江苏省盐城市初三英语复习教学案 8A Unit 4 Grammar~Checkout.doc

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1、二、词组1、为我的报告收集足够的信息 get enough information for my report2、去北非 go to North Africa 3、跑向另外的方向 run the other way4、寻找他们自己的食物 hunt for their own food5、群居 live as a family 6、独自生活 live alone7、成群活动 work as a team 8、生活区域的丢失 loss of living areas9、穿在我身上看起来很可爱 look lovely on me10、有很好的视力、听力和嗅觉 have very good eyesi

2、ght, hearing and smell11、失去生命 lose their lives 12、黑色的斑纹 black stripes13、制药 make medicine 14、彼此很友好 be friendly towards each other15、买动物皮毛制的衣服 buy clothes made of animal fur16、给他们很好的森林地区 give them good areas of forest17、挣很多的钱 make a lot of money 18、卖象牙 sell elephants tusks19、继续毁坏森林 continue to destroy

3、 forests20、有合适的家 have suitable homes 21、直立行走 walk upright22、看海豚表演 see a dolphin show三、重点句型1、“希望”长得什么样?What did Xi Wang look like?该句中like意为“像”,作介词,反义词为unlike。like还有“喜欢”的意思,作动词,反义词为dislike。2、如果走进热带雨林,我会看见一些美丽的鸟。I will see some beautiful birds if I walk through a rainforest.该句中through意为“穿过”,“通过”,着重指从物体

4、中间穿过;across指在一空间内从一端到另一端或十字交叉。3、如果我不买,其他也会买的。If I dont buy them, someone else will buy them.这里someone else的意思是“其他人”。else可用作形容词或副词,作形容词时,主要用在who, whose, what等疑问代词或nobody, somebody, something, anybody等不定代词之后作定语;作副词用时,放在where, when等后作状语。4、大熊猫崽花大量的时间喝母乳每天大概14小时!Baby giant pandas spend a lot of time drin

5、king their mums milk-up to fourteen hours a day!这里spend意思是“花费”,常用somebody spend time / money on something或somebody spend time / money (in) doint表示“某人在(干)某事上花费时间/金钱”。5、它们的数量变得越来越少是因为它们生存的许多地方正渐渐变成农 田。The number is getting smaller and smaller because many of their living areas are becoming farmland.这里

6、的get smaller and smaller是“变得越来越少”的意思,比较级连用表示“越来越”。6、如果农民们不停地索取土地的话,大熊猫就没有地方住了。If farmers keep taking the land, giant pandas will have nowhere to live.这里keep doing sth.的意思为“一直做某事”。四、重点剖析1、条件句:引导条件状语的词或词组有:if (如果,假如), unless(除非,如果不),so long as (只要),as long as (只要),in case (如果,万一),if only (只要),only if

7、(如果)等。如:如果下星期日天气好,我们就去春游。If it is fine next Sunday, we shall have a spring outing.如果你不努力学习,就不会通过考试。You will not pass the exam unless you study hard.2、If引导的条件句(1)条件句表示将来可能发生的情况If引导的条件句可以表示将来“可能”发生的情况,即主句事态的发生有赖于条件分句事态的发生。此时说话人或是把条件视为事实,或者仅仅提出条件,不作任何主观设想,如果条件实现,主句内容便成为事实,如果条件不实现,结果也就不会发生。一般条件分句动词用一般现在

8、时形式,主句动词用will / shall+不定式的一般将来时形式。如:如果准备好了,他明天就把它带。If its ready, hell bring it tomorrow.如果下雨,你们准备干什么?What are you going to do if it rains?如果他到六点完成工作的话,我们就可以带他一起去。If he has finished hiswork by six oclock, we shall be able to take him with us.If引导的条件句也可以表示重复性、可预见的情况或习惯动作,此时条件分句的动词用一般现在时,主句动词也用一般现在时。如:

9、如果老虎有了虎崽的话,它们就群居。Tigers live as a family if they have babies.如果北极熊饿了,它就从水里抓鱼。If a polar bear is hungry, it catches fish from the water.如果我许诺,我就会信守诺言。If I make a promise, I keep it.(2)注意if还可引导宾语从句,试比较:如果明天不下雨,我们就去长城。Well visit the Great Wall if it doesnt rain tomorrow.我们不知道明天是否会下雨。We dont know if it

10、will rain tomorrow.这里第一句中的if引导的是条件从句,第二句中的if引导的是宾语从句,意思为“是否”,从句中的时态根据主句的时态而定。whether也可用于引导宾语从句,可与if替换;但whether可与or连用,而if不能。我想知道她是否还住在那里。I want to know whether / if she still lives there.他问你是否收到了那封信。He asked whether / if you received the letter.五、中考链接( )1. What _ you do this weekend if it _? A. do; w

11、ill rain B. will; rain C. do; rains D. will; rains( )2. Hurry up, _ you will miss the train. A. or B. so C. and D. but( )3. I couldnt go to school _ the heavy rain yesterday. A. because B. so C. of D. because of( )4. Daniel was late for school _ he got up late. A. so B. but C. because D. if( )5. It

12、was already five oclock _ we got home. A. when B. while C. because D. if( )6. -Which animal looks like a person(人)? -The _. A. tiger B. monkey C. panda D. elephant( )7. I wont go to the meeting if it _ tomorrow. A. rains B. will rain C. rained D. rain( )8. Male wolves protect their families if _ danger. A. in B. will rain C. there is D. theyre( )9. If I meet the robbers, I will run _ way. A. the others B. other C. another D. the othe( )10. _ favourite food is bamboo shoots and leaves. A. Giraffes B. Squirrels C. Giant pandas D. Dolphins


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