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1、微格教学中教师口语T1: Now, lets read Para. 3 and see how the Monkees was formed in a different way. are you ok? Please look at the big screen?(“老师你提的问题是什么啊?”下面有一位同学问我,但是我没有回答,因为我将在电脑上显示。)T2: How did the Monkees start? I will give you about two minutes to find the answers on the paragraph of the textbook. Ok?

2、Ss: ok.T4: do you find it?Ss: yes.T5: who wants to become a volunteer to answer the question? Please stand up, answer the question.S: it began as a TV show.T6: do you agree with her?Ss: yes.T7: yes, please look at the big screen and read the sentences together.Ss:.T8: yes, it began as a TV show. Wha

3、t kind of TV show?S: it began as a TV show with on who was good enough and three members of the band , who could act as well as sing with each other while playing music on the Beatles.( the student reads it according to the big screen )(我对同学的回答没有做任何的评价,其实她的答案是错误的。)T9: there is a difficult sentence o

4、n the big screen , please look at the big screen (我原想先讲短语帮助同学理解,但是有同学问我,老师刚才那个句子你看懂了啊?)T10: (the teacher turn to the first ppt.) these are the summary of the para.3.意思就说,这个门基乐队刚开始是一个TV show. who was good enough and three members of the band , who could act as well as sing with each other while playi

5、ng music on the Beatles. 这个就跟你们刚才回答的差不多啊!Ss:怎么差不多啊?S: 老师我说,你看对不对,这个乐队刚开始一个TV show,那时候他们是不是很火啊,T11: 是的,也许他们刚开始参加一个电视台的节目,他们通过这个节目很火,所以他们就组成了一个乐队啊。S:他们当时是演奏谁的作品啊?T12:他们当时是演奏:的作品是the Beatles。Are you clear?Ss: yes.S: 老师,那是银行还是band啊?T13:那是band,乐队。这应该是初中的知识啊。 sorry, I have made a mistake.(我把band 写成了bank)T

6、14:ok , we go on to talk about the expressions, play jokes on 对什么开玩笑啊?ok, please stand up and make up a sentence with the phrase.S: make up one sentence with it?T15: yes, please make up a sentence with the phrase.S:dont play jokes on me.T16: ok, thank you .please look at the big screen when he met a

7、 friend of his in the street, he played jokes on his friend. Are you clear?Ss: yes.T17: ok. please look at the big screen rely on 依靠 can you make up a sentence with the phrase.S: I rely on my parents.T18: ok. Look at the sentence, He relied on his parents to find a suitable job when he graduated.T19

8、:How many members were in the Monkees?Ss: fourT20: yes, four .Are all the four members rock musicians at very beginning?Ss: No.T21: how do you know it? Please stand up to say your answer. S: 应该是最后一段话T21:you did a great job. Ok, Class, lets read the sentence aloud together: “They put an advertisement

9、 in a newspaper”, one, two, begin!Ss: They put an advertisement in a newspaper looking for rock musicians, but they could only find one who was good enough. They had to use actors for the other 3 members of the band. T22: Yes. They just pretended to sing during the broadcasts. Could they sing well?S

10、s: (No.)S:老师,pretend 是什么意思啊?T23:假设,假定How do you know that? Can you find the answer in Para 3 or 4?S:老师什么问题啊?T24:I asked you “They just pretended to sing during the broadcasts. Could they sing well?, you answered to me, no. and then I asked you How do you know that? Can you find the answer in Para 3

11、or 4?SS: para4T25:yes can you answer it?S: As some of these actors could not sing well enough, they had to rely on other musicians to help them.T26:yes, sit down please .ok, please read the first sentence on para4.T27: I want to ask you who did they rely on? Please stand up .S: they relied on other

12、musicians,T28:yes, they relied on other musicians, you are right, please look at the big screen and complete the following passage. I will give you about three minutes to complete it with our own words, are you ok?Ss: yes.T29: do you finish it?S: no.T30: ok, please do together with me. ok.T31: are y

13、ou clear? Do you have questions to ask me? 微格教学反思报告六 (Lesson2,unit5 , S1B)报告人:李瑾,08(5),G5主题:阅读操练课我感觉在这次微格教学中跟前几次的微格教学有很大的不同之处:第一,我对门基乐队及音乐方面的知识了解比较少,同学们问我问题,很多时候我都不知道怎么回答他们,有时候我简直在忽悠他们,他们对某些重要的知识点不能很好的掌握啊!第二,我的ppt出现了很多问题,比如,我把某些单词的拼写打错了,让同学们误解了我的意思啊;有些ppt的颜色搭配不够理想,导致很多同学不能看清楚大屏幕上写的什么啊;第三,我感觉最让我棘手的是,

14、我的提问方式啊:有些同学根本不能很好的理解我的提问,很多时候他们在问我,老师你提的什么问题啊?在这种情况下,我不得不重复我的问题,在这方面我花了很多宝贵的时间啊!我提的问题没有逻辑性啊,我不知道什么时候该提什么样的问题啊,什么时候讲单词、短语和句子的含义,不知道什么时候该分析文章的成分和段落大意。我觉得我自己在这方面简直就是一片空白啊! 比如说,在T10的时候,我叫同学在第三段找到How did the Monkees start?的答案,但是我并没有对我的答案给予分析啊,同学们就马上问我为什么是这个答案啊?这个答案的句子成分是怎么理解啊?当时我已经在将后面的短语了,他们才提出这样的问题,没有

15、办法啊!我又倒回去讲这个知识点啊。就是在这个时候,我对我的教学课程几乎已经完全搞乱了,我都不知道我下面该讲什么了啊。(但是sample reading中老师也没有仔细讲这一方面的知识啊,为什么同学们有那么多的疑问啊,难道是sample reading中的老师已经在前面讲了这方面的知识啊),有如T23中,其实我在备课的时候,我就感觉同学们对这个pretend这个单词感觉很迷惑,但是我没有注意啊,因为我们在初中就学了这个单词啊,结果是同学们依然不知道啊。最后,在T24中,我几乎在讲我是怎么提问的,我为什么要提问啊。刚开始的时候,我问同学们“They just pretended to sing d

16、uring the broadcasts. Could they sing well?”但是同学们没有大声回答啊,只有没有同学在低声说。此时有一个同学大声的问我,pretend 这个但是是什么意思?我回答了她。我继续提问啊,但是同学就不知道我提的什么问题啊(因为这两个问题具有很强的逻辑性啊,只有回答了第一个问题,才有可能听懂我的第二问题啊) 通过这次微格教学我认为我应该在以下几个方面对自己进行提高:第一,我应该在课前进行认真的备课,例如,我应该上网、查阅资料等方面更多的了解课本的背景知识,对要在课堂上提什么样的问题,怎样提问及提问的顺序等都要好好的掌握啊!第二,对课堂上发生的一些问题,我应该马上进行处理,帮助同学们更多的进行课文理解


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