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1、活记录册活动项目 辅导教师 活 动 计 划参加人数 活动时间 活动地点活动安排点名单:序号 姓名123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930活 动 记 录活动时间 活动主题内容:1复习(1)Words and expressions:(2)Sentences:Which coloured do you like?Which colour do you want to see?Is your apple red? Yes, it is./No, it isnt. (3)Pronunciation:字母组合 ai 在单词中发 的音,发 时,

2、口型由半开到全音,前重后轻,由 向 滑动,和字母 a的发音相同。2重难点知识讲解(1)Words and expressions:playing on the see-saw smelling the flowers talking riding a bike shining painting a picture catching a butterfly reading a book kicking a ball listening to music having lunch taking a photo bouncing a ball park good idea What are the

3、two boys doing? A:Its a nice day, isnt it? Yes, it is. 注意:反意疑问句由一个陈述句和一个简单的问句构成,中间用逗号分开。如果前一部分为肯定式,那么后一部分就用否定式;如果前一部分为否定式,那么后一部分就用肯定式。前后两者的谓语在人称、数、时态上要一致。活动时间 活动主题 Unit 9 Lets smell the flowers.内容:(2)Read, colour, draw and say them. 答案:(3)Study Pronunciation:字母组合 ou 在单词中发 的音,发 时,口型由大到小,舌位比较低,嘴收圆,舌后部

4、微微抬高,由 向 滑动。ou around housearound the houseshout loudershout louder and louderhorse,house;song,sound;caught,count(一个嘴形不动,一个要动嘴形)(4)Draw and tell. (5)Look, guess and say.答案:第四幅图还可以这样来提问: (6)Lets chant and sing. The boys in the circle. The boy wants his friend. The friend wants a girl. The girl wants

5、her sister. The sister wants her dog. We all pat the dog. (7)Look, read and tick.答案:(8)Odd one out. (9)Read and choose. e.g.This is my friend. He is a boy. He is nine years old. He is tall. He is playing basketball. He is very happy. He likes toy buses.Im a girl. Im eight years old. Im beautiful. I

6、like reading books. My favourite fruit is apples. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.三、单元小结 活 动 记 录活动时间 活动主题内容:1复习(1)Words and expressions:2重难点知识讲解 Words and expressions:Sentences: These are the numbers we often use in our lives.Your numbers: Tel. No.(电话号码)_ Room No.(房间号码) _Birth Date(出生日期) _ Clas

7、s No.(班级号码) _Lucky number 幸运数字 Car number 车牌号 Flat number 公寓号 Page number 页码 Mobile phone number 手机号 Street number 街道号 Fax number 传真号 119 double one nine 火警 120 one two zero 紧急医护 110 double one zero 匪警 114 double one four 号码百事通 650415 six five zero four one five 13331065410 one three three three one

8、 zero six five four one zero1223553020 one double two three double five three zero two zeroBK4536 B K four five three six(2)Study Pronunciation:字母组合 all 在单词中发 的音,发 时先双唇收得小而圆,略微向前突出,舌身往后缩,发 ,后舌尖抵住上齿,舌尖轻轻用力弯曲,气流从舌头旁边出,发 。 all ball hall a ball in the hall mall ballgo to the mall to buy a ball活动时间 活动主题内

9、容:(3)Look, read, ask and answer.Have you ever read“The Three Little Pigs”? Whats it about?Its about three little pigs.Have you ever read“Goldilocks and the Three Bears”?Have you ever read“One Thousand and One Arabian Nights”?Have you ever read“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”?Have you ever read“The

10、Wolf and the Seven Kids”?Have you ever read“The Two Princesses”?Have you ever read“Five little Ducks”?Have you ever read“The Three Wishes”?(4)Lets chant and sing.(5)Listen and write.eight/8, nine/9, 254, 68, 14, 337, BK2593, 4394 3561, 13331065410(6)Read, draw and tell.Draw and share with your frien

11、d.There are a lot of toys.(7)Brain work.(8)Look, think, ask and answer.三、单元小结 活 动 记 录活动时间 活动主题内容:1复习(1)Words and expressions:(2)Sentences:(3)Pronunciation:字母组合 all 在单词中发 的音,发 时先双唇收得小而圆,略微向前突出,舌身往后缩,发 ,后舌尖抵住上齿,舌尖轻轻用力弯曲,气流从舌头旁边出发 。 2重难点知识讲解 Words and expressions:Sentences:What can you see in the park?

12、 I can see an old man and a young boy.I can see a big swimming-pool and a small swimming-pool.。 。 。 The jeep is quick. The bike is slow.The rabbit is quick. The turtle is slow.The elephant is big. The mouse is small.The crocodile is big. The frog is small.The tiger is happy. The lion is angry.This i

13、s cool.Ive never been here.(2)Look and say.The girl is very happy, but the boy is angry.The shirt is new, but the shoes are old. The elephant is big and the mouse is small.The black car is long and the orange car is short.活动时间 活动主题内容:(3)Study Pronunciation:字母组合 ow 在单词中发 的音,发 时口型由大到小,由 向 滑动。ow down t

14、own down town brown tower a brown towerListen, point and read. Sound practice.(4)Look and match the pictures.Look for anything opposite.What is tall? The giraffe is tall.。 。 。(5)Lets chant and sing.opposite: updownbackfront hotcold newold left right daynight quickslow (6)Action game. Do the opposite

15、.Look right! Look left! Look up!Look down! Put your arms up!Put your arms down! Hands up! Hands down! Run 跑步!Walk!(7)Crossword.Fill in quick, slow, good, bad, young, old, hot, cold, new, long, short, big and small.(8)Read and tick.(9)Listen, read and match.(10)Look, read and answer. Write Yes or No.活 动 记 录活动时间 活动主题内容:1复习(1)Words and expressions:(2)Sentences:(3)Pronunciation.字母组合 ow 在单词中发 的音,发 时口型由大到小,由 向 滑动。2重难点知识讲解Words and expressions:SentencesThis UFO is easy to make and fun to fly.Just follow the steps and make your own paper UFO.I love paper-folding lessons. So do



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