江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学牛津版九年级英语中考复习学案:9A训练法unit 1.doc

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《江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学牛津版九年级英语中考复习学案:9A训练法unit 1.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省南京市溧水区孔镇中学牛津版九年级英语中考复习学案:9A训练法unit 1.doc(30页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、9A训练法unit 1基础热身单词吧1.划分,分vi.& vt._2.相似的,类似的adj. _3. 精力充沛的adj. _4.活跃的,积极的adj. _5.不耐心的,急躁的adj. _6.领导者n. _7.耐心的adj. _8. 储蓄,积攒vt. _9.公平的;公正的adj. _10.和平,和睦,安宁n. _11.辩论,争论vi. _12.傻的,愚蠢的adj. _13.错误,失误n. _14.幽默的 adj. _15. 不同地adv. _16.随和的adj. _17.做梦,梦见vi. & vt. _18.probably adv. _19.should modal v. _20.unfair

2、 adj. _21.inactive adj. _22.explain vt. _23.balloon n. _24.experiment n. _25.laboratory n. _ 26.toothache n. _27.dentist n. _28.butterfly n. _29.clone vt. & n. _30.awake adj. _31.cheese n. _32.lemonade n. _33.around adv. _34.available adj. _35.lively adj. _36.difference n. _37.mark n. _短语场1. have lo

3、ts to eat and drink_ 2. be divided into _ 3. at times _ 4. give up _ 5. take care of _ 6. save money _ 7. worry too much _ 8. pay attention to_ 9. argue with _ 10. keep secrets _ 11. be good at_ 12. get angry _ 13. dream about_ 14. care about_ 15. 平等对待每个人_16. 与某人分享某物_17. 各种各样的_18. 炫耀_19. 随时、永远_20. 很

4、容易交友_21. 第一只克隆羊_22. 去上舞蹈课_23. 在学业上拥有成功_24. 在上面有问题_25. 做某事得到乐趣_26. 能,会_27. 想出,呈现_28. 得满分_句型坊1.Well,You shouldnt worry about not _(have) breakfast. 2.However,sometimes its silly of you not_(forgive) others for their mistakes. 3.You are patient enough to wait for a long time without _(get) angry. 4.Mr

5、Wu spends a lot of time _(explain) things to us. 5.I dont think hed _(能够)organize things well. 6.Who _(别的) would be suitable? 7.We are writing _(推荐大卫当) the new chairperson of the Students Union. 8.We hope that you _(同意) us. Comic strip & Welcome to the unit重难点突破Follow Me知识点 1 bring的用法【原文出处】Its nice

6、of you to bring me the newspaper,Hobo.【用法】bring意为“带来;拿来”,做及物动词,其习惯搭配为:bring sb sth或者bring sth to sb,意为“把某物带给某人”。注意:在sth是代词时,那么只能用bring sth to sb结构。【典例】(北京朝阳中考2008)_ away this dirty shirt and bring me a clean one.A. Pick B. Bring C. Carry D. Take应选:_ 解析:由后半句“拿件干净的衬衫给我”可推知前半句意为“拿走这件脏衬衫”。此处take away“带走

7、”与bring“拿来”对应。故选D。明辨异同bring强调的是把某东西带到说话人的身边,而take强调的是把某物从说话人身边带走或随身带着。Step by Step单项选择1.(浙江中考2007)Why do Chinese people like red? Because they think it can _ them good luck.A. carryB. bringC. makeD. take2.(福州中考2009)-Must I _ my camera, Lily? -No, you _. Dont worry. Ill take one myself. A. to take; m

8、ustnt B. take; neednt C. to bring; neednt D. bring; mustnt3.(泰安中考2009) Its half an hours walk from here to the bus station. Dont worry, Ill _you there. A. bringB. get C. carry D. take用bring和take的适当形式填空4._me the book ,please.5.Who _my pen just now?知识点 2 短语worry about的用法【原文出处】Well,you shouldnt worry a

9、bout not having breakfast then.【用法】worry about是固定词组,相当于be worried about,意为“为而担心,about是介词,后面跟名词、代词或动名词做宾语,not doing 是其否定形式。【典例】根据句意和中文意思填词(宁波中考2008)The old woman looked_(着急的) because she couldnt find her purse.应填:_解析:此处的look的意思是“看起来”,为连系动词,后面跟形容词做表语,又因为表示的是“人感到着急”,所以此处填worried或anxious.明辨异同worried,wor

10、rying均是worry的形容词形式。worried“烦恼的,焦虑的,担心的”用于修饰人;worrying “令人烦恼的”用于修饰事物。根据汉语完成句子,每空一词6.不要为我担心。Dont _ _ _.7. 许多学生担心没有足够的时间准备考试。Many students _ _ _ _enough time to prepare for the exam.8.(攀枝花中考2008) 那位老大娘很担心她的儿子,因为地震后他没有露面。That old woman was_about her son because he didnt _ up after the earthquake. 用worry

11、的适当形式填空9.He has a _look. 10.This was a _ day .巩固应用 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Its very _(interest) to read my stars.2.Dont worry about_(not finish) the work!3.My little sister has lots _(eat) and _(drink).4.I will go hiking if it_(not rain) this Sunday.5.Its a good chance_(learn) a lot about the protected animals.二、单项选择1.Its nice_you_me with my English.A.of; to help B.for ;to help C.of; helping D.for;helping2.Dont forget _me my dictionary tomorrow.A.to take B. to bring C.taking D. bringing3.Would you like something_?A.to eat B.for eat C. of eat D.eating4.Dont worry.We have _



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