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1、汤山中学七年级下英语导学案主备人:卢建华 复备人: 备课时间:2013-03-16章、节Unit3教学内容Lead in第 7 课时课型New 学习目标重点难点同上导学过程教师复备(学生笔记)【自主学习】翻译词组1. 一百个家庭_2. 养奶牛 _3. 种小麦 _4. 认识彼此 _5. 闻到花香 _6. 听到鸟唱歌 _7. 在湖上划船 _8. 在镇中心购物 _9. 在农场 _10. 带你参观我的家乡 _11. 一个适合居住的好地方_12. 在这里享受我们的生活_【合作交流】用所给中文或单词的正确形式填空1. Lets go to Taihe Palace to see _ (作品) of art

2、.2. There are about three _ (百) students playing on the playground now.3. This is my house. It has three _ (层).4. In my hometown, some families _ (养) cows.5. My new English teacher is very _ (友好) to us.6. We live in the _ (中心) of Moscow.7. Are this years cards _ (pretty) than last years ones?8. Look

3、 at the tall building, my friend Jim lives on the _ (nine) 教师复备(学生笔记)floor9. These are _ (he) toys. He likes them very much.10. The bag is one of the _ (visit).动词填空1. We enjoy _ (eat) Chinese food.2. People can go _ (walk) in the park near here.3. Where is the place _ (go) if you are sick?4. She has

4、 a lot of homework _ (do) every day.5. Listen. Who _ (sing) in the next room?6. Miss Gao _ (teach) us English this term.7. He often practices _ (read) English before the exam.8. What about _ (visit) our local theatre with us?9. A study is the best place _ (study) in my home.10. After _ (try) some delicious beef, he buys a kilo.板书设计:师生反思 上课时间: 年 月 日


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