八年级英语上册(新版)冀教版学案: Unit 3 Families Celebrate Together Lesson 16 Happy Thanksgiving.doc

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1、Lesson 16 Happy Thanksgiving!Editor: _ Auditor: _ Class Grade Eight Leaning group: Name: Learning aims:1 Language goals:grandparent, hug, kitchen, give a big hug, Thanksgiving dinner; 2 Ability goals: Know about Thanksgiving in Canada.3Moral goals:It engages students in comparing Chinese celebration

2、s with Western celebrations.Important points: Words and expressions used on Thanksgiving. Students can write passages with them.Difficult points: The similarities and differences between the two countries about celebrations of China and Canada.Learning procedures I【Review】Do you remember when Canadi

3、an Thanksgiving is? Try to write down, please! II【New Languages】 自主学习 质疑交流Words单词Phrases短语Sentences句子 收获与问题Read and write down the new words【读写新单词】Translation between English and Chinese【英汉互译】1.在感恩节 _ 2.celebrate holiday _3. give sb. a big hug _4. Thanksgiving dinner _5.went into_6.say sth to sb._7.

4、thanks to _ 8. all of _9.在某人的帮助下_ 10.as usual To be a translation company【争当小小翻译家】:1. 珍妮和爸爸、妈妈、妹妹、哥哥还有布莱恩去了祖父母家。Jenny went to her _ _ with her mother, father, brother and Brian?2.当他们到了的时候,他爷爷打开门。When they_, her grandfather _the door.3.让我给你一个热情的拥抱。Let _ _ you a big hug? 4.我的堂兄弟/妹今晚来吗?Are my cousins_

5、_?5.每个人都快乐地度过了这个特别的假期。Everyone_ this special holiday.合作探究 展示反馈Im the best!【我最棒】gathering(动词)_探究whole与all的区别whole adj.整个的;全部的,其后不可接不可数名词“定冠词/物主代词/其它限定词+whole+表示整体的的单数名词”e.g.我的一生 “限定词+whole+复数名词” e.g.三整天 All 也表示“全部的”其后可接不可数名词all+“定冠词/物主代词/其它限定词+表示整体的的单数名词”e.g. “all+限定词+复数名词”e.g.三整天 ; “all+限定词+不可数名词”e.

6、g. 所有的水 I show my happiness.【我展示,我快乐!】1. Are my cousins coming tonight? 我的堂兄弟/妹今晚来吗?“be coming”用现在进行时态表示将来的动作。英语中表示移位的短暂性动词常用现在进行时态表将来。类似的词还有:come, go, leave, arrive, fly, plan, start 等。Jack is busy packing luggage (行李). Yes. He _ for America on vacation. A. leaves B. left C. is leaving D. has been

7、away2. But with all your help I feel at home now.“with ones help”意为“_”,with引导的介词短语作伴随状语。It was a fun and lively evening with a big meal, delicious desserts, lots of games and good conversation.这是一个有趣而有活力的晚上,有大餐、有许多美味的甜点、做了许多游戏、并且进行的密切的交谈。在此句中with也表示伴随,可翻译为“_”。3. Id like to give thanks to Grandma and

8、 Grandpa for this lovely meal. 我非常感谢爷爷奶奶准备了这顿丰盛的晚餐。thank sb. for sth /doing sth = give thanks to sb. for sth /doing sth 因而感谢某人 请把上句改为同义句 _ 总结归纳 训练检测Piercing eye【火眼金睛!】1. , the child went to school.A. As usual B. As a usualC. Usual D. As usually2. Thanks for the question of mine.A. answering B. answe

9、r C. to answer D. answers3. Happy Thanksgiving Day! .A. Youre kind B. OKC. The same to you D. I am not happy4. My teacher to see me. Hell be here soon.A. is coming B. comes C. has come D. cameLearn and use 【活学活用】1. I feel at home because of your help. (划线提问)_do you _at home?.2.My mother was cooking

10、the turkey for me.(同义句)My mother _ _me_ _.3.Everyone enjoyed this special holiday.(改为一般疑问句)_ everyone _ this special holiday?4.Thank my parents for cooking us a nice meal.(同义句) We should _ _ _ my parents _ cooking us a nice meal.5.当我姑姑看到我的时候,她热情地拥抱了我。When my aunt saw me,she_ _ a big_.I m a young wri

11、ter【我是小作家!】Make sentences with “give sb. a big hug,say sth to sb.,thanks to,all of,with ones help,as usual”. III 【Reflection after class】Do you understand the whole language points? Please write down your questions and discuss with your classmates. 参考答案:自主学习质疑交流Words: (略)Phrases: 1. On Thanksgiving Day 2. 庆祝节日 3. 给某人一个热情的拥抱 4. 感恩节晚餐 5. 走进 6. 对某人说某事 7. 多亏了 8. 所有的 9. with the help of sb. 10. 像往常一样Sentences:


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