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1、2011高考英语词汇总复习-H字母开头haircut 理发 half 1. n. pron. plural halvesha:vs h vz) c 50% either of the two equal parts into which something is divided or can be divided. 半,一半 2. predeterminer, adj only before noun being half of an amount, time, distance, number etc. 一半的 half an hour 半小时 half-hearted 半心半意的,不认真的

2、 half-pay 半薪 hall n. c 1. the area just inside the door of a house or other building that leads to other rooms. 门厅 SYM: hallway 2. a passage in a building or house that leads to manyof the rooms. 走廊 SYM: corridor 3. a building or large room for public events such as meetings or dances. 会堂,礼堂,大厅 ham

3、n. 1. c,u the upper part of a pigs leg that has been preserved with salt or smoke, or the meat from this. 火腿 2. informal an actor who performs with too much false emotion 拙劣的表演者 3. c someone who receives and sends radio messages for fun rather than as their job. 无线电收发报业余爱好者 ham-handed 笨手笨脚的 hammer n

4、. c 1. a tool with a heavy metal part on a long handle, used for hitting nails into wood. 铁锤 2. a tool like this with a wooden head used to make something flat, make a noise etc. 木槌 v. to hit something with a hammer. 锤打 hammer-headed 有锤状头的,愚笨的 hammer-head 愚笨,锤头 hand n. 1. part of the body 手 2. help/

5、work 帮助 3. skillful 手艺,才能 4. a long thin piece of metal that points at the numbers on a clock(钟表) 指针 v. to pass something to some one else 传递 by hand 用手,手工 hand in 交进(上)来,交纳 hand out 分发 on the one hand.on the other hand 一方面.另一方面 hand down 把.传下去 hand in hand 并进,联合 hand bag 手提包 handkerchief n. c a pie

6、ce of cloth or thin soft paper 来源:学+科+网for drying your nose or eyes. 手帕,手绢 handsome adj. 1. a man who is handsome is attractive(指男子), 漂亮的,清秀的 SYM: good-looking 2. a woman who is handsome is attractive in a strong healthy way. 端庄的,温雅的 SYM: beautiful 3. an object, building etc that is handsome is attr

7、active in an impressive way. 物体建筑, 堂皇的,美观的 AMT: ugly hang vi, vt 1. (hung; hung) a. to fix or put something in a position so that the bottom part is free to move and does not touch the ground. 悬挂 b. to fix a picture, photograph etc to a wall, or to be fixed this way. 挂 2. kill/be killed past tense a

8、nd past participle: (hanged) to kill someone by dropping them with a rope around their neck or to die in this way, especially as a punishment for a serious crime. 吊死,绞死 来源:Z&xx&k.Comhangman 刽子手 hang over 遗留物 happen vi. 1. if an event or situation happens, it exists and continues for a period of time

9、, especially without being planned first. (偶然)发生 2. to be caused as the result of an event or action 发生 3. to do or have something by chance 碰巧 happen to do something 碰巧做某事 It happens that . : By chance, it is true that sb/sth. happens to be 某人某物碰巧. SYM: occur. take place happyh pi adj. 1. having fe

10、elings of pleasure for example because something good has happened to you. 幸福的,幸运的 2. a happy time, place, occasion etc is one that makes you feel happy. 愉快的,快乐的 3. satisfied or not worried: +about: (感到)愉快 的,乐意的 happy-go-lucky 逍遥自在的,无忧无虚的 SYM: glad, cheerful joyful, merry pleasant AMT: unhappy, chee

11、r less, sad, unpleasant, sorrowful n. happiness 幸福,幸运 adv. happily 幸福地,幸运地,愉快地,恰当地 hardha:d adj. 1. firm to touch 硬 AMT: soft 2. difficult to do and understand. 困难的 AMT: easy adv. 1. using energy/effort 努力地 2. with force 猛烈地 hardlyha:dli adv. 1. almost not 几乎不,简直不 2. used to say that something had o

12、nly just happened or someone had only just done sth. 刚刚,才 hardly.when.刚.就. harvestha:vist n. 1. c,u the time when crops are gathered from the fields, or the act of gathering them. 收获,收割 2. c the size or quality of the crops that have been gathered. 收成,产量 SYM: crop v. to gather crops from the fields

13、收割,收获 hath t n. c a piece of clothing that you wear on your head. 帽子 SYM: cap my hat (表惊讶)啊! keep sth. under ones hat 保秘 take off ones hat to 向.(脱帽)致敬 hateheit T not in progressive 1. to dislike someone very much and feel angry towards them. 憎恨某人 2. to dislike sth. very much 讨厌某事 n. uan angry unplea

14、sant feeling that someone has when they hate someone and want to harm them. 怨恨,憎恶 SYM: disgust, dislike, detest AMT: love like hateless 不憎恨的 hater n. 怀恨者 haveh vh v auxiliary verb past tense hadh d,h d, third person singular present tense hash z, h z, negative short forms haventh v nt, hadnth dnt ha

15、snth z nt 1. used with the past participle of another verb to make the perfect tense of that verb. 助动词构成完成时态 have been to 去过 have gone to 已经去了 had better (+do, not do sth.) 最好做(不做)某事 2. v t not usually in passive include/contain/own 有 a word meaning to do something used in certain phrases. have a look/walk. 进行. eat/drink/smoke 吃,喝 to suffer from a disease, injury or pain 遭受 have/got to do sth. 不得不做某事 SYM:



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