江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语下册:Unit4 A good read Welcome to the unit教案.doc

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《江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语下册:Unit4 A good read Welcome to the unit教案.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省东海县横沟中学八年级英语下册:Unit4 A good read Welcome to the unit教案.doc(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 8B Unit4 A good read教案Comic strip and Welcome to the unit教学目标l了解不同类别书的的英文表达。2能用英语谈论喜欢的书以及喜欢的原因。3激发学生对阅读的兴趣。教学内容四会内容 词汇:read cooking Germany knowledge spare French writer ugly touch 词组:a book about improve my knowledge of in your spare time French writer句型:Have you decided what to do with these book

2、s? What do you like to read in your spare time? I like reading novels and plays. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched me.三会内容词汇:novel教学准备1教学挂图。2配套磁带或光盘。教学步骤来源:学优高考网gkstkWelcome to the unitStep I导入1教师说:When Im free, I like reading books. Books help me improve my knowledge. Do you like r

3、eading in your spare time? 如果有学生回答喜欢阅读, 教师可接着问学生:What books have you read recently? 让学生说出最近阅读的图书的书名。2教师从学生的回答中选择类别不同的书名, 写在黑板上, 让学生根据书名判断书的类别, 教师说:What type of book is this? 从而引出书的各种类别, 如science科学、cooking烹饪、travel旅游、health健康、fantasy幻想、history历史、novel小说、play戏剧等。写在黑板上。此处也可以让读过该书的学生简单介绍书的内容, 便于学生对图书类别的

4、概念加深印象。Step II呈现l 让学生打开课本, 翻到第49页, 完成A部分的练习:Turn to page 49 and write来源:gkstk.Com the type of book under each picture.Then put a tick in the box if youve read this type of book before.2全班核对答案, 教师问学生:What type of book are you interested in? 让学生谈淡自己喜欢的书的类型, 并问学生:Have you ever read this type of book? 得

5、到学生的肯定回答后, 可以更深入地问一些问题, 如: (1)What is the title of the book? (2)What is the book about? (3)Do you like the book? WhyWhy not?来源:学优高考网3教师播放B部分的录音, 并呈现以下问题: (1)What is Daniels favourite type of book? Why? (He likes history books best. They improve his knowledge of the past. ) (2)What is he reading now?

6、 (He is reading a book about Germany in World War II.) (3)What does Sandy like to read? (She likes reading novels and plays) (4)What book does she think is great? Why?( The Hunchback of Notre Dame by the French writer Victor Hugo. The story of the ugly man Quasimodo really touched her)4学生带着问题听录音, 学生

7、回答后, 教师板书并解释新单词和词组: Germany、improve my knowledge of the past、in your spare time、 French writer、ugly、touch me.Step III 操练1 让学生跟读B部分的录音, 注意语音语调。对于人名、书名, 让学生在课本第151页、第152页的专有名词表中找到音标和释义。教师说:Now read after the tape. Pay attention to your pronunciation of the proper nouns.2 学生两人一组, 仿照B部分的对话, 谈论自己喜欢的书并说明理

8、由。教师说:Work in pairs. Talk about the type of book you like and why you like it. Use the conversation in Part B as a model.3 挑选几组不同层次的学生进行对话表演, 鼓励学生在对话时尽量不看课本。Comic stripStep I来源:学优高考网1 让学生合上课本, 教师说:Im glad to know most of you like reading. Does Eddie like reading too? Lets listen to the tape and find

9、 out the answer.2 教师播放Comic strip部分的录音, 让学生听后回答以下问题: ( 1)What did Eddie do after Hobo gave the books to him? (He used them to reach the box on the fridge.) (2)What did Hobo think? (He thought that Eddie liked reading books.)(3) Does Eddie really love reading? (No, he does not.)来源:学优高考网gkstk3让学生打开课本,

10、 跟读Comic strip部分的录音, 提醒学生注意语音语调。教师说:Read after the tape and pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.4教师解释重点句子:(1)-Have you decided what to do with these books? -Not yet. (-你已经决定了怎么处理这些书吗? -还没有。) (2) I didnt know you liked books! (我不知道你原来喜欢书!)Step II活动1让学生两人一组, 分别扮演Eddie和Hobo来操练对话。教师鼓励学生发挥

11、想像, 丰富对话内容:Work in pairs and role-play Eddie and Hobo. You can use your imagination.2挑选几组不同层次的学生上台表演:Now its your turn to act out the conversation.对于语言丰富和表演大胆的学生予以鼓励。3补充练习:完成短文并复述Comic strip部分的内容。Eddie asks Hobo (1) _ _ _with the books. Hobo has not (2)_ _.Eddie asks Hobo to give the books to him. E

12、ddie feels (3) _because he did not know that Eddie (4) _the books. In fact, Eddie wants to use the books to (5) _ the box on the fridge.(1 what to do;2 decided yet;3 surprised;4 liked;5 reach)Step III家庭作业1记忆词汇、词组和句型。2熟读Comic strip和B部分的对话, 能力较强的学生背诵。3完成教师布置的相关练习。4预习Reading, 让学生提前熟悉格列佛游记的故事情节或观看电影格列佛游记。


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