up:Hello, e

2、veryone . Welcome back to school. How was your holiday? Did you play with your friends? Can you describe your friends in English? In this class well learn some words to describe a person. 同学们,你们的假期生活怎么样?记录下来吧 Word study : 形容词(adj):友善的 害羞的 聪明的 淘气的 不好的 词组(phrase):有一点 接电话 同学们这些单词你准备怎么记住他们呢?把你的方法写在下面吧。

3、Text study :Please turn to page 2 and look at the pictures. What can you find in the pictures? ( ) A. elephant B. dogKey structures :This is they are Hes shes Very a bit Text understanding : 好了,同学们根据课文内容描述一下下面的小朋友吧。一,Look,the elephant is . And 二,1、 These are my .2、 This is Maomao. . But 3、 This is M

4、s Smart. 4、 This is Xiaoyong. 5、 This is Parrot. 同学们做的非常好。下面我们就用这些形容词来描述一下我们身边的小朋友吧。(学生用形容词造句) practice(练习) :选出不同类的词1,( )A,nice B,clever C, door D,naughty2,( )A,he B,she C,they D,friend3,( )A,teacher, B,shy C,pupil D,friend4,( )A,big B,good C,bad D,very5,( )A,parrot B,elephant C,lion D,answer小小翻译家。我

5、的朋友们 一点害羞 一个聪明的小学生 一位友好的老师 一只淘气的鸟 自我总结: Homework(作业):同学们回家后试着用今天所学的知识描述一下你的家人 。May all of you be happy every day. (祝:天天开心)四年级下册 英语 导学案Module 1 Unit 2(page5-7)学习目标(Learning aims)知识目标:掌握cool little big 意思及用法。能力目标:学会用英语介绍(introduce)并描述(describe)他人。情感目标:培养学生团结互助的品质(to be united and polite)。重点关键:cool lit

6、tle big cute aunt cucle. 正确应用形容词。学习过程 (Learning procedure)课前表演 :short conversation(小对话)Warming up:hello,everyone. Welcome to our English class. Did you describe your family members yesterday? How are they? Today lets look at the little bears family members together.Word study: 形容词(adj):酷的 小的 可爱的 大的

7、家庭成员:叔叔 婶婶 妹妹 哥哥 同学们,请用这些词汇造句写在下面吧。 Text study:Now please turn to page 5. How is Sams father ? ( ) A. clever B. nice Text understanding:同学们,现在根据课文内容将下面句子补充上吧。看谁又快又准。一,This is my mother. This is my father. 二, . She is very nice. . Hes is very clever. . Hes cool. . Shes cute. .Hes very naughty.Key str

8、ucture:This is my 这是我的家庭成员:father mother aunt uncle sister brother 一组对应词: little bigpractice(练习) :小小翻译家。(1) Lily is a very clever girl. Xiaoyong is a very nice boy. 请参照上面的句子,描述一下你的同桌及前后桌同学。 (2) A: Are you naughty ? B: yes, I am. A: Are you cool? B: No, Im not. 请参照上面句子和同桌练习对话,并把对话内容写下来。 选出不同类的词。1,( )A,father B,uncle C, aunt D,my2,( )A,little B,big C,cute D,sister选择 1,( )shes teacher. A , nice B , a nice 2,( )parrot is bird A,very naughty B,a very naughty 3,( )


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