仁爱版八年级上册(新)学案:Unite 4 Topic 3 Section C学案.doc

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1、Unite 4 Topic 3 Section C 每日一语:Books,likefriends,shouldbefewandwellchosen. 读书如择友,宜少且宜精。 一、学习目标1. 复习“主语+及物动词+宾语+宾补”的结构。2. 学习用英文介绍因特网的特点。3. 利用所学知识、结合调查的结果写一篇有关同学们使用因特网情况的文章。二、学习方法与过程 1.先复习本节课生词和短语(P137)再预习课文短语(P101、102)2. 预习导学 (8分钟)1)单词互译与记忆:完美的_ 确实的_ 正确的_ 搜索_ safely_ cheat_2)短语互译与记忆:change the world

2、_ all kinds of_ _ share sth. with sb._ _ use sth. to do. sth. _ _ spend some time doing sth. _ not all of_ less than_ be good for sb._变成重要的一部分_ 网上聊天_ _通过欺骗获取钱财_ _ _ 向着较好的情况_ _在同一时间_ _ 查找信息_ _ 3.自学: 阅读文章找出下面句子,理解并熟记。(可以查资料,讨论或向老师求助)(5分钟)1)The Internet makes lives more interesting.2)Everyone can post

3、information, and not all of it is true.3)Some young people usually spend too much time playing games and so on.4)Some people use the Internet to hurt others and try to get money by cheating.4. 合作探究课本 1a,1b,1c.(10分钟)1). Pre-reading. 读前准备。学生群组讨论1a的问题,把不同的意见分享给全班。2). Fast-reading 快速阅读。a. Read the passa

4、ge quickly in 1a, and find out what the passage is mainly about. 快速阅读1a, 找出本文段落大意。_b. Give it a good title, finish 1c. 给短文拟一个题目,完成1c.3). Detailing reading. 细读。a. Read 1a and match the following words with their meanings in 1b. 读1a,并把1b中单词与它们相对应的意思连起来。b. Students read the passage carefully and comple

5、te the table in 1d. 认真阅读短文,完成1d表格。c. Work in pairs. Discuss and check the answers in 1d. 讨论并核对1d答案。活动:课本2a,2b. 通过交际训练和写作练习,培养学生综合运用语言的能力。(8分钟)1. 根据2a的问题,两人一组互相采访,完成2a。2. 根据采访结果,写一篇小短文。 My friend _ use the Internet. _ often uses it to _ and seldom_. _ usually spends _ online every day and is sure _.

6、_ thinks _ and we should _.5. 知识超市:(6分钟)1)The Internet makes lives more interesting.互联网使生活更有趣。 make sb./sth. +adj. 使某人/某物 翻译:互联网使世界变得越来越小。_ 她使我们变得开心。_ 2) Everyone can post information, and not all of it is true. 每个人都可以发布信息,并不是网上所有的信息都是真实的。 not all of 表示“部分否定”。 3) Some young people usually spend too

7、much time playing games and so on. spend some time doing sth. 花费时间做某事 翻译:现在一些学生花费更少的时间在学习上。_4) Some people use the Internet to hurt others and try to get money by cheating. 一些人用互联网伤害他人并通过欺骗来获取钱财。 use sth. to do sth./use sth. for doing sth. 使用某物做某事 by 通过 翻译:我们可以使用互联网给朋友聊天。_ 填空:Wed better remember Eng

8、lish words by _(use) them.三、反馈练习(5分钟)( ) 1. What about this one, Madam?Its too expensive. Can you show me a _ one?A. cheapB. cheaperC. expensiveD. more expensive( ) 2. My father used to _ newspapers after meals. A. watchB. seeC. look atD. read( ) 3. Nobody is sure _ there is UFO. A. where B. howC. w

9、hetherD. why( ) 4. I often _ the Internet _ some information during my study. A. look; forB. search; forC. wait; forD. leave; for( ) 5. Whats wrong with your computer? Oh, it doesnt _.A. speakB. moveC. workD. run( ) 6. Dont make me _ the clothes. Im too tired!A. washingB. to washC. washD. washed我的收获:_我的问题:_


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