牛津译林版八年级上Unit2 第4课时 教案 讲解分析 习题设计.doc

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1、Period : Study skills&Task& self-assessment(第四课时)第一部分 教案设计教学内容Study skills&Task& self-assessment(第2729页),学习一些构词法的常识。Task要求学生运用本单元所学内容和知识写一篇关于学习生活的小短文。Self-assessment板块要求学生对照单元各个学习项进行我评价,对单元学习进行自我反省,制订计划以提高自己的学习水平。教材分析Study skills板块通过在形容词末尾加上-ly构成副词或是在名词末尾加上-ly构成形容词。Task板块属于单元知识综合运用板块,在根据相关内容进行操练之后,学

2、生仿照所给的范文写一篇关于School Life的文章。教学目标基础知识掌握词汇:daily, weekly, quick , through, real, finish,lunchtime, physics 词组:an English test, look through the questions quickly, read slowly, at first, keep writing in English, my daily life, have a lovely time , Art Club,need to get up early, have an hour of homework

3、,listen to music, in each class ,have computer lessons, a swimming pool, have fun, a big clean dining hall, wear ties,choose subjects to study, a football field, go on a school trip句型:We have a monthly test on each subject.To me, learning foreign languages is really fun.I also keep writing in Englis

4、h about my daily life.I learn to use English better this way.We have lots of time for after-school activities. 基本技能 1掌握形容词加后缀-ly构成副词的方法。2掌握名词加后缀-ly构成形容词的方法。3构思一篇文章,描述自己理想中的学校。综合素质能了解问卷调査的有关知识, 根据学校及个人情况完成一份调查问卷。 教学重难点及突破重点:掌握基本的四会单词、词组及句型。难点:学习在写作前先列提纲,学习如何描述自己理想中的学校。教学突破 先利用活动进行口头操练,列出写作提纲,再进行写作。教学

5、准备教师准备:多媒体课件 学生准备:1有关自己理想中的学校的图片。2 稿纸。教学设计Step I Presentation(新授)1Free talk引出副词的用法,如:When we are having a lesson, what should we do? (We should listen carefully.)What should we do if the baby is sleeping? (We should talk quietly.)How should we talk to old people? (We should talk to them politely.)板书

6、相应的副词。2呈现更多的副词,如:easily、well、fast等,让学生根据副词的形式讨论形容词变成副词的规律,最后呈现以下表格-Most adjectives+里yquietquietly slowslowlyAdjectives ending in consonant + y-y + ilyeasyeasily happyhappilyAdjectives ending in le-e + ygentlegentlySome irregular adjectivesgood一well fast一fastStep II Practice(操练)1呈现更多的形容词,要求学生根据所学方法竞赛

7、快速写出形容词的副词形式:Here are some more adjectives. Please write the correct adverbs. You can use the rules we have learnt just now.nice nicelypolite politely simple simply possible possiblygood wellfast fastearly earlylate late2大声朗读形容词和对应的副词,并提醒学生注意那些以le和辅音字母加y结尾的形容词变成副词的拼写方法,以及一些形容词和副词同形的单词。3 师说:We have l

8、earnt some ways to make adverbs from adjectives. Can any of you tell me how?复习形容词变成副词的规律。Step III Presentation(新授)1板书单词:friendly、lovely。问学生:What do these words mean in Chinese? Are they adverbs or adjectives?Theyre adjectives. We can also add the suffix -ly to some nouns to form adjectives.指导学生看课本第2

9、7页上方的表格内容。 2让学生大声朗读所列单词,注意变化规律:一些名词加-ly构成形容词,一些形容词加-ly构成副词。Step IV Practice(操练)1根据后缀-ly的构词法,完成A部分的练习,能正确区分形容词和副词。 2 小组讨论答案,进一步巩固后缀-ly的构词法。 3朗读A部分的单词,纠正学生的发音。4完成B部分的练习,朗读短文, 教师可通过课件呈现答案,同时让学生找出重要词组,如:look through、keep doing sth、learn to do sth在讲解词组时,教师可通过情境呈现。Task(学习Task)Step I Lead-in(导入)1Free talk学

10、校生活,可用问卷中的问题,如:Do you like your school life? Why or why not?Step II Presentation(新授)1 What do you like or dislike about our school? Lets read the questionnaire on page 28.浏览A部分的问卷,学习ideal、 finish、lunchtime、physics、badminton,并对调查问卷中的第7点作简单说明。2 Which subjects, sports and clubs do you like? What time w

11、ould you like to do sports?让学生小组内,讨论自己的选择,让他们想出更多的科目、运动和活动。3 Complete the questionnaire, and then work in groups to talk about your answers.完成问卷,鼓励学生讨论,交流各自的看法。4 Do you like our school? Whats your ideal school like? Lets talk about your ideal school.鼓励学生说出自己的看法。要求学生根据Useful expressions完成句子,对能力较强的学生可

12、直接要求连成短文。Step III Reading(阅读)1 Daniel wrote an article about his ideal school. Listen to the tape and then answer the following questions.听B部分的录音,回答问题:When does Daniels ideal school start? (It starts at 9 a.m.)How much homework does he have? (An hour of homework every day.)2再听一遍课文,回答更多问题:When does t

13、he school finish? (At 3 p.m.)How long is his lunchtime? (An hour.)How many students are there in each class? (About 20 students.)Do they have a swimming pool? (Yes.)What activity do they do every month? (They go on a school trip.) 3听录音跟朗读范文。4 Read Daniels article again and tell me what Daniel talks

14、about in each paragraph. Try to complete this table.Paragraph 1(school time)Paragraph 2(lunchtime and school uniforms)Paragraph 3(classes and subjects)Paragraph 4(after-school activities)Step IV Writing(写作)1 Weve learnt about Daniels ideal school. Its your turn now. Id like youto write about your id

15、eal school.先分组讨论各自的理想学校。 2参考范文和Reading课文中的表达,根据自己的写作提纲完成一篇文章。提醒学生勇于尝试,充分运用所学知识进行写作,不要完全拘泥于范文。3学生完成写作后,先小组内互相批改并选出每组的最佳作品全班展示。教材习题教材第27页Part AAdjectiveAdverb: carefully easily slowly quickly usually NounAdjective: monthly weekly daily lovely yearlyPart B1 monthly2 quickly3 easily4 really5 slowly6 daily7 Usually8 lovely随堂小练习用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Of the three students, Jimmy drank_(little) water.2. Their radio is different from _(we).3. I tell f_secrets than Jack, so I am more honest than him.4. Of



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