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1、14、确定的,有把握的(adj.) 15、移居者(n.)16、漂移;漂浮(vi.) 17、流行的,时髦的(adj.)18、比较(vt.&vi.) 19、力,力量(n.)20、交通工具(n.) 21、恒星(n.)22、人口(n.) 23、令人愉快的(adj.)24、正规的;正常的(adj.) 25、储藏,存储(vt.)26、使固定;安装;修理(vt.) 27、表面;外表(n.)28、干缩的;干的(adj.) 29、包,背包(n.)30、确信的,无疑的(adj.) 31、劣势,缺点(n.)32、讨论(n.) 33、卫星;月球(n.)34、英里(n.) 35、专门地,特地(adv.)二、词组1.由机

2、器人照看be cared for by robots 2.以药丸的形式in the form of pills3.一个鱼网 a fishing net 4.弹吉他/钢琴 play the guitar / piano5.戴着一副太阳镜wear a pair of sunglasses 6. 一个帐篷 a tent7.现在也许很难想像 At the moment, it may be difficult to imagine.8.住行星火星上 live on the planet Mars9.变得越来越拥挤和污染become more and more crowded and polluted1

3、0.地球的人口仍增长的很快 The population of Earth is still increasing quickly11. 中国人口变得越来越多(越来越少) The population of China is becoming larger and larger (smaller and smaller)12. 去火星的旅程会令人愉快吗?Will the journey to Mars be enjoyable / pleasant?13.以光速一半的速度行驶travel at half the speed of light at the speed of / at high

4、speed14.开发能生长在火星上的植物develop plants (that can grow on Mars)15.对于早期移居到火星上的人来说可能是一个问题 may be a problem for the early settlers on Mars16.飘到太空float away into space 17.变的时髦become fashionable18.各种各样的设计供移居者从中选择 various / different designs for settlers to choose from19. 把比着compare to 20.和地球上的生活比较compared wit

5、h life on Earth21.不如可口not as / so tasty / delicious as22.四分之三 three-fourths / three-quarters 八分之三 three-eighths 一半/二分之一 one half23.阻止我们飘到空中keep /prevent / stop us from floating in the air24.失去控制 out of control 25. 在正规学校 in normal schools26. 能量包power pack27.你确信火星上的交通比地球上的好得多吗? Are you certain / sure

6、if transport on Mars will be much better than on Earth?28、能被储存几个月 can be stored for many months29、固定在墙上以防止飘浮 be fixed to the walls to prevent floating30、为了在行星的表面上行走 for walking on the sarface of the planet30、最不重要 the least important 31、压缩食品 dired food 32、太空睡袋 space sleeping bag33、重力是能阻止我们在空中飘浮的力量。Gr

7、avity is a force that keeps us from floating in the air.34、在火星上生活的劣势 disadvantages of living on Mars 35、火星有多少卫星。How many moons does Mars have? 住在月球上 live on Moon / the moon36、想迁离地球的学生(学生数)percentage of students who wanted to move out of earth37、节目开始关于在学校的调查。 The programme started with a discussion a

8、bout a survey conducted in schools.38、火星呈现红色,离太阳大约142,000,000英里。The planet Mars appears red and is about 142,000,000miles away from the sun.二、本单元语法知识归纳1、用can, could, may和might表示请求或给予许可(1)can和couldcan常用于口语中,表示非正式地请求,请求对象一般是家人或朋友。如:Can I use your bike, Tom? 汤姆,我可以骑你的自行车吗?Can I watch TV, Mum? 妈妈,我可以看电视

9、吗?could是can的过去。但在口语中,could常代替can来向对方委婉地提出请求或表示看法,比can正式。这时could不表示过去时态。回答时一般用can。如:-Could I use your mobile phone?我可以用一下你的手法吗?-Yes, You can.好的。-Could I open the window, Mr Lin?林老师,我可以开窗吗?-No, you cant.不,不行。(2)may和mightmay也可用来征求对方意见,意思为可以,相当于can,但用法比can正式和礼貌,一般用于请求陌生人或所尊敬的人的许可。如:-May I open the windo

10、w? 我可以开窗吗?-No, you may not.不行。(或用委婉的说法,如:Id rather you didnt.我倒希望您不开。)-May I ask you a question? 我能问您一个问题吗?-Certainly. / Yes, please. 可以,请问吧。might是may的过去式,它也可以用来征求对方意见,语气没有may I 表现得那么自信,这时might不表示过去时态。肯定回答时通常用may。如:-Might I join you? 我可以加入你们吗? -Yes, you may.可以。-Might I speak to him now?我现在可以和他通话吗?-N

11、o, you may not ./ Im afraid not.不,不行。/恐怕不行。(后者语气委婉,较为常用)2、if或whether引导的宾语从句当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用if或whether引导。宾语从句语序为陈述句语序。如:I dont know if / whether he will come here tomorrow.我不知道他明天是否来这儿.Can you tell me if / whether there is plenty of rain in your hometown?你能不能告诉我,你家乡是否多雨水?if和whether都有是否的意思,但有下列区别:在or

12、not之前、介词之后,不定式之前只能用whether。如:I dont know whether or not he is right.我不知道他是否是对的。I am interested in whether he likes English.我关心的他是否喜欢英语。I havent decided whether to go there. 我还没决定是否去那儿。3、宾语从句的时态问题(1)在含有宾语从句的主从复合句中,若主句是一般过去时,从句则是过去时态中的一种,依具体情况而定。如:She said she could finish her homework before supper.她

13、说她可以在晚饭前完成作业。He told me he would go to Shanghai tomorrow.他告诉我他明天将去上海。She didnt know whether she had passed the exam.她不知道是否已通过了考试。(2)在宾语从句中,当主句的时态为一般现在时、现在进行时、现在完成时等时态时,后面从句时态不受主句限制,可根据情况,选用适合的时态。如:It is said that he went to Shanghai yesterday.据说他昨天去上海了。I tell them that they will have a test next week.我告诉他们下周会有一次考试。(3)若从句表示一种自然现象或客观真理,则不管主句是现在时,还是过去时,宾语从句的时态仍用一般现在时。如:The teacher said light travels much faster than sound.老师说光传播的速度比声速度快。He said two plus two is four.老师说二加二等于四。



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