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1、常见调情方式1.Banter轻松说笑2.Blowing a kiss飞吻3.Casual touches; such as a woman gently touching a mans arm during conversation不经意的身体接触;例如女士在交谈过程中轻轻碰下男士的胳膊4.Coyness, affectedly shy or modest, marked by cute, coquettish, or artful playfulness (e.g. pickup lines).害羞,端庄而有节制,通常看起来很可爱,羞涩或巧妙的嬉戏玩耍(例如花言巧语)5.Eye contac

2、t, batting eyelashes, staring, winking, eyebrow raising etc.眉目传情,眨眼睛,盯着看,眨眼示意递眼色,挑眉毛6.Flattery (regarding beauty, sexual attractiveness)恭维(通常指恭维女性漂亮,性感有魅力)7.Footsie, a form of flirtation in which people use their feet to play with each others feet.碰脚调情,一种通过偷偷碰脚来挑逗,暗中勾搭的调情手段8.Giggling, or laughing en

3、couragingly at any slight hint of intimacy in the others behavior发现对方轻微的亲密行为暗示后放生咯咯大笑9.Imitating of behaviors (e.g. taking a drink when the other person takes a drink, changing posture as the other does, etc.)模仿对方行为(例如:对方举杯自己也马上举杯,对方换姿势,自己马上模仿对方的动作换姿势)10.Singing specially selected love songs in pres

4、ence of the person.在对象面前唱精选情歌11.Maintaining very short distance during casual talking.随意交流时保持近距离12.Online chat, texting, and other one-on-one and direct messaging services while hinting affection暗示情感时:在线聊天,发短信或其它一对一的直接信息交流13.Protean signals, such as touching ones hair各种暗示,如摸对方头发14.Sending notes, poe

5、ms, or small gifts写情书,情诗示爱,送小礼物15.Smiling suggestively有暗示的微笑16.Staging of chance encounters假装巧遇17.Teasing戏弄18.Tickling逗乐子Flirting quotes绝妙调情经典语录小编OS:哼哼,我有这么多调情秘籍,就不怕泡不到妹子了。当然,妹子们也可收录这些情圣技巧,争取在2015年让自己成功托单,哈哈哈,男神女神,快到碗里来!Biubiubiuwinking and blowing kisses.1.Would you take offense if I had the gall t

6、o plant a kiss on this beautiful shoulder?你是否介意我在你美丽的香肩上种下我的深情之吻?解析:have the gall to do竟然有脸(竟然好意思)gall v.擦伤;烦恼;激怒;羞辱n.胆汁;苦味;怨恨;厚颜无耻,看来还是厚脸皮的人有饭吃哈,不然怎么吻得到美人的香肩呢,呵呵。2. Ive found this new disease, its called LOVE. I know its contagious cause you gave it to me.我发现了这个新的疾病,它的名字叫爱情。我知道这个病是传染的,因为,是你传染给我的。3.

7、 You cant be real. May I pinch you to see if Im dreaming?你这么完美不可能吧,我能掐一下你看看我是不是在做梦吗?(笑cry,这种搭讪技巧也行,小编也是醉了)4. If you got any hotter this whole world would catch fire.如果你再性感一些,我敢说整个世界都会因你而着火。小编OS:Burn me please, if you would like美人,来烧我吧,牡丹花下死,做鬼也风流。5. If nothing lasts forever, will you be my nothing?如

8、果nothing能持久永恒,你愿意做我的那个nothing吗?6.Hershey makes a million kisses a day, Im just asking for one.如果好时每天接吻数万次,我只要求一次就够了。扫盲:好时镇拥有3家现代化的巧克力工厂,是世界上最大的巧克力产地。每天生产的巧克力仅KISSES一个品种就多达3300万颗。7.Boy: wooaahh! Girl: what?! Boy: my heart just skipped a beat when I looked at you.男生:哇!女生:怎么了?!男生:当我看到你时,我的心脏竟然停止跳动了。8.

9、Can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it right back!能借个吻吗?我保证马上还给你!9. He:Did you know there are 21 letters in the alphabet? She:There are 26.He:Oh right, I always forget U R A Q T(you are a cuttie)他:你知道吗,字母表中有21个字母?她:是26个。他:哦,是啊,我总是忘记U R A Q T。(你是美人儿)解析:这样巧妙的夸人是不是很赞,恩,cuttie这个词口语中表示美人儿,漂亮的女孩,讨人喜欢的女

10、人。举个栗子:Youre a cuttie pie.Any girl would be lucky to have you!你真是个小可爱,能和你在一起的女孩真他娘的走运!当然对于经常被骚扰的男神女神们,我们也有对付花言巧语的绝招,放招:Anti-Pick Up Lines:反花言巧语He: Can I buy you a drink? She: Actually, Id rather have the money.他:我能给你买杯喝的吗?她:其实,我更想直接要钱。He: I think I could make you very happy. She: Why? Are you leaving?他:我想我会让你快乐的。她:为什么呢?你要走了吗?He: Will you go out with me this Saturday? She: Sorry. I am having a headache this weekend. He: Go on. Dont be shy. Ask me out. She: Okay. Go out.男:本周六约吗?她:我这周末头疼病犯了。男:别扯了,不要害羞吗。约我出来。她:好吧,滚出去!更多英语学习方法:企业英语培训 http:/


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