人教版英语七年级上教案:Unit 3 Section B( 2a2c).doc

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1、单元题目 Unit 3 Is this your eraser? Unit 3 Is this your eraser?阅读课 Section B(2a -2e)Learning Goals:【知识与能力目标】1. Function: Review the topic “identify ownership”.2. Words & Expressions: 能够正确使用下列词汇及常用表达:in, library, ask (askfor), find (found), some, classroom, e-mail, at, call, lost, must; Learn and use “I

2、s this/that ? Are these/those ” to ask for the owners.【学习策略】:阅读策略1. Bottom-down reading strategy: First, understand the passage as a whole, and then search for the key words.2. Guide students to play the game by practicing sentences in order to improve the ability of writing a “Lost and Found” notic

3、e. 【情感价值目标】Culture: Encourage students to learn to return to the owner what one has picked up.设计意图:明确本节课需要掌握的知识,能力,情感目标,以及相关学习策略;提倡学生们养成拾金不昧的精神。Teaching and learning steps: Step1: Pre-reading activitiesTask 1: Review: Role-play the conversations T: we have learned how to introduce and indentify thin

4、gs, so can you work in pairs to have these two conversations? Have a try! Pay attention to your pronunciation.Conversation 1A: Whats this?B: Its a watch.A: How do you spell it?B: W-A-T-C-H.A: Is this your watch?B: Yes, it is.Conversation 2A: Whats this?B: Its a ring. A: How do you spell it? B: R-I-N

5、-G. A: Is this your ring?B: No, it isnt.设计意图:可选取教室内的物品,诱发学生思考如何就物主关系进行问答,再温习旧知识的同时为本节课阅读内容做铺垫。Task 2: Preview the new words and expressionsFirst, Let the students to read the new words according to phonetic symbols(音标). Then check and correct their pronunciations.Look at P17, put them into English o

6、rally, and then write them down without looking at the book.1. askfor 2. key (复数) 3. lose (过去式) 4. find (过去式) 5. your (名词所有格) 6. 在学校图书馆里 7. 电话号码 8. 打电话给我 9. 在7E班教室里 10.发送电子邮件到 设计意图:先学后教,以学定教。预习检测的知识侧重考察学生对基础词汇短语的识记,较好的体现了层次性和深度性的结合。以本节课将要学习的单词为线索,按图索骥,让学生独立去查阅课文,寻找答案,又有利于激发学生的自主学习意识。同时教师可采取激励机制对不同层次

7、的学生加以指导和鼓励,激发学生学习兴趣。Step2: Warming up and leading-inFirst, divide the Ss in groups (each group has four students).Then T: Have you ever lost things before? Ss: Yes. T: What things do you lost easily? Ss: My book, my watchT: Please write the things you lose easilyShow Ss the following pictures, let e

8、ach student think and write five things that they easily lose. Then discuss within group to correct the wrong written words. T: How can we find the lost things at school?设计意图:展示一些学生易于丢失的物品图片,让学生进行选择和补充,有利于培养学生的观察力,鼓励学生大胆思维,用多种方法解决问题,进而导入本课主题,引入Lost and Found.Step 3. While-readingFast-reading T: Boys

9、 and girls, we have discussed about some different things that easily lost, now do you want to know what “lost and found” is? Lets come to 2b.Task 1: Read the notices fast and silently to find the general idea. The main idea of the four notices is to ( ).A. find out the four notices of the thing. B.

10、 show the lost thing.C. tell others what they have lost or found.Task 2: Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things.a computer game Some keys your watch my school ID 自学指导:先让学生看清有几幅图,整体理解大意,然后提示学生结合每则启示的第一句话快速寻找关键信息。设计意图:采用任务型教学,训练学生快速阅读能力。先整体把握文章大意,再去寻找关键信息,整体感知文章。同时提醒学生提前预习,把握文章大意的重要性

11、。Careful-readingRead the notices carefully and silently to find the specific ideaT: Boys and girls, you know what a “lost and found” is, right? Now lets do a finding game, can you find what lost and what found in the notices? Now, do it by yourself quickly.Task 1:Read the notices again and write dow

12、n the items. Then check () Lost or Found on P17. Item Lost Found_ _ _ _ 阅读指导:在第一条信息中,开头是Lin Hai,结尾是Mike,由常识可知是Mike给Lin Hai 的留言条,由关键句“Is it yours?它是你的吗?”,可知是Mike拾到的该物。故此条是Found条。由第二条信息中的第一句话“Is this your watch?”,可知是John捡到的手表。故此条也是Found条。 第三条和第四信息中明确有Found和Lost的说明,故较容易确定。Task 2:Talk about how to write

13、 a notice.T: Now who can tell us how to write a notice? Work in pairs and talk about it. 阅读指导:通过细读课文让学生初步了解失物招领的书写要领,由思维导图可以产生联想、唤起记忆。为写作练习做铺垫。设计意图:读取细节,在任务履行过程中,以参与、体验、互动、交流、合作的学习方式,依据课本中的知识框架,以提问的形式讨论思维导图中的内容 ,课堂上多创设讲英语的情景,使学生对英语产生兴趣,尽快投入到英语的学习中.掌握阅读技巧,培养学生自主探究的精神。Step 4:Post reading activity:Task

14、 1: Listen to the tape and try to repeat after the tape one sentence after another.Task 2: Retell the notices according to the mind map.自学指导:鼓励学生根据思维导图提示复述课文,让学生学会抓住文本主干内容,既降低了难度,又巩固了所学文本内容。Task 3: Complete 2b without looking at the text. Write down the answers and then check the answers with each other.1. A



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