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1、Unit 3 Is this your pencil ?Section A ( Grammar Focus 3c )Period 3 语法课Teaching and Learning Goals一、语言知识1.复习Section A 所学对话2d。2.掌握含有be的一般疑问句;形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法。二、语言功能能够就物主关系进行问答(Identify ownership)A: Is this / that your ? B: Yes , it is. Its / No, it isnt . Its A: Are these / those your ? B: Yes , th

2、ey are . Theyre / No , they arent .Theyre 三、学习策略利用教学图片或制作多媒体课件来展开课堂Pair work, Group work的口语交际活动,识别物品的所属,体会指示代词、一般疑问句的用法。让学生学会与他人合作交流,并能把语言材料用到真实的生活情景中去。 【设计意图】目标引领,表述了本节课的知识、能力和学习策略。Teaching and learning stepsStep I. Revision1. Role-play the conversation in 2d. 2. Review 2d in Section A . Ask Ss to

3、fill in the blanks in the dialogue.Teacher: Hi, Anna. Are these pencils?Anna: No, theyre .Teacher: And is this green pen? Anna: No, it isnt. The blue pen is .Teacher: What about dictionary?Anna: Its . And the green pen is , too.Teacher: And the eraser? Is that ?Anna: Yes, it is.Teacher: Thank you fo

4、r help, Anna.Anna: welcome. 【设计意图】让学生补全对话,体会形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法。StepII. Understand grammar in situations. ( 在语境中感知语法)T: Yesterday we got to know how to ask the owner of the things. Do you still remember how to say that?Ss: Yes .T: OK . Please close your eyes . Ill take away some things on your desk

5、and put them on the teachers desk . Then open your eyes , look at the things and use “Is this / that .? Are these / those ” to make some conversations . Are you clear ? Ss: Yes . T: Who would like to have a try in class?S1: Excuse me. Is this your pencil?S2: No, it isnt. I think its her / his pencil

6、.S1: Excuse me. Is this your pencil?S3: Yes, it is. Its my pencil.S1: Here you are. S3: Thank you.【设计意图】语法要在语言运用中习得和内化, 教师要通过创设接近实际生活的各种语境,采用循序渐进的语言实践活动,培养学生语言交际能力,在语境中引出语言形式,在语境中理解语言形式,在语境中操练语言形式。StepIII. Present grammar (呈现语法)1. Let Ss read Grammar Focus and translate them into Chinese by themselv

7、es.2. Let Ss look at the Chinese to fill in the blanks.(1)这是你的铅笔吗?是的。它是我的。_ _ your pencil? Yes, _ _. Its _. (2)这是他的绿色钢笔吗?不是。那只蓝色钢笔是他的。 _ this _ _ pen? No, _ _. The _ _ is _. (3)那是你的书包吗?不是。它是他/她的。_ _ your schoolbag? No, _ _. Its _/_. (4)这些是你的书吗?是的。/ 不是。_ _ your books? Yes, _ _. / No, _ _.(5)那些是她的钥匙吗?

8、不是。它们是她的。_ _ her _? No. _ hers.3. Write down the abbreviation forms of the following words .(1) it is = _ (2) they are = _ (3) is not = _ (4) are not = _ (5) that is = _ (6) name is = _4. Check the answers .【设计意图】让同学们读语法句子并独自翻译成汉语,然后看汉语补全英文句子,熟练掌握单词的缩写形式,进一步感知目标语言,为下一步的发现语法规律做好铺垫。StepIV. Summarize t

9、he grammar rules (发现归纳语法规律)1. 含有be ( am , is , are ) 动词的一般疑问句:结构: 意思: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 注意:肯定回答不可以 朗读: 2. this指 ,that指 ,肯定回答都是 ,否定回答都是 。要表示放在一起的东西是先说 再说 。3. mine, hers, yours 等是 ,相当于一个名词,可以在句子中单独使用。它相当于“ ”。而形容词性物主代词只能和名词在一起使用。【设计意图】通过呈现的语法让学生自己找规律,归纳本课的语言知识点,进一步熟悉本课的语言目标。也可作为翻译探究的一个环节,让同学们分组讨论发现语言规律。StepV

10、. Exercise一、 控制性机械练习1. Ask the Ss to finish sentences in 3a .Is _ your book?Yes, it is.No, it _.Are _ my pencils?Yes, _ are.No, they arent. Is _ his ruler?Yes, it _.No, it isnt.Are _ her pens?Yes, they are.No, they _.2. Check the answers.3. Let Ss read the sentences together , then role play the con

11、versation in two groups .【策略指导】完成练习之前教师应引导学生看图,以明确说话者与物品的位置关系,以确认使用不同的指示代词,然后通过观察句首be动词的形式来完成练习,提醒学生要兼顾语境和句子结构。简略回答时要抓住句首关键词Yes / No 。二、半控制性意义练习 3b Read the questions and complete the answers.1. Is this her ruler? Yes, _. Its _.2. Is that Erics schoolbag? No, _. _ Sallys.3. Are these his pencils? Ye

12、s, _. Theyre_.4. Are those Annas books? No, _. _ mine.Then check the answers , let Ss read the conversations in pairs .【策略指导】1. 首先要明确这是四个相对独立的对话。完成任务的关键是要抓住简略回答的关键词(Yes /No)。2. 注意提醒学生答案的多样性:如第1、3小题的最后一空可填her ruler / hers , his pencils / his 。3.书写规范:此练习中学生容易忽略字母的大小写,尤其是第2、4题的第2空。三、开放性交际运用3c . Guessin

13、g Game . Put some things into the teachers box. Then take something out of the box and find the owner . You only have two guesses . 【设计意图】此环节是一个游戏,充分调动学生的表达能力,通过询问物品及辨认物品所有者,正确使用指示代词this /that 。交际活动的目的是使用语法做事情。StepVI. Summary.1. 让同学们总结含有be ( am , is , are ) 动词的一般疑问句:2. Let the Ss to have a summary about how to use “ this , that , these , those ” 以及物主代词 my, your , hi



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