江苏省海安县大公初级中学八年级英语下册 Unit 1学案(Period 4).doc

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1、【学习目标】语言知识:来源:学优高考网gkstk学习现在完成时,部分动词的过去分词和现在完成时与一般过去时的区别。语言技能:来源:学优高考网1. 听,说,写现在完成时的相关内容。2. 在特定语境里正确使用现在完成时。3. 掌握与现在完成时相关的时间表达。课前延伸一、用所给动词的正确形式填空1. Mr Smith _ (be) a solider since 1980.2. How long _ you_ (study) in this school?3. Nobody_ (finish) the project yet.来源:gkstk.Com二、用ever, never, already,

2、since recently填空。4.-Have you _ been to the USA? -No, _. But I want to go there very much.5. I dont want to eat anything at all now because Ive_ had some food.6. -How long has Mr Li been a doctor? - _ 2005.7. Have you been busy_?来源:学优高考网gkstkKeys: 1.has been; 2.have studied; 3.has finished; 4.ever, n

3、ever; 5.already; 6.Since; 7.recently.自主学习记录卡1.自学本课内容后,你有哪些疑难之处?1. 你有哪些问题要提交小组讨论?课内探究1. 用正确的时态完成句子(1)Hurry up! Lunch _already_ (begin).(2) _he ever_ (ride) a bike?(3)Li Ming _ (hurt) his arm last week. He _already_ (stay) in bed for 5 days.(4)Yesterday, she _ (buy) one book in the bookshop. She _ (no

4、t read) it since then.(5)I _ already _ (lose) my pen. I _ (buy) it 2days ago.Keys: 1.has begun; 2.Has ridden; 3.hurt, has stayed; 4.bought, hasnt read; 5. have lost, bought.2. 选择正确的时间表达词汇填空(1)Have you done your homework_? (for, just, yet)(2)I have _been to Chengdu. (for, never, yet)(3)He has worked

5、there_ he left school. (already, just, since)(4)She has known Sam _nine years. (for, never, since)(5)Have you _ridden a horse? (ever, for, yet)Keys: 1. yet; 2.never; 3.since; 4.for; 5.ever.课后提升一、句型转换,每空一词。1. My mother has already finished cooking.(改成否定句)My mother _ _ finished cooking_.2. I have neve

6、r been there before.(改成一般疑问句)_you _been there before?3. We have learnt English for about 2 years.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _you learnt English? 4. He finished his homework just now.(用just替换just now)He _ _ _ his homework.5. She has lived here since she was born in 1999.(就划线部分提问)_ _ _She lived here?Keys: 1. hasnt

7、finished, yet; 2.Have, ever; 3.How long, have; 4.has just finished;5. How long has.二、单句改错。1. ( ) He has studied in a middle school called Chushui since in 2004. _ A B C D2. ( ) You can go around Beijing in light rail and have a good time. _ A B C D3. ( )Hes changed his idea, isnt he? Sorry, I dont k

8、now. _ A B C D4. ( ) Tommy felt a bit of frightened when he heard the strange noise. _ A B C D5. ( ) Although my cousin Wangjun was tired, but he finished his work on time. _A B C DKeys:1.D去掉in; 2.B in by ;3.C isnt he hasnt he; 4.B 去掉of; 5.C 去掉but三、 单项选择( )1. -My father _ Shanghai with my grandparen

9、ts.-Really? _will they come back?A. has been to; How soon B. has gone to; How soon C. has been to; How long D. has gone to; How long( )2. The old man got sick last April and _in bed since then.A. was B. had been C. has been D. would be( )3. - _did your uncle leave his hometown?来源:学优高考网-He _for nearly 20 years.A. When; has left B. when; has been away C. How long; has left D. How long; has been away( )4. John, our foreign teacher, left Nantong 2 years ago, and I _ him since then.A. dont see B. wont see C didnt see D. havent seen



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