牛津译林版七年级英语上册学案:Unit4 My day Period4.doc

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1、7A Unit 4Period 4 Grammar 1学习目标1. 能初步掌握介词at, on, in表达时间的用法。2. 在语篇中正确运用介词at, on, in.学习重难点1.掌握并运用本课重点词汇:would life would like all the best2.用正确的介词来表达时间。 自主学习一、根据所给汉语写出单词或词组。1.(表客气地建议或邀请) 2.生活,生命 (复数形式) 3.想做某事 4.一切顺利,万事如意 二、预习第47页Part A,想一想表示时间的三个介词分别怎么用?试着完成Part A 的练习。三、在课本中用红色笔划出下列词组、句子并翻译1在晚上看电视 2在三

2、月种树 3在冬天下雪 4第22届世界杯 5我们的暑假 6玩得很开心 7在儿童节 8在周六上午去游泳 来源:学优高考网9. 在七点钟吃早饭 10. 在6岁时开始上学 11.Thanks for your e-mail.12.I would like to tell you about my life here.13.I am good at playing football.14.My friends and I always have great fun then.学习过程一、自由交谈通过课前的交谈,引出表示时间的介词in、on、at.如: When is News Years Day?Wha

3、t season is it in?When do you have PE lessons?When do you watch TV every day?When is Childrens Day?When were you born?.二、小组讨论并总结in、on、at的用法通过回答问题,让学生在答句中找规律讨论总结介词。in、on、at的用法:来源:学优高考网gkstkin on at 三、学生阅读P47表格的内容,讨论合作完成Part A练习。四、知识点拨小组内讨论总结时间介词的用法。介词at 钟点: at six oclock 用餐时间: at breakfast 节日: at Chr

4、istmas 年龄: at 14 星期: on Monday 日期: on 8th April介词on 具体某个上午、下午、晚上:on the morning of 8th Septemberon a spring afternoonon a cold night / evening 上午/下午/晚上:in the morning/afternoon/evening 介词 in 季节:in Spring 年份:in 2005 月份:in December来源:学优高考网gkstk五、你能再例举一两个其他的时间介词吗?当堂达标检测一、用适当的介词填空1. They celebrate Hallo

5、ween _October 31st. Well have a holiday _October.2. I often play sport _ the morning and I do my homework _ the evening. 3. We met _ the evening of January 5th, 2006.4 He usually gets up _ 6:30 _ Mondays.5. We go to school _ Monday _ Friday. 6.We dont have lessons _ weekends.7. Karl Marx started lea

6、rning English _ at the age of sixty.8. Mikes father was born _ July 8th, 1945. 9. My father reads newspaper _ breakfast. Then he goes to work _ 7:10a.m.10 -When were you born? - _ a cold winter morning _ 1995.11. Jeans birthday party will start _ 7:00 _ Sunday evening.12. He often watches TV_ luncht

7、ime with his family .13. Father Christmas usually gives presents to children _Christmas .14. My father was born _1951.来源:学优高考网15. Peter will go to the cinema _ the evening .来源:学优高考网16. My grandfather often watches TV news _ 7 p.m.17. He is going to have a birthday party _ the afternoon of 2nd May.18

8、. Birds always fly to the south _ autumn.19. I started to learn English _ 14. 20. We usually have an English Corner_Friday evening.二、根据首字母提示完成短文 My favourite s 1 is English. Its f 2 . I can talk with others in E 3 . I like English songs, too. I join in the English C 4 . Every W 5 afternoon I go there and practice my English with my f 6 . We w 7 the English movies, r 8 English stories. I think English is v 9 useful. I l 10 it.学后反思:精讲多练,促成内化。淡化对语法概念、定义的讲解和记忆,留更多的时间和精力用于实例、实践、实用;启发、诱导、点化学生在反复接触和应用语言的过程中,逐步体会和感知语言的规律性,培养学生探索、思考、创造的能力,使学生形成对语法知识自觉运用的习惯。



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