江苏省高邮市车逻初级中学九年级上英语Unit 1《Star sings》Reading2学案.doc

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1、高邮市初中英语导学案(9A Unit 1 Star signs Reading2)班级:_ 姓名_ 自我评价_【学习目标】1知识目标:(1)理解并会使用课文中的表达方式(2)辨认并理解关于任何性格特征的词汇2. 技能目标:使用不同的形容词描述某人的性格特征3情感目标:培养对星座的兴趣,了解相信西方星相是为了取乐。 学习过程【预习指导与检测】 (一)预习指导 1.treat everyone equally 平等对待每一个人 treat as 把看作2.have a good sense of houmour 有幽默感3.We love being friends with him. love

2、doing sth. 喜爱做某事 be friends with sb. 与某人交朋友(二)预习检测A、仔细阅读课文,相信你就能把下列短语译成英文决定你的星座 _ 过于担心_原谅别人的过错 _ 只在意自己 _ 平等的对待每一个人 _ 确信自己的能力 _对感到好奇 _ 照顾别人 _有很多经历 _ 喜欢见到人 _B、用适当的介词填空来源:学优中考网xYzkw1. Its clever your brother to be good _ planning things.2. A person the Aries can be thought of being a wise leader.3. Man

3、y people think that he is strange as he hates to be the others.4. Lily looks the same Lucy, but her character is very different _ Lucys.5. Its silly _ you not to forgive others _ _ their faults.6. She was so confident _ success that she even didnt care _ the result atall.(三)同学们, 在完成上面练习以后,两人一组活动,谈论彼

4、此的星座和性格特征。(四)预学质疑:如何恰当使用词汇描写人们的性格特征。【课堂导学与互动】任务一:拓展活动来源:学优中考网1 学了课文,你对十二星座掌握多少啦?请写一份对你自己个性特征的描述,完成第11页D1部分的练习。如:My characteristics: I am good at sports. I like playing football very much. I always plan things carefully. My classmates often say I am very patient.Sometimes, I am patient enough to wait

5、 for a long time without getting angry.Do my characteristics match what my star sign says about me? My star sign is Capricorn. I think my characteristics match what my star sign says about me.2 看一看是否与星相学上所描述的星座性格相同。老师挑选几位同学朗读自己的描述,你有勇气在大家面前试试吗?相信你一定行的!3 和你的同桌合作,完成D2部分的练习. 如:4 My partners characteris

6、tics: He is good at sports. He likes playing football very much. He always plans things carefully. He is very patient. Sometimes, he is patient enough to wait for a long time without getting angry.5 然后交换课本,比较所写的答案,和你的同桌展开讨论。如:I agree with what you have written because Im . I disagree with what you h

7、ave written because Im not. 任务二:学完了课文,你掌握本课的学习内容了吗?你能做下面的题目吗?试试吧! 来源:xYzKw.Com1.她喜欢与别人争论 She likes to _ . 2.他有很强的幽默感 He has _. 3.她是如此的有想象力,以至于她事事都喜欢憧憬。She is _that she _everything.4.我星座上说的很符合我的特征。_my characteristics very well.5.你有时很愚蠢,与别人争吵。Sometimes _others.6.你们放弃这次国外旅行太可惜了。What a pity that you _ .

8、 7.我们只有充满创造力和想象力,才能把学习搞好。We can study well _. 【总结提升】根据本课所学的内容,你能向我们介绍你好朋友的性格吗?请好好的准备哦!(不能少于10句话)任务三:家庭作业1记忆相关词汇,词组和句型。2熟读课文。【当堂反馈】一、单项选择1. A woman _ long hair is coming to us.A. in B. with C. has D. on2. Your school things should _.A. be looked after well B. be looked well afterC. be taken good care

9、 of D. be taken care of well3. Could you tell me how much it _ to fly to Beijing?A. costs B. spends C. takes D. pays4. I was born _ the evening _ March 12. 1977.A. in; of B. in; in C. on; of D. on; in5. The nice birthday card _her.A. makes B. made C. was made to D. was made by6. There _ ice and snow

10、 in winter.A. are too much B. is too much C. are much too D. is much too7. Hes a person who always _ details.A. pay attention at B. pays attention for C. pays attention to D. pay attention to8. I cant decide _.A. to buy which one B. which one to buy C. to buy which D. which to buy one9. It was _ a f

11、ine day that we went to the beach.A. so B. such C. very D. too 10. It is selfish _ Eddie _ the whole birthday cake. A. for; eat B. for; to eat C. of; to eat D. of; eating 二、单词拼写1. He pays a lot of _ _(注意)to the details.2. Yao Ming is _ _(成功的)in his basketball career.3. People all over the world love

12、 _ _(和平).4. He is _ _(外向型的). He isnt afraid to meet strangers.5. Human beings are _ _(有创造力的)animals.6. This toy is not _ _(适合的)for young children.7. He usually spends a lot of time _ _(看)newspapers.8. This girl is polite and _ _(文雅的). We all want to make friends with her.三、翻译句子,每空不限一词1. 一年被分为12个不同的星座。A year _ 12 different star signs.来源:学优中考网2.



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