牛津译林版七年级英语上册学案:Unit4 My day Period6.doc

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1、7A Unit4 My dayPeriod 6 Integrated skills学习目标1.能够熟练朗读并默写本课重点单词、 词组及句型:2.掌握有关排球比赛的信息,并学会将信息整理归类,听懂并能摘取相关信息。学习重难点来源:学优高考网1.掌握本课重点单词及短语:wish,luck, museum, twice, picnic, go on a picnic, good luck , twice a month once a week ,Wish our team good luck!2.学会有目的的听取材料并摘录相关信息同时用所得信息将语篇补充完整。3.能够就校内信息与他人进行交流。自主学

2、习一、根据所给汉语或音标写出单词。来源:gkstk.Com1. w 2. lk 3. mjuzi:m 4. twas 5.pknk 6. wns 7.幸运,好运 (形容词) 二、阅读课文,把下列短语译成英语并用红色笔在书中划出来。1. 一场排球赛 _ 2. 和simon谈论 _3. 在和之间 4. 在周末 5.看比赛 6.祝我们队好运! 11.去野餐 12. 参观博物馆 13.多长时间一次 14.一个月两次 15. 太棒了! _ _(二)同学们, 在完成上面练习以后请你思考下列问题:1. wish和hope都有希望的意思,他们用法有什么区别呢? _ _学习过程来源:gkstk.Com一、导入新

3、课。观看各种体育比赛的画面,让学生回顾有关体育活动的知识。二、仔细研读P49 Part A1的选择题,听两遍录音,完成P49 Part A1的选择题。1 What are the two teams in the match? a Two classes in Sunshine Middle School. b Students in Class 1,Grade 7. c Sunshine Middle School and Moonlight Middle School.2 When is the volleyball match? a Tuesday,27 November. b Satu

4、rday,17 November. c Wednesday,7 November.3 Where is the volleyball match? a At Moonlight Middle School. b At Sunshine Sports Centre. c At Sunshine Middle School.4 What time does the volleyball match start? a At 6:00 in the evening. b At 7:00 in the evening. c At 8:00 in the evening. 二、根据P49 Part A1的

5、信息,完成P49 Part A2的笔记。(小组合作讨论完成并由部分小组D同学展示)A volleyball matchTeams: _Date: _Place: _Time: _三、再听录音,完成P49页A3部分。(个人完成以后,由小组长带领组员讨论并核对答案并大声朗读此篇短文,然后由各组C生展示)Dear classmates,There is a volleyball match between (1)_and (2) _ on (3)_.The match starts at (4)_, this (5) _ evening, at(6)_. We can go there (7)_ .

6、I hope everyone can come and watch the game. Thanks.来源:gkstk.ComWish our team good luck!Simon四、导入P50页Speak up部分。1.利用图片呈现Speak up部分的语境并提出问题:What does Millie like to do at weekends?2. 听录音回答问题(学生抢答)3.再听录音回答以下问题:(学生思考并由B、C生抢答)How often does Millie visit a museum?What does Tommy like to do?How often does

7、 Tommy go on a picnic?4.学生跟读对话并尝试表演。(A/B生能够表演对话,C/D生会背诵并尝试表演)来源:学优高考网五、 学生根据speak up编写自己的对话。如: A: What do you like to do at weekends? B:I like to A: How often do you B: About a month. What about you?A:I like to B: How often do youA: About B: Thats great!课堂达标检测一、根据句意和首字母或中文提示填空: 1. The children are h

8、aving a (野餐) over there. 2. Good l_ (运气) to all my friends. 3.His father goes to Beijing (two)a year. 4.Kitty enjoys w_ a football game with her father after supper. 5. They have English and math on _(星期一)morning. 6. If you want to become a good Marathon athlete, you must practice _(跑步) every day. 7

9、. Sandy goes to the Reading Club o_ a week. 8. -Shall we visit the m tomorrow?-OK. We can see some old things in it. 9. Thank you for _(tell) me the news.10.Miss Liu (teach) us Music this term.二、缺词填空: Dear Tom, Thanks f_ your e-mail. I want to tell you about my school l_ here. Our lessons s_ at nine

10、 oclock, U_ we have three lessons i_ the morning and two in the afternoon. We dont have l_ on Saturday and Sunday. I love sports. I am good at p_ football. I often play with my friends on Sunday afternoon. We have a school football m_ in autumn every year. My friends and I always have great f_ then. All the b_ Mike学后反思:不能急于求成,听力训练应贯穿于平常的每一堂英语课中。要尽量用英语授课,加强听说教学的力度,在教学中我们应给予充分重视和加强。同时也要鼓励学生在课堂上尽量用英语表达思想、展开讨论、传递信息、回答问题,从而尽可能多地为学生创设英语语言环境。在日常的英语教学中,加大录音磁带的使用量,采用预听、跟读等形式,将听力训练渗透于每堂课。



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