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1、课题:Reading () 主备人:徐中洋 审核:_姓名: 班级: 学号:_学习目标:1. Further understanding the text.2. Learn more about fire safety.课前导学1、复述课文,提问wh- questions。2、从课文中找出下列短语。1. 帮助他的邻居逃出大火_ 2. 独自在家_ 3. 跑到外面_4. 听到有人在叫喊_ 5. 79岁的孙太太_6. 看到隔壁有很多烟_ 7. 把水泼在他的夹克上_ 8. 冲进孙太太的厨房_9. 用毯子将火扑灭_ 10. 住院两个月_ 11. 互相帮助_12.带给他鲜花和礼物_ 13、谨慎对待烟火_ 1

2、4、一个勇敢的年轻人_课堂活动Step 1 Revision1. Revise the vocabulary in the text by giving the definitions.2. Ask students to read the text after the tape again.3. Let students ask and answer questions about the story.Step 2 Presentation1. Explain the key words, phrases and sentences.1). help sb. out of a fire he

3、lp sb. with / (to)do sth.2). alone / lonely e.g. I often stay home alone on Sundays but I dont feel lonely.alone = by oneself = on ones own3). hear sb do /doing sth; see do/ doinge.g. I often hear the girl next door play the piano in the morning.Last night when I was doing my homework, suddenly I he

4、ard someone shouting Help! Help!.4). a 79-year-old Mrs. Sun an 8-day holiday; two-hour homework5). hurt, hurt by firee.g. The boy fell off the bicycle and hurt his leg. 6). pour over 7). put out the fire put on/ up/down/ into/away8). be in hospital / be in the hospital e.g. Grandpa is badly ill toda

5、y. Now he is hospital. His father works in the hospital.e.g. I should keep my father from smoking.11). Thank you for joining us this evening. Thank you / Thanks for sth. / doing sth. e.g. Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party. I had a good time.Step 3 Further understanding of the text1. V

6、isit Zhang Hua in hospital in Part C1). First read the task to understand it.2). Read the dialogue to find out and correct the mistakes.3). Read the conversation in pairs.2. An interview in Part B21). Do it in groups. In each group one student can be Zhang Hua, the others can be reporters to intervi

7、ew him. 2). Then choose some groups to perform.3. Fire safety in Part D1). Read the sentences and match the right pictures.2). Read out the sentences.3). Ask students to think of other ways about fire safety. e.g. Dont run on the stairs. Dont play on the road. Dont lean out the window.Step 4 Assignm

8、ent1. Revise what we learned from P78-80 and remember the new words.2. Do some other exercises.课堂反馈一、根据首字母或中文提示,完成单词。1. Tom is _ (勇敢的)enough to help the old man out of the fire.2. Yesterday I was at home a_(by oneself).3. There was much (烟), and the old woman _ (伤)her leg.4. Lily is c_ (without care

9、)to _ (倒,泼)dirty water.5. Look, the _ (毯子)is _ (烧).We must put out the fire.6. Its very d_ to play football on a bus street.7. If you can _ (救,救助)yourself when you are in d_ (危险), you are _(安全的).8. What a t_ fire! It was caused by a _(火柴).9. They r_ (ran quickly) out of the house when the fire was o

10、n.10. Listen, there is someone s_ for help in the next room.二、根据汉语完成句子。1. 不要把垃圾倒进河里。Dont _ the river.2. 你必须使儿子远离吸烟。 You must _ your son _.3. 她住院已经两个月了。She was _ two _.4. 我叔叔在附近的医院工作。 My uncle _ near here.三、根据短文内容及首字母,填写所缺单词。Peter and Paul passed by a small house on their way home at night. They saw

11、thick(浓的)s 1 coming out of its windows. It s on f 2 ! said Peter, We must get help. The two brothers ran along the road shouting, Fire! Fire! They asked people to c 3 the police and firemen.They ran b 4 to the house on fire. They saw t 5 the window and saw an old lady sitting in an armchair. It was

12、d 6 for her to move. Peter and Paul t 7 their best to carry her out of the window and so they did! Some n 8 came and helped to take some things out.At once the firemen and the policemen came. They p 9 out the fire. The old lady cried sadly, but she was not h 10 . She thanked Peter, Paul and her neighbours again and again.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _6. _ 7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _教后反思


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