江苏省高邮市车逻初级中学八年级上英语Unit 1《Friends》Grammar2学案.doc

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1、 高邮市初中英语导学案(8A Unit 1 Friends)课 题 Grammar 2(C)课 型新授课执教时间主 备 人吴培树审核人张 华复 备 人学习目标1. 知识目标: 1)掌握用形容词来比较人和物。 2)掌握asas, not as/soas 结构的基本用法。2. 技能目标:1)能够运用形容词恰当地描述人或事物。 2)能够运用形容词asas, not as/soas 结构来比较人或事物。3. 情感目标:通过比较户外活动,学会享受丰富多彩的业余生活,同时增强在进行课外活动时保护自己的安全意识。学习重点as as, not as/so as 结构中形容词原级的使用。学习难点含形容词原级、比

2、较级和最高级句子的相互转换。学法指导 牢牢把握住同程度比较即原级的使用。订正、笔记栏学习过程【预习指导与检测】来源:学优中考网xYzKw一、预习导航上节课我们学习了用形容词的比较级、最高级来比较人或事物,本节课我们将来源:xYzkW.Com继续学习如何做比较。通过调查户外活动的语境,学习并掌握asas, not as/so as结构的用法。二、预习成果(一)调查周围的同学年龄和身高,用比较级、最高级完成下列句子。 is than . is of the three.(二)在调查过程中,你一定会发现有点同学的年龄或身高一样,该如何比较呢?请预习第14-15页,试着改写成同义句。(1) A is

3、14 years old. B is 14 years old, too. A is B. (2) C is 1.68 metres tall. D is 1.68 metres tall, too. A is B.(三)如果两个同学年龄、身高不同,除了用我们学过的比较级做比较外,还可以用什么结构?如: (1) A is 14 years old. B is 15 years old. A is B. (2) C is 1.68 metres tall. D is 1.72 metres tall. C is D. C is D.(四) 除了用比较级,你还用的了什么结构? 订正、笔记栏(五)预

4、学质疑: 【课堂导学与互动】任务一:小组活动兵教兵。组长找出两支相同长度的铅笔,让组员比较(如果某位同学有困难,请提示。)。 This pencil is that one.任务二:操练。在理解了含asas结构意义的基础上通过造句先在小组中进行操练,然后向全班同学展示。(提示:你可以用两个书包的大小,重量;课桌的长度,宽度;书的厚度等做比较。) Toms bag Johns. (heavy, light) This desk that one. (long, wide) The English book the Maths book. (thick, thin) .任务三:小组活动。组长找出两

5、支不同长度的铅笔,说: This pencil is longer than that one.请你思考,还可以怎么说来表达相同的意思? (1) That pencil this one. (2) That pencil this one.你用了not as/soas结构了吗?这个结构的意思你懂了吗?任务四:操练。请用身边的人或物造句操练not as/soas结构,并在小组中大声说出来,然后向全班展示。任务五:两人合作,谈论各自喜欢的户外运动,如:hiking, swimming, cycling, skiing, camping, diving等,并说明喜欢的理由。(1) A: Whats

6、your favourite outdoor activity?B: A: Why?B: Because its .(2) A: Do you like swimming or skating? B: I like both. I think swimming is as as skating. A: But I think swimming isnt as/soas skating.任务六:小组活动。(1) 自主完成C1和C2部分练习。(2) 四人一组进行对话练习,各抒己见。(3) 走上讲台,在全班同学面前进行对话展示。订正、笔记栏【总结提升】1. 本课学习讨论的asas和not as/so

7、as结构的意思分别是。 你是否注意到了这两种结中的形容词是用原级,比较级还是最高级?订正、笔记栏2. 在许多情况下,含原级,比较级和最高级的句子是可以互相改写而意思相同的,请试着翻译:Li Lei 是班上个子最高的。 (1) Li Lei is in his class. (2) Li Lei is any other student in his class. (3) Nobody else in his class Li Lei.3. 学习本课内容你有什么技巧? 【当堂反馈】 (一)单项选择。( )1. “My Heart Will Go On” was one of songs of 1

8、998.A. popularB. more popularC. popularestD. the most popular( )2. Shanghai is larger than in China.A. any cityB. any other cityC. any citiesD. all the cities( )3. Simon is of the two.A. tallerB. the taller boyC. the tallest boyD. the tall boy( )4. I think Jack is as you at English.A. as goodB. as w

9、ell C. as betterD. so good( )5. We must do work with people.A. more, lessB. less, lessC. fewer, fewer来源:xYzkW.ComD. more, fewer( )6. The teacher tells us to do our homework as as we can.A. more carefullyC. more carefulB. carefullyD. careful( )7. Skiing is so that Im very it.A. interesting, intereste

10、d at C. interesting, interested inB. interested, interesting inD. interested , interesting at( )8. His composition is better than mine.A. moreB. veryC. much D. a lot of(二)完形填空。Im writing to you from America. You dont know 1 happy I am. I have many new friends here. We often play with each other. Whe

11、n I am 2 , they always give me a lot of help. Cathy in one of my 3 friends at school. She has a round face 4 a pair of glasses on her nose. She is two months older than me, but a little 5 . Shes very helpful. She is a 6 student and she 7 all her lessons. She often helps me with my English. We like to chat with each other at lunchtime. After school, we always go back home together 8 we live on the same street. Sometimes, I go to a dance club with her. She dances wel



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