江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语下册:Unit4 A good read Reading1教案.doc

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1、 8B Unit4 A good read教案Reading1教学目标1读懂文章.对格列佛游游记有初步的了解。2能哆通过上下文猜测词意。来源:学优高考网3理解句子之间的因果关系, 增强整体阅读能力。4激发学生阅读名著的兴趣。教学目标教学内容四会内容词汇:against tie cover stomach until finger tiny continueeithermanageliftmust shoulder词组:by the time be tired out be tied to look down the same size as fall over continue doing s

2、th begin doingto do sth manage to do sth a huge army of run away get away句型:After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could. It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face.However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.I did not know w

3、hat to say eitherI tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropesGulliver found himself unable to move.三会内容 词汇:unable教学准备:1 图书格列佛游记或其封面图片。2电影格列佛游记中和课文有关的片段。3配套磁带或光盘。背景知识来源:学优高考网 格列佛游记是英国讽刺作家乔纳森斯威夫特的小说。小说以第一人称叙述, 通过主人公英国外科医生格列佛游“小人国”、“大人国”、“飞岛国”等地的奇遇, 对18世纪前半期的英国进行了全面的讽刺和批判, 抨击了当时

4、的议会、司法等方面的黑暗, 揭露了英国统治者的殖民政策, 歌颂了劳动人民的反抗梢神, 具有鲜明的民主主义思想特色。 本文选自小说的第一卷“小人国”。1699年5月4日, 格列佛应“羚羊号”船长的邀请, 乘船到太平洋一带航海, 因遇风暴, “羚羊号”触礁沉没了。他和五个水手跳入救生艇中逃生, 可是在半途救生艇也翻了。格列佛只身被风浪刮到利立浦特岛上。因为过度疲劳, 他在草地上睡了一夜。醒来后被小人捆住献给国王。后来格列佛温顺的表现逐渐赢得了国王和人民对他的好感, 他也渐渐熟悉了小人国的风俗习惯。在格列佛的帮助下该小人国打败了另一个小人国, 但是格列佛不愿灭掉该国, 国王对此很不高兴。这时, 王后

5、寝宫失火, 格列佛急中生智, 撒了一泡尿把火扑灭, 谁知却让王后非常生气。于是, 小人国君臣准备除掉格列佛。格列佛听到风声, 逃到那个被打败的小人国, 后来辗转平安回到英国。教学步骤Step I导人教师和学生讨论曾经读过的故事, 如:(1)Are you interested in reading stories?(2)What stories have you read?(3)Why do you like them?来源:gkstk.Com鼓励并帮助学生说出一些书名或故事名, 如:Alice in Wonderland (爱丽丝漫游仙境)、Snow White(白雪公主)、Cinderel

6、la(灰姑娘)等。Step II呈现 1教师向学生介绍:The story were going to read comes from the English novel Gullivers Travels.给学生展示格列佛游记这本书或其封面图片, 并问学生:Have you read this book before? 如果有学生回答Yes, 可以让该学生简单介绍这本书的主要内容;如果没有学生读过, 教师可以简要介绍一下。简介如下: Gullivers Travels was written by the famous British writer Jonathan Swift. This

7、novel tells US Gullivers amazing adventures in some countries, including Lilliput (小入国), Brobdingnag (大人国), Laputa (飞岛国)and Houyhnhnms(智马国). 2教师接着说:Do you want to know more about this book? Turn to page 50 and read an extract from the bookStep III阅读 1 让学生快速浏览课文, 然后回答以下问题:(1) Which adventure does thi

8、s extract belong to? (A)来源:学优高考网gkstk A Lilliput (小人国). B Brobdingnag (大人国) C. Laputa (飞岛国)(2) In this extract, who am“I? (B) A Jonathan Swift. B Gulliver.C. Sandy(3) How many tiny people did “I” meet in the end? (C)A. One. B A few.C. A large number.学生在回答问题时, 教师可以用英文对其中所含的生词作适当提示。2 学生再次阅读课文, 并猜测B 1部

9、分单词的意思。对学生不明白的地方稍加解释。教师说:Read the extract again and find the meanings of the words in Part B1. 3让学生仔细阅读课文, 划出难以理解的句子, 并完成B2和B3部分的练习, 全班核对答案。同时由学生提问, 教师解释难句。教师说:Read the extract carefully and match the events with their causes in Part B2. Then read the sentences in Part B2. Then Then read the sentenc

10、es in Part B3 and check for mistakes.4教师播放录音, 要求学生轻声跟读, 并注意语音语调, 尤其是生词的读音。能力较强的学生尽可能记忆文章内容, 教师说:Read after the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.5让学生阅读B4部分Kitty和sandy的对话, 并根据记忆将对话内容补充完整, 然后全班核对答案。6教师可以再次播放录音, 让学生大声跟读, 加深对故事情节的理解。7教师就课文内容提出更深入的问题:(1)Did Gulliver know where h

11、e was when he woke up? (No, he did not. )(2)Why did the tiny people tie Gulliver to the ground? (Studentsown answers. )(3)Did Gulliver do anything to help himself out? What did he do? (Yes. At first he shouted at the tiny people, and then he tried to pull his hand free. Finally, he managed to break

12、the ropes.)(4)What were those tiny peoples reactions to Gulliver when he tried to help himself out?(At first, they were shocked by the loud noise that Gulliver made and they all fell over, but they soon got up again and continued moving across Gullivers body. Then they began talking to Gulliver. Whe

13、n Gulliver lifted his 1eft hand into the air, they began to shout and a huge army of tiny people came straight towards Gulliver. ) 上面设计的部分问题需要学生用自己的语言组织答案, 第3、第4题仅靠一个学生完整回答难度较大, 可以让多个学生回答, 不断补充, 将问题回答完整。在提问过程中, 教师可适当提示。Step IV活动1教师说:Gulliver came to a strange land after their ship crashed against th

14、e rocks. Suppose youre Gulliver, can you tell others how strange it was in your own words? 让学生复述课文内容。可想像格列佛的心理活动。2 教师可以给出开头:Oh, where am I? I need to get up. Whats wrong with my arms and legs? I cant move. My hair hurts. It seems theyre all tied to the ground with the ropes. Who did it?.3可以让学生四人一组讨论, 由一个代表来陈述。小组之间互相评价。来源:学优高考网Step V家庭作业1熟读课文, 能力较强的学生背诵。2完成教师布置的相关练习。


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