人教版英语七年级上教案:Unit 3第六课时 B 3aself check.doc

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1、 Unit3 Is this your pencil? Section B (3a-self check) Teaching goals:1. 能正确使用下列词汇识别学习用品: pencil, book, eraser, pencil box,school bag, dictionary, computer, notebook, bag等。2. 能使用下列句型就物主关系进行问答: A: Is this/that/ your/her/his.? B: Yes, it is .No, it isnt.3能够正确使用名词性物主代词:mine, yours, his, hers.4 争取能够写出自己的

2、寻物和招领启事 the lost and found5.鼓励学生将所学知识与生活相联系的能力,培养学生自主复习和学习能力。一 Review some words of the things. ( 一 ) Look and say: Whats in the schoolbag? Whats in the pencil box?Show the pictures one by one and review some words about school things.Whats this in English? - Its a schoolbag.Whats in the schoolbag?

3、.( 二 ) Play a game:Write the school thingsLet the Ss write the school things quickly and correctly. Ask some students to write them on the blackboard. 设计意图:用图片及游戏能极大地调动学生学习英语的热情,并能起到复习巩固本单元单词的目的。二Practice( 一 ) Pairwork Collect some things from different students and practice like this:A: Is this you

4、r schoolbag? B: No, it isnt. Its her schoolbag. Its hers. A: Is that your eraser? B: Yes, it is. Its my ruler. Its mine. 设计意图:设置情景,让学生做一些自由对话,再让学生把它们写下来。只有说和写有机的结合才收到好的效果( 二 ) Complete the chart with pronouns.Imemymine you she he 设计意图:写对话时利用不同的颜色把代词给标注一下,这样学生才能清楚怎样归类的。再利用图表归纳总结,让学生一目了然,便于记忆。三. Found

5、 the owners and the finders. Show the notices. T: Here are some notices . Please read and fill in the chart.ItemLoserFinderWatchID card四. Complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box.name yours found 284-5486 lost call _: A set of keysAre these_?Call Jenny at_._: My notebook My_ is

6、 David Please_ me at 679-8871. 五Writing strategiesAsk students to look at the notices above and tell how to write a lost or found notice.观察:以上几则寻物或招领启事。发现:1. 当你捡到别人的东西时,你需要写_( Lost/ Found)。 2. 当你丢失物品时,你需要写_(Lost/ Found)。 3. 内容要包括四部分: 1)_ 2)_3)_ 4)_设计意图:通过三,四、五环节的设计,学生逐步感知Lost and Found的结构,抓住文章的要点,教师

7、对学生及时进行写作策略的指导,为下面的Writing环节打下了基础。六Writing根据提供的情景,完成下列失物招领启事和寻物启事。失物招领启事:Anna 捡到了一本字典,联系电话是547-2479。寻物启事:Eric丢了英语笔记本,联系电话是3562681. Email: After writing,ask some students to read it and tell the students to look after their things well.设计意图:让学生写出自己的失物招领或寻物启事,学以致用。同时告诉学生要好好保管自己的物品。七当堂检测一、根据中文意思补全英文句子

8、,每空一词。 1. 这个电子游戏还可以。The _ _ is OK. 2. 这是你的学生证吗?Is this your _ _ _?3. 那是一串钥匙。That is _ _ _ _. 4. 失物招领橱里的那支铅笔是你的吗?Is that your pencil _ the _ _ _ case?5. 请拨打电话678-8996找尼克。Please _ Nick _ 678-8996二、任务型阅读Found:Is this your black pen?Please call Mary at 622-6898.Found:Is that your red pencil?Please call

9、Jim at 936-2332.Lost:My dictionary is lost. It is red.Call Tim at 326-6656.Lost:My watch is lost. My name isGina. Please call me at 323-3321.Found:A set of keys.Please call Jenny at 633-8586.Lost:A dog. It is brown.Call Julie at 555-4554.任务一:补全句子1. If(如果)you lost your black pen, you can call _ at _.

10、2. Jim found a _. Its _( 颜色 ).3. Tim lost a _ _.任务二:回答下列问题4. Whats Jennys phone number? _5. What color is the lost dog? _6.设计意图:当堂检测主要是由本节内容组成的形成性评价。以学评教、强化落实。八HomeworkWrite your own lost or found notice. Eg:Found A backpack.My name is Jack.My phone number is 63017047.Lost My notebook. Please call C

11、indy at 63752148. 参考答案:二 Practice2.Complete the chart with pronounsImemymineyouyou youryours sheher herhershehimhis his三 Found the owners and the finders.ItemLoserFinderWatch JimLindaID cardCindyTom四. Complete the notices with the words or phone number in the box.lost name call found yours 284-5486

12、五Writing strategies1. Found 2. Lost 3. 1) 标题 2)物品 3)联系人 4)联系方式八当堂检测一、根据中文意思补全英文句子,每空一词。 1. computer game 2. school ID card 3. a set of keys 4. in lost and found 5. call at二、任务型阅读1. Mary, 622-6898 2. pencil, red 3. red dictionary 4. Its 633-8586 5. It is brown.本课设计亮点:1.能对本单元做全面的复习,知识点基本涉及到。2.大量的练习能使学生对所复习知识做到巩固并能进一步提高。3.使用英语游戏,表格形式使课堂丰富多彩,学生也很感兴趣。4.注重了写和读的结合。5练习全面,难易适中。不足之处:再增加一些听的内容会更好 ,让学生进行听力模仿感知英语发音。 使用建议:复习过程中一定发挥小组合作的作用,让小组之间互相检查互相监督。练习题学生做完后,核对答案,然后小组讨论。他们解决不了的拿出来让大家讨论。大家解决不了的老师再讲解,然后还要出相应的练习。



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