人教版英语七年级上教案:Unit4第六课时 Section B 3aSelf Check.doc

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1、课题: Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag ?第六课时 Section B 3a-SelfcheckTeaching aims:一、话题功能:学生们学会通过使用介词“in, on, under”能够写关于房间内物品摆放的文章。 二、词汇和常用表达:学生们在写作中学会使用一些单词和短语:on, in, under, on the desk, in the bookcase ,under the chair.三、情感习惯教育:教育学生养成日常生活保持教室和房间整洁的好习惯。(设计意图:目标引领,从话题功能、词汇和常用表达和情感习惯教育三个方面来呈现本节课的学习目标。)Revisi

2、onITranslate the following phrases into English.1. 在他的书包里 _ 2. 在课桌下 _ 3. 在椅子上 _ 4. 在模型飞机下面 _5. 在女孩子们的头上_ 6. 在老师的讲桌里 _ II. Translate the following into English. 1. 我的磁带在书橱里。(in ) _. 2. 她的飞机模型在椅子下面。( under) _. 3. 棒球在哪里? -在地板上。(on) _. 4. 我是整洁的,但吉娜不是。(but) _. 5 .他的字典和收音机在书桌上。(and) _.(设计意图:课前复习,以学生为主体,让学

3、生主动参与,体验, 以学定教,同时也为本课的一些教学活动比如采访和写作等热身,作知识的铺垫。)Teaching and learning steps:Step I. Warming up and leading in:Task1: Do pair work. Ask the students to do pair works using the information in the blanks below.For example:A: Where is Kates clock?B: It is on the desk.(备注:红题字表示的be动词、蓝体字表示的名词所有格和绿体字表示的物品名称

4、可根据对话的需要,相应的发生变化。)KateGinaThingsWhereThingsWherebooks and tapesin the bookcase books everywherekeys in the schoolbagwhite model planeunder the desk clockon the deskkeys, ruler, schoolbagdont know(设计意图:通过对话的形式对上一节课所学的课文进行复习,一方面复习学过的语言知识,训练学生的口头语言表达能力,另一方面也为本节课的语言活动作知识上的准备。)Task2: Group work. The teac

5、her shows the Ss a picture. Let the Ss discuss and write the things in the pictures in groups of four. The more, the better.Furniture(家具): desk, sofa, bookcase ,bed, chair Stationery(文具):pencils, books, , ruler, pencil case, notebook Other(其它): hat, CD, keys, video tape, telephone(设计意图:对教材进行整合,把教材中s

6、elf check中的第一部分提到这儿来,为教学活动提出话题,自然而然过渡到下一步谈论你的房间有这些物品吗。)Step II. WritingtimeTask3. Make a survey. Think about your room: Do you have these things in your room? Where are they? 想一想你的房间,做一次采访:你有这些物品吗?通常你把它们放在哪里?WhatYes/Nowherea dictionaryyeson my deska schoolbagWith on ,in ,undera pencil boxa radiobook

7、spenstapesCDsMake a survey like this:S1: Hello. Do you have(有) a dictionary?S2:Yes,I have.No, I havent.S1: Where isare ?S2:It is They are.(设计意图:采访环节,训练学生的口头语言表达能力,也为激活下一步的写做热身,同时遵循先听说后读写的认知规律。)Task4. Writing. Show the Ss a passage with some blanks. Use the word “and ” if you can.写出你房间里物品的位置,尝试在句中使用a

8、nd.This is my room. /I have (有)a nice room. My dictionary my radio are on the desk. My pencil box is in my schoolbag my schoolbag is under the desk.My books are and my notebook is 。My quilt and my pillow(枕头) are My cup is and my clock is 。(Answers: and , and, on the bookcase, in my schoolbag, on the

9、 bed, on the desk, on the desk too )(设计意图:让学生根据物品摆放介绍自己的房间,这样作文雏形已初步成形。)Task5. Summary. How to write “My room ”Ask the Ss to think about how they can write about their rooms.After the Ss show their ideas, help the Ss make sure the following things: “This is my room./I have a nice room.” is the Topic

10、 Sentence.主题句.Things(物品) be(is/are) prepositions(介词) dictionary on the deskradio is pencilbox in my schoolbagschoolbag under the deskbooks are on the bed特别提醒:物品+and+物品+are.物品+be+介词短语+and+物品+be+介词短语(设计意图:让学生总结写作要点,文体结构分析,教会学生写作方法和步骤)StepIII. Writing. Write the Ss ideal room Task6. Discuss: 你理想的房间物品应该

11、怎样整理?看谁整理的最tidy。Things Places Yes/noScore (得分)a dictionaryOn the bookcase In the schoolbagOn the desk10a schoolbagOn the chair10a pencil boxIn the schoolbag10a radioOn the bookcase On the desk10booksOn the bookcase In the schoolbag10pensIn the pencil box10tapesOn the desk10quiltOn the bed10baseballU

12、nder the desk10CDsOn the desk10Totel(总分)(设计意图:通过对自己物品的摆放,巩固相关的物品单词以及介词on ,in,under的用法. 引导学生反思自己的生活环境,使他们养成良好的生活习惯。)Task7. Writing. Help the Ss make sure the composition must include the following things before they start to write their ideal rooms Give the Ss several minutes to write their compositi

13、on. *Topic sentence: This is my room./I have a nice room.Things : Furniture(家具): desk, sofa, bookcase ,bed, chairStationery(文具):pencils, books, , ruler, pencil case, notebookOther(其它): hat, CD, keys, video tape, telephoneBe; is, arePrepositions “in, on, under”Conjunctions “and ”Task 8. Report:我最会整理Ask the Ss to read the whole passage for consolidation. Then the teacher shows a passage about “ideal rooms” and pictures and get the students to enjoy it.Heres my ideal room. My TV is on the desk. My



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