广东省博罗县泰美中学外研版七年级英语下册Module10 U1 导学案.doc

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1、七年级下 英语导学案 Module 10 A holiday journey Unit 1 What did you do? (_2_课时)来源:gkstk.Com主备人:胡文达 审核人:徐海英 梁结彩1. 学习目标:自己预习并且掌握以下单词和短语吧!Vocabulary: Pacific, so, guess, excited, wow, California, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Pacific Ocean, Santa Monica, Disneyland Phrases: 1.Where are you going on holiday?2. How lon

2、g did it take to get there?重点难点:特殊疑问句的一般过去时(规则动词的过去式,不规则动词的过去式)学法指导:1.正确朗读生词。 2. 牢记单词的拼写和词意。 3. 通过朗读对话,学会自主预习。知识链接:写出下列动词的过去式并背熟,同时写出中文意思。(参考课本120页)go _ get _ come _ ride _ can _ tell _ meet _ become _ know _ see _ spend _ send _ think _ teach _ make _ say _ read _ swim _ take _ do _ give _ run _ ea

3、t _ buy _ write _ leave _ have/has_ be_ _自主预习:1.找短语:(在课本60-61页中找出下列短语并做好笔记。)1.两年前 _ 2.在地图上 _3.在度假 _ 4.玩得高兴 _5.假日旅行 _ 6.电影明星 _来源:学优高考网gkstk7.多长时间_ 8.在太平洋_ 9.猜猜发生了什么事?_10.太棒了!_11.和某人一起_ 12.开车把某人带到某地_2.找地名。(Activity 1)独立完成Activity 1,在地图画出California, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Pacific Ocean, Santa Monica,

4、Disneyland这几个地名。 组长签名+日期:导学过程:1.听录音,写编码,完成 Activity1.2.听对话A. 判正误( ) 1. Betty went to Los Angeles last year. ( ) 2. Betty went there by plane.( ) 3. Betty saw many movie stars in Hollywood.( )4.Betty met Snow White and Mickey Mouse in Hollywood.( ) 5. Betty and her parents will go to Pairs this year.

5、B.听中说:回答问题:Where is Tony going on holiday?A.California B. Los AngelesC.再听录音,找出短文中出现的动词过去式,并写出原形。went-go _-_ _-_-_ drove-_ _-_来源:学优高考网_-_ swam-_3. 读短文,找答案(1) When did Betty go to Los Angeles?(2) How long did it take her?来源:gkstk.Com(3) Who met her at the airport?(4) Where did she go swimming?完成 Activ

6、ity 5 来源:学优高考网达标检测:一 用所给词的适当形式填空。1.-Where did you go last night? - I _ (go )shopping with my mother.2. We _( meet )at the school gate yesterday.3. He spent half an hour _( finish ) his homework yesterday.=It _ ( take) him half an hour _( finish ) his homework yesterday.4. Lingling _ (be ) with her f

7、riends yesterday.5. He _(come ) this city two years ago.6. I went _(swim ) yesterday.7. The movie was very _ (excite) , she was _(excite) at it.二句型转换。1. He went to China last month.(对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ to China?2. I spent three days in Los Angeles. (对划线部分提问)_ _ _ you _ in Los Angeles?3. I went to Beiji

8、ng with my parents last summer. (对划线部分提问) _ _ you _ with your parents last summer?4. He bought some flowers for his mother on Mothers Day. (对划线部分提问)_ _ he _ for his mother on Mothers Day?5. She enjoyed herself last week.(改为同义句)She _ _ _ _ last week.6. It took me one hour to finish my homework last night. (改为同义句)I _ one hour _ my homework last night.课堂小结:(教师完成或学生完成)自主反思:



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