江苏省七年级英语《Unit3 Task》教案.doc

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1、编 号课 题课 型编写审 核时 间023Unit3 Task新授课刘芹王万梅2012.10.23一、教学目标: Ss know how to use the new words ,new phrases and new expressions. Ss can use the information to write something about our school.二、教学重难点: Ss can use the information to write something about our school.三、教学过程: Step1.Revision Revise Reading, Mil

2、lies school by asking the students some questions, and they try to retell it.Step2.Presentation Show some pictures about Millies penfriend, Liu Yis school to talk about his school.Step3.Listening Ss listen to the tape and answer two easy questions. 1.Does Liu yins school have a library?2.How does sh

3、e go to school?Step4.Reading Ss read the letter by themselves and try to answer the following questions:1. Does Liu Yis school have many classrooms?2. Where is their playground?3. Does she live near the school?4. Where do they read books?5. How long does it take her to get to school?Step5.Practise S

4、s read after the tape and try to translate some sentences. 1、谢谢你的信。 2、谢谢你的帮助。3、谢谢你在英语方面帮助我。4、我们的老师都很友好。5、Millie住的离学校远,但是Amy住的离学校近。Step6.Writing1. Ss talk about their own school by asking and answering questions on page41.2. Ss write a letter with the help of some Useful expressions on Page40.3. Check their letters.Step7.Homework.Recite the letter.Prepare Unit4 Welcome to the Unit.教学反思:


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