河北省元氏县实中人教新目标九英语《Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpecte13 Period 4(2a-Self Check)》学案(无答案).doc

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1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpecte13 Period 4(2a-Self Check)【学习目标】1.能运用语言和语法知识进行阅读并理解文章意思。2.能运用所学句型:【课前热身】 1、登陆地球 _ 2、数以千计的 _3、停止种植 _ 4、全国 _5、被卖完 _ 6、曾经被邀请 _7、和他结婚 _ 8、有一个幸福的结局 _【知识点拨】1.announce 意思是“宣布”,常指首次公开或正式宣布人们关心的某件事情。The new government announced its policy at once.新政府立即宣布了它的政策。2.there woul

2、d be是there be的过去将来时,也可表示为“there was going to be”或“there were going to be”,意为“过去将有”。3.A famous TV star once invited his girlfriend onto his show on April Fools Day. 从前,有位著名的电视明星在愚人节那天邀请他的女友参加他的演出。本句中的show用作名词,表示“演出”,“展览”。4. marry为动词“嫁,娶,结婚”。表示“嫁给某人”或“娶了某人”都可以用marry sb。另外,词组get married 意为“结婚”,但这是一个非延续

3、性动词,即它不能跟表示一段时间的词连用。be married 也可以用来表示“结婚”,它是一个延续性词组,可以与表示一段时间的词连用。例如:John is going to marry Jane约翰要和简结婚了。【任务活动】Task 1. (2a) Tell your story to your parterTask 2. (2b) Read and match each paragraph with the main ideaTask 3. (2c) Answer the questionsTask 4 (2d) Fill in the blanks【梯度练习】一、 完成单词1. I was

4、 waiting for the school bus but it didnt come. Then I r_ it was Saturday.2. I woke up late this morning. I had to really r_ to get to school on time.3. Theres a good TV show tonight but its at 1:00 am. I dont want to s_ up that late.4. Sally i_ me to her birthday party. Its at her house on Saturday.

5、5. Do you know where John is? He was going to meet me earlier but he didnt s_ up. 二、用以下形容词填空embarrassed,embarrassing, convincing, exhausted On April Fools Day, I was invited to a costume party. But when I got there , I found that I was the only person wearing a costume. I was so _ that I didnt know

6、what to say at the moment. What an _ joke! Then, my friend told me we would have a math test the next day. What he said was so _that I believed him. But I found out that my friend fooled me. I was _because I had stayed up all night studying. How angry I was!三、翻译1. 当我意识到他是一个小偷时,他已经走了。By the time I _ he was a thief, he _ already _.2.不幸的是我把护照忘在酒店了。Unluckily, I _ my passport _ the hotel.3. 校长宣布考试成绩。The headmaster_ the _ of the exam. 4. 计算机太有用了,我们每个人都想买一台。The computer is _ _ _each of us _ to buy one.【课后作业】A组:1.Copy new words 2. .抄写2b(1.1)B组:1. Copy new words 2.熟读或背诵2b【教师反思】【学生反思】



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