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1、鼎立教育 Share老师新概念英语青少版1A期末测试(14单元)Name: _ Score: _听力部分(20分):一, 听录音,选出你所听到的数字或单词并在其前面的括号里打“”。(2分510分)1,( )William ( )Karen ( )Robert ( )Paul2,( )10 ( )4 ( )5 ( )93,( ) 80 ( ) 13 ( ) 30 ( )184,( )Miss ( )Mrs. ( )Mr. ( )wife5,( )it ( )is ( )its ( )isnt二, 听录音从下列选项中选出你所听到的数字或单词并把答案(A.B.C.D)写到括号中。(1分5=5分)(

2、)A. pen B. pencil C. ruler D. bag( )A. 023 B. 010 C. 028 D. 021( )A. this B. that C. the D. those( )A. whose B. who is C. what D. which( )A. my B. his C. her D. their三,听录音把下列单词按听到的顺序用阿拉伯数字排序。(1分5=5分) meet on hall Polly daughter ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) key ball great fourteen teacher ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

3、读写部分(80分):一, 选出每组词中不同类的那一个,并在其下面画上横线。(2分5=10分)1, I, she, her, he2, look, good, foot, dog 3, Hello, Im sorry, Hi, Good morning4, fine, umbrella, hungry, thirsty5, color, green, brown, orange 二, 选词填空,使文章意思通顺。(2分15=30分)(一) A: Hey, _ ( this / that ) is good. Look, Lucy! _ ( Whose / What ) is this?B: _ (

4、 Its / Hes ) a wheel.A: No, _ ( he / it ) isnt. Look, _ ( Hes / Its ) green._ (Shes / Its ) a hat.B: OK. Its _ ( green hat / a green hat.)(二)A: _ ( Who / Which ) is that boy, Polly?B: _ ( Who / Which ) boy, Annie?A: The boy _ ( in / on ) the silver bicycle.B: _ ( Shes / Hes ) Robert Jenkins.A: _ ( W

5、hos / Whats ) that man?B: _ ( Who / Which ) man?A: _ ( The / A ) man with the black umbrella.B: Thats Mr. Jenkins. _ ( Shes / Hes ) Roberts _ ( brother / father)三, 连词成句,注意首字母大写。(2分5=10分)1, the, doctors, busy, very, _2, Karen, daughter, is, my, _3,a, grey, its, bird, _4, the, silver, bicycle, is, who

6、se, _5, safe, sorry, better, than, _四, 模仿例句仿写句子。 (6分5=30分)1,例子:What is this? ( dress / red ) - Its a dress. Its a red dress. 题目:What is that? ( hat / white )-_2, 例子:( Roberts bicycle / silver )- What color is Roberts bicycle? Roberts bicycle is silver. 题目: ( Pauls camera / blue )- _ _3, 例子: Lucy / horse / white / grey Is Lucys horse white? - No, it isnt. 题目: Is her horse grey? - Yes, it is. Paul / car / new / old _4, 例子:who / hot / Lucy - Who is hot? Lucy is hot.题目:Who / sad / William -_5, 例子:Karen / ill? No - Is Karen ill? No, she isnt. 题目:William / happy? Yes-_3



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