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1、Unit 4How do you get to school?温故知新(课前预习类训练).Match the phrase with the proper picture.(把下列短语和和相应的图片对应起来。)1.take a bus 2.by trainu 3.take a taix 4.on a bike 5.in a car 6.fly to 7.by subway 答案:1.B2.F3.E4.A5.C6.G7.D.Please go through the text and find the words or expressions that mean the same as thos

2、e below.(预习课文并从中找出下列汉语表达的相应英文表达。)1.骑车去上学2.坐地铁去上班3.步行去公园4.乘公共汽车回家5.前往学校6.依靠,依赖7.到达8.多远9.多长时间10.思考、考虑答案:1.ride bike to school/go to school by bike2.take subway to work/go to work by subway3.walk to the park/go to the park on foot4.take bus home/go home by bus/in the bus5.leave for school6.depend on7.g

3、et to8.how far9.how long10.think of一鼓作气(课中强化类训练)Exercises for new words(生词专练) .Write down the word or expression according to the sentence meaning and tip.(根据句意和提示写出单词或相应的英文表达。)1.It takes Mary 35 minutes to get to school by s.2.Its about 500 k from Qingdao to Jinan.3.After a q breakfast,he went to s

4、chool in a hurry.4.I dont have a car.I have to d on the buses.5.Could you show me the places in the m?6.My home is near.I (步行)to school.7.Li Lei (乘地铁)to school every day.8.His father often goes to Shanghai (坐飞机).9.If you dont want to be late,youd better (乘出租车).10. (骑自行车)to work is good for our healt

5、h,I think.答案:1.subway2.kilometers3.quick4.depend5.map6.walk7.takes the subway8.by plane9.take the taxi10.Riding the bikeExercises for phrases(短语专练).Translate the following sentences into English.(翻译下列句子。)1.我们班大多数学生乘校车上学。In our class the students go to school school bus.2.他们都骑车回家吗?不,一些人骑车回家。 they all

6、 bikes to go home?No, of them go home bike.3.你觉得北京的交通怎样?do youthe transportation in Beijing?4.在世界上的其他地方,人们骑自行车锻炼。other of the world,people go bicycle to exercise.5.每天写作业大约花去我两个多小时。 me about two hoursdo the homework.6.你每天早上怎么去上学?How do youschool in the morning?7.你认为你们城镇的交通状况如何?What do you the transpo

7、rtation in your town?8.碰到下雨天我就乘出租车。When it rains I.9.你住的离车站有多远?How far do youthe bus station?10.在周末我喜欢骑上我的自行车。I like tomyon the weekend.答案:1.most of,by2.Do,ride,some,by3.What,think of4.In,parts5.It takes,to6.get to7.think of8.take a taxi9.live from10.ride,bikeExercises for function items(交际用语专练).Arr

8、ange the following sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue.(重新排列下列句子,使之成为完整的对话。)A.New Street.B.I take a bus to the subway station.Then I take the subway.C.So,how do you get to school?D.Uh-huh.E.Well,first I walk to the bus stop.F.Where do you live,Nina?G.Next I take a bus to the bus stop o

9、n 26th Street.Finally I walk.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 答案:1.F2.A3.C4.E5.D6.B7.GExercises for grammar(语法专练).Complete the dialogue with proper words.(用适当的单词完成对话。)A:Hey,Dave. do you get to school?B:I usually walk sometimes I the bus.A: does it take?B:It takes 10 minutes to boat and 15 by bus.A: is it fro

10、m home to school?B:About 3 kilometers.A:Do you like to school by boat?B:It sounds .That must be fun.答案:How,but,take,How long,minutes,How far,going,good/great/interestingSentence structure training(句子结构专练) .Unscramble the sentences.(连词成句。)1.with,play,you,can,tennis,me 2.is,it,at,Friday,June,30,on,fou

11、r 3.it,on,where,are,depends,you 4.Lin Fei,at,leaves,school,for,7:00 5.how,does,long,take,it,from,home,your,school,to,you 答案:1.Can you play tennis with me?2.It is at four on Friday,June 30.3.It depends on where you are.4.Lin Fei leaves for school at 7:00.5.How long does it take you from your home to

12、school?快乐时光Who is stupid?Mr.White was at the window of a train in a station.He was going to London.He was angry.The train began moving,and an old porter came to the window.Mr.White shouted angrily to the porter,“I gave you my luggage a quarter of an hour ago,but you havent put it in the train.Why is

13、nt it here?And where have you put it?” The porter looked at Mr.White and said,“I looked for you everywhere,but I didnt find you.Your luggage isnt as stupid as you are.Youre in the wrong train.This one is going to Cambridge.”谁糊涂?怀特先生坐在车站里的一节火车的窗口。他准备去伦敦,可他心里在生闷气。列车开始移动了,一个年龄不小的搬运工来到窗前。怀特先生生气地朝他嚷道:“一刻钟之前,我把行李交给了你,你没把它放在车上?它怎么不在这里,你把它弄到哪里去了?”搬运工看着他说:“我到处找你,找不到。你的行李不像你这样糊涂。你上错了车。这是开往剑桥的车。”再接再厉(课后巩固类训练)El



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