知行英语综合教程1 unit3

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1、First Sight,Better Acquaintance,Further Development,Cross-cultural Communication,Real Time,1) fast-speed A courses 2) respectable B activities 3) colorful C teachers 4) high D Internet 5) interesting E grades,Task 1,Answer the questions by matching the following items.,1 What would make you feel goo

2、d about your campus life?,1) selfish A environment 2) difficult B meals 3) noisy C roommates 4) expensive D health 5) poor E assignment,Task 1,2 What would make you feel bad about your campus life?,Task 2,Match the following items with the pictures below.,Step 1,1 lighting 2 director 3 actors 4 thea

3、ter technician 5 audience 6 costumes,C,B,A,F,D,E,Task 2,Fill in the blanks with the items in Step 1.,Step 2,lighting director actors theater technician audience costumes,1 The _ clapped for 10 minutes. 2 The _ were still in make-up. 3 The play had excellent sound and _ effects. 4 He is a skillful _.

4、 5 The _ is a person who is in charge of a film or play. 6 She had four _ changes during the play.,audiences,actors,lighting,theater technician,director,costumes,Reading It,The Good, the Bad and the Emmy,* Words,Better acquaintance,1 “And the winner is”,2 How exciting it was to walk onto the stage t

5、o receive my Emmy for “Best Childrens Program”. All the long hours and hard work put into producing Muppet Babies had been worthwhile.,3 Long before I was an Emmy winner, I was a drama student at San Diego State University. Every fourth-year student in the department is required to direct and produc

6、e a play. Its the biggest task in his or her college career. I was waiting for my turn, to write and direct my own play.,winner n. 获胜者,exciting a. 令人激动的;使人兴奋的,*worthwhile a. 值得花时间(金钱)的,drama n. 戏剧(艺术),career n. 生涯;职业,1 “获奖者是”,2 走上台去领我的艾美奖“最佳儿童节目”奖是多么令人兴奋啊!所有为了布偶宝 贝付出的漫长时间和辛苦工作都是值得 的。,3 在成为艾美奖得主之前很久,

7、我还是圣地亚哥州立大学戏剧系的学生。该系每个大四学生都要执导并制作一出戏剧。这是其大学生涯里最重大的一项任务。当时,我也在等候轮到自己的那一刻,去创作和执导我自己的戏剧作品。,4 My play, The Life of the Party, was a comedy. I chose my cast carefully, and we had serious rehearsals. We were certain about our success. Finally, our play was ready for its dress rehearsal. It was our first t

8、ime to add sound effects, lighting and costumes, and it was my casts first time to act before a small audience.,5 We started our dress rehearsal, and the technicians did their jobs well. My actors, on the other hand, were having a difficult time. Somehow, with costumes and under hot lights, this com

9、edy didnt play very funny. My actors expected to hear laughs from the technicians, but the laughs never came. Were the technicians too busy? Didnt they have a sense of humor? My actors confidence was shaken, and so was mine.,comedy n. 喜剧;戏剧性事件,cast n. 全体演员;演员表,*rehearsal n. 排演;排练,success n. 成功;成功的事物

10、;取得成就的人,*lighting n. 灯光;布光,*costume n. 戏装;(特定场合穿的)成套服装,audience n.(戏剧、音乐会或演讲等的)观众,听众,*technician n. 技术员;技师,actor n.(男)演员,somehow ad. 由于某种未知的原因,funny a. 滑稽的;有趣的;好笑的,humor n. 幽默;幽默感,confidence n. 信心,4 我的戏剧派对人生是出喜剧。我仔细地挑选演员,然后我们认真地排演。对于成功我们信心十足。终于,我们的戏剧可以彩排了。这是我们初次加上声效、灯光和戏服,也是我的演员初次面对一小群观众表演。,5 我们开始了彩

11、排,技术人员做得很好。而我的演员却遇到了一些麻烦。不知怎么地,加上戏服,在炽热的灯光下,这出喜剧演得不那么有趣了。我的演员期待着听到技师的笑声,但笑声始终没有出现。是技师们太忙了?难道他们缺乏幽默感吗?演员们的信心动摇了,我也一样。,6 One technician said to me, “You know the old saying: A bad dress rehearsal makes for a great opening!” I tried to smile back.,7 The next day, I watched as the theater filled with st

12、udents and teachers. The lights went down and the music came up. I chose the music from The Bugs Bunny Show. Just hearing the music, the audience started laughing. I relaxed. What was there to worry about?,8 My actors entered, and, in the beginning, there was a little laughter. The audience was enco

13、uraging them. As the show continued, however, the laughs became fewer and fewer before they disappeared completely. Soon, my actors were sweatingand it wasnt because of the hot lights. There were long periods of inappropriate silence. Nothing was working. The play was too unpleasant to watch. The au

14、dience glanced at their watches, coughed, and rolled their eyes. As soon as the play was over, they moved for the nearest exit.,*saying n. 俗语;谚语,relax v. 放松;(使)松弛,laughter n. 笑;笑声,encourage v. 鼓励;激励,disappear v. 消失,sweat v. 出汗;流汗 n. 汗;汗水,*inappropriate a. 不适当的;不合适的,silence n. 寂静;沉默,unpleasant a. 令人不

15、快的;不舒服的,roll v.(使)滚动;原地打转,exit n. 出口;通道,6 一位技师对我说:“你知道那句老话糟糕的彩排会带来成功的开场吗?”我努力地回以微笑。,7 第二天,我注视着剧场里逐渐坐满了师生。灯光暗下来,音乐响起。我挑选了兔八哥集锦里的音乐。一听到这音乐,观众便笑了起来。我松了口气。有什么好担心的呢?,8 我的演员上场了,开始时,能听到一点笑声。这是观众在鼓励演员。可是,随着演出的继续,笑声变得越来越少,直到完全消失。很快,我的演员流起汗来而这并非聚光灯的缘故。台下有长时间的不对劲的沉默。一切都失去了效果。这出戏剧枯燥得让人无法看下去。观众开始看表、咳嗽、东张西望。演出一结束,他们便向最近的出口走去。,9 At that moment, I wanted a black hole in the univ


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