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1、商水县实验中学“基于课程标准、中招考点、两类结构”的教案设计教学内容:(九上) U4T1 Section D 课型:新课型主备人:王 娜 杨晓惠备课时间:2015-08-01一、学习目标确定的依据1、 课程标准:英语课程标准(2011年版)要求学生能够听懂有关熟悉话题的谈话,能理解附录“语法项目表”中所列语法项目:并会运用被动语态,并能在习题中灵活运用。2、教材分析本节课是Topic1的第四课时,主要是学习一个对话来练习学生的听说能力,并通过此对话让学生熟练掌握和灵活运用一般过去时的被动语态。3、中招考点一般过去时的被动语态是近几年中招考试中必考的语态,并且被动语态的考查越来越体现在语境中,特

2、别是三种常见被动语态(一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时)的考查。4、学情分析常见被动语态的结构不难掌握,但是一些固定动词结构的被语态用法较难掌握。根据我般学生基础差的情况,讲课节奏放慢,让学生把被动语态学扎实。二、学习目标1. 复习掌握语法被动语态,并能用之去做题。 2.复习并背诵一些功能句。3.通过阅读短文,理解什么是GPS定位系统及其在生活中的应用。 三评价任务1.针对目标1和目标3: 通过做一些练习,让学生从听力材料中提取信息,练习学生听的技能。2.针对目标2:学生通过观察一些句子,归纳总结出被动语态用法和结构,并能做题。3.针对目标3:学生通过观察所给对话,能够总结出常用句型,并能用

3、这些句型编自己的对话。四、教学过程学习目标教学活动评价要点要点归纳目标1:复习掌握语法被动语态,并能用之去做题。 自学指导一1.自学内容:课本87页Grammar。2.自学方法:背诵、观察、总结。3.自学时间:5分钟4.自学要求:背诵并观察句子,然后总结出被动语态的构成规律,并能用之去做题。自学检测一:单选Passive voice was /were +done( ) 1. A big supermarket _in our city last year. A. is built B. were built C. was built ( ) 2.Could you tell me who t

4、he radio _ by? A. invents B. invented C. was invented( ) 3. Many trees and flowers _ in our school last year. They made our school more beautiful. A. have planted B. were planted C. planted( ) 4.The children _ swim last month and they can swim very well now. A. are taught B. were taught C. were taug

5、ht to( ) 5.It is said that potato chips _by mistake about one hundred years ago. A. were invented B. invented C. are invented通过听录音从录音内容中提取信息大部分学生能完成所给问题。explore, explorer, mark find out, indirection work well, as long asthe rest of the timesolve, like, use, the shape of great invention学习目标教学活动评价要点要点

6、归纳目标2:复习并背诵一些功能句。目标3:通过阅读短文,理解什么是GPS定位系统及其在生活中的应用。自学指导二自学内容:课本87页Functions.自学方法:背诵。自学时间:3分钟自学要求:能够熟练掌握这些句子.自学检测二:I wish I could go into space some DayI hope your dream will come true.Its sad that he invented more than two thousand things during his life.Inventing is interesting and exciting and ever

7、ything can be an inventor.自学指导三:自学内容:课本87页的短文。 自学方法:扫读。自学时间:3分钟自学要求:通过理解生词和短语,能够回答88页的问题。自学检测三1. How did the early explorers know where they were? They found out where they were by using stars. 2. Whats the disadvantage of using the stars as guiding marks? Its disadvantage is that it didnt work well

8、 when the weather was bad and the stars could not be seen. 3. What is a GPS? Is it useful to use? It is like a man-made star. We can use it at any time, in any place and in any weather to find out our position. It is very useful. 4. What do you think the GPS will be used for in the future? 知识小结We Le

9、arn: 1. Some words : mark, explorer 2. Some phrases: find out, in , direction, as long as, work well, the rest of the time, be used to, the shape of 3. Some sentences: This method worked well at night as long as the weather was good and the stars could be seen.We can: 1. Use the passive voice of the

10、 simple past tense more properly. 2.Talk about new technology GPS. 3. Develope our imagination and creativity by designing our own inventions.当堂训练1.Hurry up, you _ on the phone. A. WantedB. was wanted C. are wanted( ) 2. Some stories _the children by the teacher everyday. A. is told forB. are told f

11、or C. are told to( ) 3._that he has studied abroad for five years. A. It is saidB. It says C. That is said ( ) 4.The window _ five minutes ago. A. is cleaned B. was cleaned C. can be cleaned( ) 5.The children _by the teachers at school. A. take care of B. are taken care C. are taken care of6. I have

12、 no idea what _while I was asleep. A. happened B. was happened C. happens( ) 7. In some countries, tea _before meals. A. is servingB. is servedC. served( ) 8. This kind of books _well. A. doesnt sellB. isnt sellingC. arent sold.( ) 9. I _ten minutes to decide which sentence was right by the teacher. A. gaveB. was givenC. was giving ( ) 10. Teachers _in every part of the world. A. are needingB. are neededC. will need1.学生能通过朗读和比较,说出主动语态和被动语态的用法。2.大多数学生能够掌握被动语态的结构并能运用它们去做题。



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